Sunday, April 1, 2012

Shinhwa Venus + Eat Your Kimchi

This is seriously the hardest review I've ever had to do on AKF. There's nothing to make fun of, the song is good, Shinhwa doesn't have any worthless members, etc. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuut I heard of a video from Eat Your Kimchi that discusses Shinhwa.

Okay, I'll first start off by telling everyone that I hate Simon and Martina. They're just like the dumb fangirls I hate and are an embarrassment to any Westerner who likes Kpop. Okay, they're an embarrassment to mankind. Now let's get to the video.

The stupidity coming from Simon's mouth just baffles me. He sounds exactly like a 12-year-old fangirl. If he actually paid attention to the Korean entertainment world, he'd know that Shinhwa aren't just relevant in the past. The members have all branched out and done solo activities.

Then he talks about the song title. Yeah, we know most Koreans can't say Venus properly, but if he had actually listened to the song, they said "Venus", not "penis."

Lastly he talks about how many requests they had for Shinhwa and for other boy bands. First of all, knowing that Shinhwa has been around for 14 years, the logical deduction would be that the majority of the fans are in their 20s and 30s, you know, people with a life. He talks about how SHINee caused their servers to go down. Well yeah, no shit. Most of SHINee's fans are 12 years old and only got into Kpop after 2009 after the Hallyu (for music) exploded. There aren't many Shinhwa fans that are 12. Most of Shinhwa's fans got into Kpop well before the Hallyu started affecting music. Furthermore, most Shinhwa fans don't watch Eat Your Kimchi. Being over 20 years old, I have second-hand embarrassment watching their videos. I'm sure most people that are Shinhwa fans don't watch a Kpop show catered to 12-year-old international fangirls.

It's fine that they don't like the song. I personally think it's the best idol song to come out in ages. Shinhwa comes from the era where groups weren't filled with useless members. It's not like the 4th generation idol groups where the group is lucky to even have one member that can sing and another member that can dance.

Simon and Martina can continue acting like their target base for all I care. They can enjoy EXO releasing another 45 fucking teasers and debuting in 2035, but I'll just enjoy Shinhwa coming back with a modern sound, showing how much better Kpop would sound if most of the new groups weren't filled with filler members.


  1. I thought I was the only one who had a problem with them. :o
    Sometimes, they do like no research on the groups they review, and are kind of biased.

    I usually prefer it when Martina talks about Korean culture or something like that.

  2. I don't really like the song, but i can commend them on not saying penis.

    Anyway, eat your kimchi makes money off of koreaboos. SM will only put a lot of money into something that their target audience (12 year old girls) will enjoy. They would rather have SMs favorite brand of jailbait, than mature men.

  3. I say they were honestly stating their opinion of never hearing about them because they were around when the Hallyu wave was kicking in. They stated their own opinion on the song which I am fine with that, I happen to like the song and I am not a fan of EatYourKimchi. However, I personally don't like how they are disrespecting and having maybe a bit of background knowledge of them. They even have the audacity to still impolitely call the fan base the wrong name even though someone corrected them on twitter. I don't like how they handled the situation and I really hope they don't mention about any group in that manner again. Though I doubt since I never follow them nor will in the future.

    1. having not a bit of background knowledge of them. **

  4. Eatyourkimchi used to be funny & quirky when they started out but they had gotten way too far with their bad taste sarcasm that totally turn me off even before this dissing of Shinhwa

    They claim they don't know much about Shinhwa, erh, Eatyourkimchi is based in Korea, for some one that claim to breath K-pop, it would take 5 minutes to search up right? tsk tsk tsk

    I have no problem with their precautionary of Koreans having no V sounds and Venus would be a potential problematic word. Even if they don't like the MV or the song I'm okay with that too cus every one has their own preference in music.... but nope Simon & Martina didn't really 'review' the MV but dissing Shinhwa as "irrelevant", so ignorant & rude. Westlife, New Kids on The Block... might not be as popular as let say Bieber but hell they're sill highly regarded

    Any way, Shinhwa's 20K seats of 2 days concerts sold out in 40mins (tix price was quite stiff). Their 30,000 limited album was sold out (to retailers) in 1/2 day of its release, All-kill on music charts and Shinhwa is top on MCD vote this week and other charts..... Yes they might be not as immensely popular as other new groups but that is not shabby at all.

    Baffle me only in K-biz you see this age discrimination (wonder why management companies 'discard' groups so quick after some few years?). I really hope Shinhwa can break this mentality of 30's is too old to be in this business because EVERY ONE will get there eventually.

  5. I rather wait a thousand years waiting for Shinhwa's comeback rather than watching another EXO teaser T_T. EYK is a bunch of biased clogged-brain fangirl who only knows how to squeal "oppa" in front of teen idols who obviously haven't hit puberty and eat expired kimchi.

  6. I think EYK has some useful information about the food and some of the oddities. Sometimes it comes off as being too happy though. Of course this should not be someone's only source of information on Korea. One of their rare serious videos about some societal issues was a good first step in trying to shatter the image of this wholesome, squeaky clean Korea. Unfortunately the comments section even for that video weren't any better than the usual. It was stuff like "Hopefully it'll be better" or "How could Korea be like this" nonsense.

  7. "There aren't many Shinhwa fans that are 12."

    Aaaaaand that's why they're valid in saying it won't be too popular i.e. most music that becomes popular today is because of the tastes of 12-17 year olds (see: Kesha). You might not like them for how they act but they're correct.

    That's pop music.

    1. While that may be true, I think the problem lies in the way they measured this so called relevancy. Shinee was able to crash their servers while Shinhwa wasn't? That's their big support for whether or not people care about Shinhwa's comeback?

      'Cause you know, obviously their voting charts aimed mainly at international fans who have never set foot in Korea is the best source of information on Shinhwa's place in the Korean music industry.

  8. While the individual members may be still relevant, the group, an their past music, isn't. It's nice to see talented people come back together again and show a new song, but it isn't like the music they can make can be or is representative of the group they were back then. By releasing that song, they are really just marketing to people who knew about them and would still be into that, which isn't a smart marketing move, is not that genuine; ultimately, I understand what they were saying. Younger people drive the pop music industry everywhere, and they're probably not that into it. Maybe that comparison with outdated American 90's boy bands was a bad one, but they are just Kpop fans who enjoy Kpop and make comments about it from an international perspective. It makes sense that they would think the group coming back is a bad idea. It might not be the smartest assessment about it,but it's nothing to get butthurt about. What about them makes them biased fangirls? They have their own opinions, as you do.

    1. I do agree that their comeback might not have made a huge splash, but wasn't their comeback more about keeping a promise to their fans than to sweep the charts like they've already done before? I dunno, I'm not a Shinhwa Changjo (Oh look, I can look up a fan club name, unlike EYK), but this is what most forums are focusing on - the fact that they've kept their promise and have reunited on stage again.

      I usually don't have a problem with EYK, but they just seemed to be a bit ignorant about the subject. Maybe it's the fact that they focus on reviewing music videos instead of learning about the groups, but their comments make it seem as if the younger fans that they make these videos for are representative of a group's importance, and they're not.

    2. They don't come back with just that song (which composed by Andrew Jackson who also works with Britney Spears, Rhianna, Leona Lewis), they comeback with a full album. Personally, I like music just because it's good not because of artists' popularity.

      If Eatyourkimchi choose to be snarky, they should expected the criticisms heading their way as well right? fair game! It's not butt-hurting, people (fans & non fans) are pointing out EYK's ignorance

    3. I get what you mean about the snark and ignorance, and I understand how that really isn't acceptable considering the type of standards they seem to say they hold for themselves. I personally don't like the way they reacted to people who were saying stuff about what they said, as if no one besides them could have an opinion that is logical and not the same.

    4. I get what you mean about the snark and ignorance, and I understand how that really isn't acceptable considering the type of standards they seem to say they hold for themselves. I personally don't like the way they reacted to people who were saying stuff about what they said, as if no one besides them could have an opinion that is logical and not the same.

  9. I still havent listen to the song yet.....maybe in a few days I will.

  10. Whale whale whale.
    Eat your kimchi will forever be more relevant than ur whiny antikpopfangirl blog

    Shinhwa popularity is dead already.theres a reasons idols are idols
    No fangirl would want 30years old men as they idol
    Get a life
    Ur ahjussi is not relevant anymore

    Ur ahjussi is a FLOP

    1. What does whale have to do with this?

      Also, "No fangirl would want 30years old men as they idol"? Fuck you and your underage idols then.

    2. You act as if I care about the relevance of AKF. Bringing that up and "attacking" the blog means you can't properly defend EYK's stupidity. You had to resort to name calling and attacking to defend their position.

      If Shinhwa's popularity was dead, they wouldn't have sold out their concert. News sites wouldn't cover them so much. Just because international fans who only got into Kpop after 2009 don't know about Shinhwa, it doesn't mean they aren't popular in Korea.

    3. and I hope your favorite young idols will never age cus they too will reach 30 eventually

    4. They will. And they fame wont be the same as of now

      Delusional shinhwa fangirl.
      Ur ahjussi should just quit being an idol

      Ur and ur blog are the sole reason ppl hate shinhwa :)

    5. Ppl hate soshi probly bcuz of sones like u

  11. Although I wasn't around where Shinhwa debuted, I got into their older material a few years ago from watching X Man (they were hilarious there) and watching their previous music videos. In my opinion, this album seemed to be, in a way, trying to imitate the current trends and trying to keep up with the younger groups (no offence to Shinhwa fans). But with all that said I'm really glad they're back and I really hope to see them making their variety show comebacks.

    As for EYK, yeah they primarily come across as an overly perky and at times a pretentious pair to me, but I do occasionally watch their culture vids for fun and to see the point of view of a Canadian couple living in an Asian country.

  12. I find it strange that Japanese boy bands are allowed to go on in their 30s and even 40s (V6) but not Korean ones. There is a market for older groups that is being wasted in Korea. I'm too old to be interested in a bunch of teenage boys, unless their songs are exceptionally good.

    Lee Soo Man explained he created SNSD and SHINee to appeal repectively to middle-aged men and women. This strategy worked better with SNSD than with SHINee. SHINee do appeal to some older women but on the whole their fans are young, whereas SNSD have their fair share of ahjussi fans. Either way LSM is a smart guy and he knows there are older fans out there with disposable income...

    I'm not interested in Shinhwa but I'm happy they're getting this opportunity. I hope this will set a precedent for other groups and motivate their companies to keep them active longer. I also hope we will see older girl groups too. I feel weird when BEG or Park Bom are referred to as old.

  13. Honestly,I used to be a big fan of EYK when they started their channel.They were fun and all that,I found a lot of things about korean culture,but...in the past year,I hated watching them.I still do.They sound ignorant and rude about most things that are different from the Western culture and that just...makes me NOT loke them.Their reviews are biased and Martina is just as dumb about Big Bang as those 13-14 year old girls.They were once asked about which group would be successfull in the USA and they said : "ONLY Big Bang and 2ne1.Americans don't like groups without personality.Although SNSD is popular in Korea,americans can't relate to them." And that,in my opinion,was pretty damn rude.

    About Shinhwa,I'm young too and I started my Korea obsession in 2007,but I do know about them.Not a huge fan and all that,but I like them and I think this comeback will probably be one of the best comebacks this year~

  14. Anyone else think it's hilarious that their married?

    I'm pretty damn sure Simon is gay.

    And their reviews are real shitty. Really biased towards YG groups. They couldn't even review Russian Roulette correctly.

    They're tools and need to rush they asses back to Canada.

    1. Oh god are they Canadian don't let them back in :I

  15. I'm still trying to figure out this whole creepy kpop elitist system. I fell in love with kpop because of the music and the choreography, but then I encounter the fans and it makes me almost ashamed :/.

    I try to support all the groups I can - budding young boys and girls and legends alike, but these crazy preteens have this weird idea that only their favourite groups are allowed to exist or something. They actually scare the shit out of me. More than the pregnant teenagers in my hometown that can't take care of themselves let alone a goddamn baby.

    Don't even get me started on sasaeng fans...

    I have respect for any person who can put up with the idol training system and kpop's internal politics.

  16. Shinhwa's comeback song is basic at best, let's be real. People are only saying it's so good because it's Shinhwa. That being said, how did Simon and Martina become an authority on good music? I mean, they stan Big Bang and 2NE1. That's an obvious sign that they like trash.

    1. Trash???? I respect your thoughts, but it's all just a difference in opinion. I so happen to love BigBang, 2NE1, and I still enjot listening to Shinhwa. I get that you guys on here are angry, but I would apperciate it if you did not attack other K-Pop groups. It's Simon and Martina your mad at.

    2. Trash!? I respect your thoughts, but please don't go after other K-Pop groups. I so happen to love BigBang, 2NE1, and still enjoy listening to Shinhwa. It's Simon and Martina your mad at, so don't go attacking the other groups. I understand the fact your trying to make a point, and that it's your opinion, but please. Just don't.

  17. I LOVE EAT YOUR KIMCHI, So suck on them apples bitch.

  18. Wtf? Are they serious??

    Ah whatever, screw 'em.

    I absolutely love Venus. Definitely amongst the best releases this year, if not the.

    Plus, they're men. I like men. Tired of 'em pretty/girlie boys.

  19. I hate the K-pop review videos they make...bullshit. I watched one of Hot Summer and was turned off by them, until I watched one of their other Korean Ed. videos...those are the only ones I watch.

    I think Shinhwa's comeback is awesome.

  20. Eyk is always funny

    They can stan any group they want
    Just like u who stan shinhwa

  21. Hm, while this isn't a recent blog post, and I have only ventured into your blog a few times, I feel like I have to comment on some of the things you've claimed-

    1. Penis/ Venus: Let's not kid. "If he'd actually listened to the song, it's Venus'. Well that's dandy. I'll make sure to listen intently every time the chorus comes on to avoid penis bashing into my ears. EYK raised a legitimate point: it sounds like penis. No matter how hard one's fangirl ears try to ignore it, penis it is. Similar to BoA's Hurricane Venus- it just sounds like penis. Move on. Grow up.

    2. Shinhwa begin compatible with the modern kpop scene: Most of those who are 'into' idol groups are those in high school to late teens- early twenties. THAT is the target audience of kpop. Most of these fans know Shinhwa, they know it's a big deal for them to come back, but they just don't care. Shinhwa is missing the vital ingredient in a successful group: crushable members. These guys are heading into the thirties, so why would a teenage girl bother looking into them when groups like B1A4, SHINee, B.A.P and EXO have members the same age as them? For 'noona' fans, this is great. Shinhwa is awesome. But, like you said, these people 'have a life'. Highschool girls don't. So, who wins the music shows? Who sells more albums? B1A4, EXO, SHINee, B.A.P does. Yes, I went there. EXO wins over Shinhwa in a modern market.

    3. '4th Generation Idols': Allow me to bring your attention to EXO, who you seem to have a great love for. Listen to MAMA. Listen to 'What is Love'. Then, go google B.A.P and listen to then rap. Try to dance like NU'EST. Hell, try to beat B1A4 at singing. Now, try to tell me that these groups are useless. I'd love to see you prove it to me by rapping faster than Zelo or dancing ballet/jazz/pop with Kai, for example. 'Older' kpop fans need to stop acting so high and mighty- not all the talent lies with Shinhwa, g.o.d, Baby VOX or HOT. And if you think it does, then there's nothing more to say, is there?

    4. EYK's Supposed 'Target' Audience: Alright, last one. Simon and Martina are intelligent people, who graduated from university, taught students in both Canada and Korea and make money from blogging. Both have stated that they are no more than 'ordinary' kpop consumers. Martina 'hams up' her fangirling over T.O.P for laughs. The skits they create are funny for all ages, not just 12 year old girls. They provide analytic insights into videos like Brown Eyed Girl's Cleansing Cream or Sunny Hill's The Grasshopper Song. Can they help if a lot of 12 year old girls like to comment or watch their site? How would you know that ONLY these girls watch them? In the immortal (yet adapted) words of Super Junior- you blow my mind.
    Most of EYK's supposed 'haters' are just butt hurt fangirls. "Oh, they're so bias to ____". "Oh, they like 2NE1 and Big Bang, so, because I don't like those groups, their taste in music sucks!" Check yo self, haters, cause you might just be a 12 year old fangirl.

    Conclusion: I like Venus/Penis. It's a good song, and Shinhwa's popularity isn't dead, clearly, or they wouldn't have come back at all. But are they relevant? No. Most people in the music industry are older, and therefore have more appreciation for Shinhwa. But, Shinhwa will lose to EXO/SHINee/B1A4/B.A.P because, as a group, they're just not 'hip'. 4th generation idols have talent: and should you disagree, I invite you to compete with the most 'filler' member you can think of. EYK is entitled to their own opinions- they were humble about Shinhwa, admitting that they didn't know much about them. After all, googling a group doesn't make you an expert. Besides, what did you want them to do? Watch all Shinhwa's old music/ variety just to comment on them for a moment?

    1. What the fuck are you smoking? I'm dead serious, please tell me, I want some.

      I can't even believe what I just read right now. One of the most fucking retarded comments I've ever come across, even worse that it's coming from someone who THINKS they're making great points when in reality, you just shit babbled.

      1. I never once thought they said penis. It sounds like venus. If you think otherwise, you obviously need to see an otologist. It has nothing to do with 'moving on' or 'growing up', where the hell does that even come from? What does growing up have anything to do with me properly hearing "venus"? If you think what you wrote is na argument, you're pitiful. Really.

      3. lolwut? Ridiculous, especially ---> "I'd love to see you prove it to me by rapping faster than Zelo or dancing ballet/jazz/pop with Kai, for example."...I don't think antikpopfangirl ever stated that he was better than these groups. And let's just pretend he's not, and that he sucks at rapping, dancing, singing, and whatever-the-fuck. How in the world does this mean that he can't judge these groups negatively? Just because I can't sing doesn't mean I wouldn't be able to tell that Hara sucks at singing. You're using way too many logical fallacies. And that only means one thing: you're being defensive because you're offended, you can't actually provide good counter arguments.

      4. Going to university has nothing to do with one's intelligence. And no, the skits they create AREN'T funny for all ages, obviously because some of us simply do not think they're funny. "analytic insights" LOL'D at this.

      However, I still think antikpopfangirl sounded a bit butthurt....actually a lot. It's funny that this blog is dedicated to making fun of idiotic fangirls (such as yourself, I should add, judging from your dumbshit comment) and at the same time the founder of this blog seems to display signs of ass soreness himself at times.

      P.S. Also, I will admit that any other points you made that I didn't reply to, I agreed with them. So while your comment wasn't total complete shit....it was still pretty full of it.

  22. I thought I was the only one who didn't like them, holy fuck. Most of the time what they say is complete biased bull-shit, and they make stupid non-funny jokes that everyone seems to throw around (e.g. Bilasa, Batoost). They whale on people they don't like and they don't bother criticizing those they do. I was ok with them up until the fucking Teen Top vid where they ripped them for absolutely no reason, and didn't even bother clarifying their statements or doing damage control.

  23. "It's not like the 4th generation idol groups where the group is lucky to even have one member that can sing and another member that can dance."

    I concur.


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