Saturday, April 28, 2012

"SNSD is 9, 3 means nothing!"

What the fuck? This is one of the reasons I can't stand Sones. "POWER OF NINE DERP DERP!" Man, what part of sub-unit does this person not understand? "Oh no, Yoona is in Love Rain, but the other eight aren't in it! SNSD IS 9, 1 MEANS NOTHING!"

Well, I'm fine with this subunit. The three best singers are in it and I don't have to listen to the other six ruin the songs.

And that shit is why I don't like Sones.


  1. I'd like to see a SNSD subunit of Sooyoung, Yuri and Yoona. They can be called the "CHOPSTICK SISTERS" <---- This will be big!

    1. They don't have any talent OLOLOLO

    2. LOL I guess you didn't get it then.

    3. Nice subunit, nice name :D
      SONES(most) will probably complain that Jessica's not in the group (like what they did when the members of TTS was released)
      Why is Jessica so important anyway?

    4. Jessica's voice is kind of weak compared to TTS so yeah... I don't get it either. She wouldn't really fit.

    5. Never really liked Jessica... don't know why. I don't get why everyone(MOST SONES) are so over her.

    6. She unique and trained the longest in snsd..7years i think
      So she deserve it
      I dont like her going out with guys and ppl calling her friendly tho...

      Funny said that she is from america so she doesnt know korean culture..
      I guess being a TRAINEE FOR 7 YEARS is irrelevant

  2. I often thought to myself that if Soshi was just Tiffany, Taeyeon, Seohyun, Horsica and Hyogre they could actually be a decent girl group. I would be mad as hell if I was one of those five and had to split my paycheck evenly with those other four useless wastes of space. Only in KPOP is being aegyo and good at variety shows actually considered a talent and a plausible reason to be in singing group.

    I'm happy with this subunit but the song, in true SNSD style, sucks major donkey balls.

    1. Only on AKF would someone claim Sunny isn't talented

    2. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of shit singers in J-pop idol groups too. Like Fairies, they're pretty good dancers but most of them can't sing worth shit. They just dance really well.

  3. Now I want a Big Bang sub-unit without that one nasaly voiced attention whore and the one that sounds like a barking dog when he 'raps.'

  4. It ain't a bukkake without the full power of 9.

  5. "And that shit is why I don't like Sones."

    Does anyone even like Sones?

  6. Power of NINE? Would anyone like to elaborate which power each member has? BC I am at lost to what powers everyone's talking about!


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  8. Anyone else notice the ZERO likes in 6 hours? Theres always a few really (delusional ones in each fandom. Not all Sones (like me) are like that.

  9. The crazy factor is magnified on big websites like youtube and AKP. As one of the foremost Sones, there is nuttin' wrong with a subgroup. Also this EP is really good, it's their most solid material in a while.

    Although it is true that you must love all nine girls to be a true Sone. It's against our creed, you can't say "oh I live Taeyeon but I HATE Yoona", it doesn't work like dat. You can be an SNSD fan, but there's a reason why Sones are obsessed scumbags. It's because we love them. Plus honestly there isn't much to hate about the girls anyway, despite their popularity they're really quite normal, it's not like their super arrogant or aloof like CERTAIN IDOLS.

    1. Anyone can call themselves a S♥NE or a fan even if they hate the shit out of one girl.

      Just don't expect to show up at some event and be welcomed with open arms cause some crazy bitch will punch you in the face. Honestly there's no reason for these type of people to join the official fanclub anyway cause they'd probably be treated like shit by most fans.

  10. I like taeyeon alot. But i guess im not a sone coz i dont think jessica yoona and the others are Natural beauty
    Taeyeon can sings,Act dance and rap. But the others? And i feel like tiffany is a rude bitch.. Well was? Wtv.Mehhh..

    1. AHAHAHA Since when can Taeyeon rap???

    2. Since she was a epik high fan.
      Sm doesnt give freedom like yg does
      Hehehe search for it brah.

  11. Seobaby will forever be the only relevant soshi member for me.

  12. SM, unless most companies, seem to understand that fans hate it when you mess with composition of a group.

    Wonder Girls are 5-1+1-1+1; T-Ara are 5-2+3+1+???; After School are... well, you're getting into advanced maths there. Despite their numbers, SNSD haven't even looked like threatening to be anything else; that's the point of the oft-repeated "power of 9" thing.

    That fangirl is just massively overreacting though. The whole worry about subgroups in the past is that it could threaten the identity of the group as a whole, and others would suffer if it became a success (Orange Caramel, SISTAR19). But these days SNSD is way too established & popular for it to be a threat, so there's fuck all to worry about.

    1. how about SJ? 12+1-1.. don't know the rest.

    2. 12+1[Kyuhyun]-1[Kibum]-1[Geng]+2[Laumi]-1[Kangin]-1[Heechul]+1[Kangin]

    3. SM learnt their lesson with the shitstorm that followed Kyuhyun's addition and the protests when they announced Henry would be in SJ-M.

  13. I don't see the point in SNSD having a sub-group. In their case it has no purpose, other than to garner some quick cash for SM. IDK I just thought sub-groups were for groups that weren't all that popular and needed something to keep people interested in the group/a few members...SM is really going for the whole AKB48 thing with SNSD lately. IDC what anyone says...SNSD/most SM groups becoming more and more apparently "more talented" versions of Japanese idol groups. Overall I think this "cheapens" their image, but that's just me.

    Well, whatever, I been really bored of SNSD and the over-hype that comes along with them lately, and none of the people in this subgroup do anything for me. I like Seohyun, but not that much.

    1. I think 'Twinkle x2' might be a song for f(x)'s CB but was thrown in the trash for its crapiness then SM decided to make a sub-unit of SNSD.

      I think sub-groups are either:
      1) MOST LIKELY cheap projects made by companies to make more money(instead of bring new groups which would cost more to promote) (if you actually listened to their album (which I did), the songs made Twinkle Twinkle sound like a masterpiece, the album was rushed and disgusting)
      2) trying different concepts/styles(eg. Trouble Maker)
      3) your point, gaining more popularity (Super Junior M)
      4) (least likely) elaborating upon their talents (S.M the Ballad)
      5) promotion use (Anyband)

      However, this sub-group is neither of those and useless and random, I don't see how TTS works (they don't work well together), they are the most random combination. They could've easily chosen a better combination. The image of the group is just as random as hell.

  14. I'm a Sone (LOL I use that name, despite the lack of fanclub membership, just because everyone else who likes SNSD does as well), but there are times when I can't stand Sones.

    Many of them are so obsessed of the so-called-perfection of the whole SNSD, insisting on delusional things such as:
    - SNSD DON'T need gimmicks to sell well
    - SJJD are MUCH more popular than KARA in Japan
    - ALL the girls have never undergone plastic surgery
    - Hyoyeon is as important to SNSD's POPULARITY as Yoona
    - SNSD are the BIGGEST acts after Beatles and Michael Jackson
    - Sub-units are useless, the 9 girls must always stick TOGETHER
    - People love SNSD MAINLY because of their amazing talent/personality
    - Yoona, Sooyoung, Hyoyeon, Yuri can sing as well as other girlgroups' MAIN vocals
    - The girls don't have to work on their japanese because the group is an INTERNATIONAL act

    The worst thing is that you are considered as a hater/troll most of the times when you say anything not positive about SNSD/Sones. I've been labelled an anti a few times before, simply because I don't worship these flawless 9 angels. Oh well...

    1. ChrisBrownOnYoAas, I think you're an anti because so far, you've referred to one member of SNSD as a "slut", and another as a "rude bitch". Your misogyny, chauvinism and sexism speaks for itself, TBH.

      I'm a Sone, and I believe:

      - Jessica isn't all that and a bag of chips. She's pretty, but not "OMG GODDESS". I don't care for her nasty, stand-offish attitude, or her lazy behaviour. Her voice is nothing special either, it's whiny and nasal.
      - Tiffany is a better singer than people give her credit for, but she cannot dance.
      - Taeyeon's vocals are over-rated. All she does is belt and wail - and frankly, JeA, Luna and others are better than she is.
      - Hyoyeon, while a good dancer, cannot sing very well at all.
      - Sooyoung's singing and dancing has improved exponentially since SNSD's debut (she was actually supposed to be one of the "vocal" line until SM realized she wasn't very popular, and swapped her with Jessica, who was initially on the "dance" line), however she's nowhere near as good as Tiffany, Sunny, Seohyun and Taeyeon.
      - YoonA's starting to drag the group down. She's lacking in singing, dancing, and her acting is dismal (she can't do anything other than superficial cutesy-ness. Even Hyoyeon is more stable than she is.
      - Yuri's live singing is awful.
      - Seohyun is too damn bland! She has no personality.
      - Sunny does have a good voice - when she isn't chipmunking it all to hell.
      - TaeTiSeo is boring, bland and too clean. I would have preferred a "dark" concept rather than some cutesy-ass Orange Caramel crap. Their voices all sounded alike - I thought I was listening to one girl.
      - KARA is the most successful Korea to Japan transplant, I'm in awe of how well they've done.

    2. Lol the same old im a fan but..............

    3. Oh my gosh, S♥NEs who actually CRITICIZE the group? I must be in heaven.

      I agree with everything said. Absolutely everything. The fuck does everyone praise Yuri for in regards to singing AND dancing? She sucked balls at singing last year during The Boys. She fucked up their performance at MAMA 2011 by not even remembering the damn choreography (and actually Jessica fucks that up in like every MV).

      Yuri is smoking hot but the girl is not that talented.

  15. Being a Sone isn't a good thing anyway, pfft.(Well unless you're not screwed over in the head like most Sones are).

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  17. don't generalize Sones, please. that's annoying.

    as for the singing, i know some people are going to laugh about this, but i think Taeyeon, Tiffany, Seohyun and Sooyoung(YES, SOOYOUNG) are the best. Sooyoung's vocals are really underrated, imo. she trained the longest, after Jessica, she was in a japanese group called Route-0 before SNSD, and she was supposed to be in the vocal line, they just changed her position, because of her popularity. either way, she's one of the best dancers

    i dont get why Jessica is considered a main vocalist, i think her voice is super annoying and she kinda sucks at live perfromances. and her high notes are so bad
    and Sunny as a lead vocal? omg, now that's funny. she was the member with the least amount of training before snsd's debut, and she was included in the vocal line? why? her voice sucks so much and she's always out of tune. besides, she tries too hard to sound cute. maybe it's because she's Lee Soo man's niece? that explains a lot

    Yuri used to be good, but now her voice is a disgrace

    Hyoyeon and Yoona are seriously bad, but the worst is Yoona


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