Wednesday, May 30, 2012

T-ara's ninth member is 12, eighth member still a mystery.

Should have given her the name "Too Young"
Oh T-ara, you never fail to amaze me with your crazy antics. I should blame KKS for this, but come on, do the girls have no say at all? Okay, so they have no say at all, but I'd imagine some of the members might have some misgivings about a thirteen year old member joining their ranks.

Here are the facts:
- Dani is turning 14 this year. In Korean years, presumably, meaning she's twelve right now and turning thirteen later in the year.
- She will debut in December, while the mysterious eighth member will debut in July (probably so KKS can kick out some of the baddies in the mean time).
- She resembles a very young, female Seungri.
- She was raised in the US since she was four...so that means no more of this:

I get the feeling that KKS is going to pull some additional bullshit and the eighth member will be like 28 or some shit. Now THAT would be funny.

More Hyomin goodness. She apparently turned 23 on May 30th, sharing her birthday with Yoona.
Celebrate Yoona's birthday, or spend the night with Hyomin? I know what I'd choose. The first option of course.

I know what SHE got for her birthday...heh heh.

In case the innuendo was too subtle, SUNNY AND HER HAD THE SEXUAL RELATIONS.


  1. Aside from being as juvenile as GPBashit, she's a Seungri face. Can't fap to dis shiet. Nice try, CCM

  2. Bitch's probably get surgery for her nose. LOOKS SO BIG IN THAT PICTURE

    1. She. And her future fans cant deny if she did got surgery now :)
      Damn Pictures

  3. No she's 14 in real life. 1998.

  4. I am at a loss of words to describe the latest trolling from KKS. 12,13 or 14 years old and it's all the same, so KKS just gave his bald forehead a pad and all of a sudden has decided to target the pedobear niche market with Seungri's lost little sister?

  5. I swear, KKS and CCM as a whole should get the Worst-Member-Lineup-Decision-Of-The-Year-Award or some shit. Actually, no, CCM should have its rights as an idol management agency stripped indefinitely.

    " the girls have no say at all? Okay, so they have no say at all, but I'd imagine some of the members might have some misgivings about a thirteen year old member joining their ranks."

    They did have a say just prior to their so-called 'vacation' to Europe but even a goddamn dog could tell they were lying and playing it cool. KKS himself even said if any of the current members did anything that went against his bizarre member addition, he'd kick them out himself. Guy's probably smoking a shitload of crack every day.

    Now behind-the-scenes in their dorm, they very likely went apeshit - that is if they're not tired as hell from 12 damn activities in their schedule per day.

  6. 7ara is perfect, Hwayoung was the perfect addition, why are they ruining T-ara?

  7. She looks a little bit like pre-surgery Tiffany

  8. 13? Wuddaheo. That's the same age as I am.
    Ah, Kim Kwangsoo's fetish for young girls.

  9. I'm intrigued with the tags. Are they supposed to be some part of a countdown? LOL

  10. I must not be the only one who noticed that her left eye is bigger than her right eye.

  11. Announcing the 8th member after the 9th member

    Yeah, obviously

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. A loli with Seungri's face, wtf are they thinking ! Hyomin doesnt approve this


      i likey likey dis

    2. Hyomin gonna spend all her idol time with a seungri look alike.
      Seungri the one that causes her ezperience the wrath of vips for calling seungri oppas stupid

  14. she is actually kinda cute....>_>
    but WTF KKS, you are ruining 7ara!!! Yes, I am a hwa fan :D But 6ara music >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7ara

  15. I thought that girl looked familiar! On a different note, I don't think there is a way for T-ara to ever become what they once were. Adding members won't solve any problems, especially if one of them is in middle school!

  16. Well Seungri IS pretty damn good looking. Better him than Seungho from MBLAQ or Hyunseung from beast

    1. Lol really?
      U must be a seungwhore

      Im a dude but i think hyunseung more good looking than seungri
      Mblaq who?

  17. LOL she does look like Seungri, but not in the pretty kinda way. She still looks too man-ish to me.

  18. Hyomin cant rap in english for shit.

  19. Thank god that she doesn't looks like Daesung

  20. the eighth member debuts on July 7. that's my fucking birthday.

    1. I think it's 7th of June, Jiyeon's birthday. KKS has indeed prepared the best possible birthday presents for Hyomin and Jiyeon, debuting 2 new members on their respectively birthdays.Once a troll, always a troll. Next time KKS will probably debut his mother (if she's still around...)as new T-ara member on Eunjung's birthday.

    2. ^AHAHAHAH LOL You make a good point!!

    3. His mother will probably faint or die from a heart attack or stroke on the first day of experiencing T-ara's schedule. Though that goes to say, KKS probably won't last any longer himself.

    4. More like his mother won't survive the casting couch to become a full member of T-ARA.

  21. What the hell 14, what is she supposed to be? Dancer, singer? Obviously can't be fap material...

    1. Be patient and wait until she becomes legal, you can fap to Seungri in the time being.

    2. Does fangirls fap to abless and talentless and annoyying members?

  22. Oh how i wish there is some girl idol that looks like top..
    Oh kss.. Why pick the one of the ugly members lookalike

  23. "She resembles a very young, female Seungri."


  24. I'm over it now as this was all bound to happen. Still messed up and wished we got someone older, but I'm done stressin' over it.

    On the day she was revealed, Hyomin posted that picture with Sunny so I was pretty much high through out the day while everyone else was emo and crying their souls out.

    Oh and even with Dani here, Boram still looks the youngest.


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