Sunday, May 27, 2012

Soompi's Worst Kpop Group Names

That's right, I'm calling you out thunderstix.

Oh noes, a COMEDIAN made fun of Taetiseo's name, so I have to deflect my butthurtedness and make fun of other group names. To top the list was New F.O.

I actually don't think it's a terrible name. It rhymes with UFO and it kind of went with their concept...the concept of fucking aliens coming to Korea with some shitty-ass fucking music.

Most of the comments are calling out the author too. Hey thunderstix, keep that shit on Kpop Secrets.


  1. Take your pick


  2. One thing I gotta say though, Soompi has a much cleaner and well coded website than AKP. Whoever wrote it knows their shit a lot better. Headlines would be nice, but the speed alone makes it way better than AKP.

    1. I can't even go on AKP anymore. I get frustrated waiting for a page to load. This isn't 2000 anymore, so pages shouldn't take so damn long to load.

  3. I don't think any of the names on the list were that bad. o_O
    Like,come on. HAM is a lot worse.And EGG too. xDDDD

  4. Was I the only one who thought of the rookies A-JAX? I kind of hoped that DSP would use something that sounded...less like a household cleaner.

    1. Hahah.. the next thing is to create a counter-part group called Fabuloso.. A-Jax Fabuloso (Cleaner Brand). Maybe next year Dettol and Protex will appear... Wait, Durex sounds interesting too!

    2. i do like the name Fabuloso.. quiete cool :D

  5. The writer seems to just wanna bash 6T for some reason *shrugs* Though I think letters mixed with numbers.. especially if I dunno how to even pronounce them, are stupid names. Like B1A4 or whatever the effed they're called... Dal Shabet or whatever.. I just see Sherbet. People calling 2NE1 'Twenty-one' No, two & 'n' doesn't sound out 'twenty.'

    1. Bee One Ayy Four

      Also Americans have a habit of not enunciating the "t" in words so 2NE1 does sound like 21. It is also pronounced "To Anyone".

    2. Ok thanks I thought maybe it was like Bee il Ayy Sa like how B2AST name is pronounced. I read 2NE1 just how it says To any one.

    3. I too never made a connection between 2NE1 and twenty-one; it was about a year after I first heard of them that someone pointed out the whole American accent thing. I was like "Oh. Oooooohhhhh... so that's why they're called Blackjacks, then."

  6. Dat Shabet is just fucked up.

    I mean srsly one of your priorities to capture a market is the name just like any other brand--and the people don't follow your group to find out what the fuck your group name means, they follow it first because of its retention power.

    1. and I think I just refuted my own argument. but the idea there is Dal Shabet isn't appealing despite it's cracked up name. i don't see anything with that kind of name going anywhere

  7. "(Please let us know if you disagree with this list!)"

    AKP and soompi are one in the same. Just trying to get views and start arguments for more views.

  8. The very first time that i heard MBLAQ's name i thought it sounded cool until i read what it actually meant.... But the first impression striked on me for some retarded reason
    I always disliked super junior's name 'cause it reminds me of a cumbia group .-.

  9. The author thinks there's a creativity element behind Taetiseo's name. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. Anyway I sense a lot of butthurtness from her/him.

  10. The only ones I like are the few groups who have proper Korean names; Shinhwa, DBSK, SNSD, CSJH, Choshingsung... everything else is just really, really bad Engrish.

    It's tempting to go "Oh, group names these days are getting worse" but that's not really true. Sechs Kies? Baby VOX? For fuck's sake.

  11. Choshinsung is Supernova i just use the English name. yeah spank for not learn proper Hangul.

    1tym pretty damn cheesy but its memorable to those who care to remember.

    Gang Kids is starting to sound the most stupid. I don't know if K-pop has gone hood or just fucking retarded?

    1. It's Gang Kiz. I think it was a last minute change before they debuted.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. everyday u gene-rea-lize sones
    dut. dut. dutt. duuttt

    1. Sones give us a lot of material to work with. Same with 7-ara stans. More fandoms need to be like Kamilias and just fap to the group instead of bitching all the time.

    2. never hear any Kamilia's complaining about that. Agreed

    3. U should do more of cassie and kamilias then. Ans jypstans. They rarely talk about shits

  14. How can u hate on a shitty group like New FO? There's nothing TO be hating on XD Soompi is right. Has She'z made that list? Now that's a retarded name if there ever was one. It's a shame too, because their voices are actually pretty nice.

  15. I hate when the cunts in groups can't even get the pronunciation of their fucking group name right. I am talking to you

    Bi Bang
    Twenny Won
    Hello Penus
    Tin Top

    But when it comes to shittastic group names U Kiss takes the cake : Ubiquitous Korean International idol Super Star WTF I think I'll just keep calling you that groupIwouldn'ttouchwithatenfootpolebecausetheyareallassugly


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