Friday, March 16, 2012

Question of the Week 35

This week's question comes from Anonymous  Feb 17, 2012 05:13 PM (http://antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com/2012/02/question-of-week-31.html):
What were the strongest/weakest debuts?

Thank you for your suggestion for this week.

If anyone has suggestions for later Question of the Weeks, please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, or leave them in the comments below. Thanks!


  1. strongest is hands down Miss A Bad Girl Good Girl

  2. Weakest:
    Rainbow - Gossip Girl
    Stellar - Rocket Girl

    Ailee - Heaven
    Spica - Intensely

    But seeing as Ailee is solo and Spica has a vocal trainer, idol groups strongest would be:
    SNSD - Into the new world
    T-ara - Lies

  3. I'd say Rania had a pretty strong debut. Decent song, strong vocals all around, sexy sex dance. Plus a dash of (arguably favorable) controversy for flavor. But they're still nugus so "strong debut" could be debatable too.

  4. Strongest

    Kara - Break It.

    I miss Sunghee.


    Girl's Day - Tilt My Head

    I felt bad for them when that song came out.

  5. I thought T-ara debuted with 'Good Person', and their 'lies' debut was fucking weak, that first live on m countdown, that was a joke, lipsyncing a debut performance, hahahahaha.

  6. I would vote Chi Chi for the weakest debut. That song was horrible and the performance was really lackluster.
    Strongest debut would be Bad Girl Good Girl. I haven't understood what is so good about that song but whatever, it was successful.

  7. Out of all the debuts I have witnessed, Warrior stood out for me the most out of boy groups, and I guess ITNW for girls.

    Worst would be any one of the throwaway 2011 girl groups. Nine Muses' debut song also set them back years since it was similar to Genie and they were a nine member girl group.


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