Friday, March 23, 2012

T-ara's Soyeon sings while on crutches

I guess that's what you have to do when you're in T-ara, or they might end up losing their spot in the group.


  1. Awwwww, Soyeon... Just quit the job. I can feed you with my magick stick. Come live with me and my two cats!

  2. I seriously don't get why these idols keep performing injured, i mean one injured person doesn't hinder their "music" at all. People may think that it's "professional" but the way i see it it's just for attention. Healing?Injured?Can barely walk? STAY THE FUCK HOME.

    1. Maybe because it's Soyeon who's injured. I'm sure if Qri or Boram were injured they'd be lazing around at home since they only have like one line each.

    2. that's not how koreans work... no one in korea takes sick days from work for instance

    3. I agree, they all lip sync and its not like Soyeon is a great performer... She didn't even dress for the performance -- the '68 Soyeon thing was supposed to be a joke. It looked ridiculous (at least they dressed Nicole up) I'd put my money on a ploy for attention made by Soyeon and KKS, and congrats, it worked!

  3. Nicole was performing in japan with Kara on Music station? with her injured ankle.
    When I say performing, more like sitting in a seat and the camera periodically pans to her.....
    THis was for Speed Up. About last week or so.

    1. also, Soyeon is boss.

      She can have no arms and legs, yet she will roll out in the wheelchair or so and still sing. But I will give a huge Fuck You to the companies that does this shit. Why is Soyeon still on stage when Eunjeong takes a leave when she gets injured.

    2. I believe the first time Eunjung injured ankle she took drugs and had injections in order to perform LD. She then injured her knee, worse this time, she could barely walk or stand... and she STILL had to work to finish shooting that drama she was in--I wouldn't consider that leave tbh. :/

    3. Well, ya see rotary, There are trying to preserve the unf in eunjunf. They can't have their sexiest member doing too much work. And KKS reasoning was probably like:
      Eunjung has injured ankle, ok, now if she can't walk, she can't shake her shit for us, thus losing an important aspect of t-ara, dont perform eunjung.
      Soyeon, you have a nice voice, your leg has nothing to do with your voice, perform.

  4. I can't wait for next month to see what evil plan KKS has in store for 7-ARA.

  5. >implying this isn't just a ploy to get more sympathy buys out of fans

    all of 7-ARA are in on KKS' plans, T-ARA will be the #1 kpop girl group within 6 months for sure

    1. SNSD would have to disband first. I don't think T-ara can catch up to SNSD in popularity at this point.

    2. Haven't they already surpassed SNSD in terms of music sales? They did really well digitally with both Roly-Poly and Lovey Dovey. They still seem shaky with popularity for some reason. SNSD has each member being able to differentiate themselves, while T-ara still has 3 members just kind of there.

    3. Roly Poly was the best selling single for 2011, but keep in mind SNSD were rolling around in Japan at the time. Roly Poly made something like 2-3 million USD, but SNSD made over 18 million USD in 2011 in Korea WITHOUT factoring in The Boys which came out near the end of the year. The Boys sold over 300000 copies in Korea in 2011 too.

      If 6theory didn't shut down their forums, there's usually a thread that calculates sales and such, but I'm not going to look on the new ones because they're shit. But you can do your own research if you want, I just googled this info.

  6. Give all the members crutches! They could do another roly poly type song while dancing with them.

  7. What is the point in performing w/ crutches? It doesn't look good when a member is in pain while singing. It just doesn't feel right for me as an audience. Performing in crutches just removes the 'entertainment' part and gives me an 'awkward' feeling. If they really are desperate in boosting their popularity, 7ara must do what 6ara and 5ara did before. Nuff said.

  8. And nice work on removing the anon option. AKF is now in the state of what seemed to be in the good ol' days when the comment threads were clean to look at/read at. If only there were two comment threads for each topic, one for REAL AKFs and one for shitanons. Trololololo on that one.

  9. That would have been the perfect time to kidnap her, she couldn't run away

  10. Lol that shit is terrible. Poor her.


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