Thursday, May 31, 2012

I was suppose to . . .

This could have been part of SNSD . . . 

I know that this is really old news to any true fan of the oh-so-awesome-power-of-9 and you are so terribly thankful that it did not make it through the final cut...but this is not the point of this post. 

The point is this, I feel like groups try and feed of the popularity of another by saying that they were suppose to be part of one group or another. The above being a bad example of the failed group trying desperately to cling onto the small popularity they had. (Are they even still around?)

I don't know why I feel so annoyed by reading those titles. Also the ones that say "this song was suppose to belong to x-artist" . . . why does it even matter? But then again my favorite thing about these posts is the fans jumping in and proclaiming that their group is perfect just the way they are...but if that's true, why all the changes in T-ara? You know T-ara'sSoyeon almost debuted in SNSD right...


  1. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luy0jz57LU1r6nusvo1_500.jpg

  2. They could've put Soyeon in SNSD, then the numbers of useless members would've decreased... by like 1 ._.

  3. its connections.

    It can be bad, it can be good, or it can just be a "what would happen" type of thought for fans to think about. The connections keeps fans thinking, keeping fans thinking makes that person still relevant whether they lost popularity or still has it.

    1. as far as the "this song was suppose to belong to _____", I think its retarded. I dont care who the song belongs to as long as the song is good. This shit reminds me of the Ke$ha and RDR shit. I like both versions, but to fans its like a deadly choice...

    2. That just screams of desperation. It's like why bother, it means the other singer rejected the song and now you have it. It only works if the song is hugely successful or something, but now that looks like you're just rubbing it in their faces.

    3. if they turned that rejected song into a popular one, I can see the group laughing their way to the bank. lol

  4. Its their rights
    Fans like u . Who thinks ur unnies being used are just butthurt

  5. Another thing that is an attention grab is the "Yoona/Seohyun's friend debuting!"

    Strangely enough, it seems to be SNSD a lot of the time.

    A more effective and less obnoxious way of self-promoting is the A Pink method. When Lizzy tweeted those photos of her and Na Eun, it was like "oh cool, Lizzy showing love for her new hoobaes, not "hey look, I know a member of SNSD!" I know SNSD don't have twitters but they have me2days and shit.

  6. who the fuck is dat thing anyway? (is that a guy or a girl? cmon kpop)

    1. Chan Mi(not even 100% sure if that's her name) from 5dolls/co-ed...

    2. dafuq. dats chanmi now? or was it during their previous promotions? LMAO what happened to dos bitchez. poor things Gangkiz already taking over

    3. I think it's a still from the video "Lip Stains" or something. I never followed the group I really couldn't give you a 100% accurate answer.

  7. Who the fuck is that?

  8. I also thought it looked like Chanmi from 5Dolls/Co-Ed too, i mean @_@ it's like a 80% chance it could be her.


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