Friday, April 6, 2012

4minute is still around

I expected them to break up by now. Each passing year, Hyuna gets more popular and people still don't know the other four.


  1. Seriously, what are the names of the others? I just know Gayoon and...oh wtf I just forget her name. Think it started with an S...

  2. I'm not trying to be sarcastic, but who's the girl from the gif and jpg (except the last one.

    1. Believe it or not, she's the leader of 4Minute :/ I still don't understand it, but whatever.

  3. someone really should photoshop the the background picca . change that icecream or wtv she is sucking to a DICK!

  4. For those intested (If there is...)
    The girl from the gif is Jihyun
    Then it's Gayoon and Jiyoon
    and the last one is Sohyun.

  5. totally agree w this ... damn it i hate how they never show jihyun shes too sexy not to be on screen jiggling her breast all over the place

  6. The teaser sounds good though.

    Hyuna really is an enigma. Not that she isn't cute or has a great body but even by K-pop standards she isn't top notch or anything. She was fun and lovable on IY. Her solo songs were all really popular and catchy so that worked in her favor. But it doesn't really explain why the rest of 4minute are so unknown while she's one of the most popular K-poppers, at least by international standards.

    I guess it's because she's controversial or something.

    i have never raised that question in my mind until now, bitch can't do anything, no sex appeal, no voice...
    At least in after school raina can sing, even though she looks like a bush pig. Sohyun has nothing working for her.
    And i really do think jihyun is better looking than hyuna, not just because of her tits, but because her look is an unusual beauty. Gayoon as well, allbeit somewhat manly, but still, kind of pretty.
    But alas, hyuna has some sort of sex appeal people like and sadly, pho minat is left out.

    The teaser however sounds jazzy. And the fucking teaser image is so different to this.
    It seems like CUBE is following the trend of misleading fucking teasers.

    1. WTF are you talking about? She's obviously the second best member.

    2. Sohyun is like the saving grace in lives. You know if you actually pay attention in their lives..

      Like when they covered Fx's Danger, I would say she fucked up the least.

  8. I've said it a million times but the only relevant phominuteslut is Jiyoon. She pretty much saves every song :c

    1. Dang straight! Wasn't there a JiYoon/GaYoon sub-unit rumor going around. I think that sub-unit can actually rival HyunA's (not there's much to rival, minimal talent is required with maximum cleavage)given the chance. I really miss JiYoon's glasses days like in muzik, she was, and looked like a BOSS then.

    2. I'm still hoping the "Ssangyoon" Unit happens. Watch half the songs feature Hyuna anyway, just to be dicks.

  9. Teaser sounds like the "Careless Whisper" cover by Hyde back in the 90s...or maybe I only think that because they're Asian.

  10. Sooo this is the group of hyuna?? I didn't know if it was this or secret, anyway she is so averraed, no event a nice piece of ass or a pretty face and don't make me start with her lack talent.-

  11. I saw Gayoon (or was it Jiyoon) on that "Classic Songs" show, and she couldn't win even once for good reason. I know they've been trying to promote her, but it's getting nowhere. Hyuna had a strong fan force from when she was in Wonder Girls and brought a lot of attention to 4Minute, so I guess her being the only one people know if kinda of deserved.

  12. Hyuna's probably the only one out of 4Minute that agreed to be a total trashbag, hence her popularity.


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