Tuesday, May 8, 2012

This Guy is a Retard...and a Pussy

Did he not think that through when he wrote that? Seriously, the hyprocrisy is astounding. "Fight someone else's fight." He said Koreans should stop having the "kids" fight someone else's fight because the US is over there. How fucking retarded is this guy? If anyone is fighting someone else's fight, it's the US. If anyone shouldn't have to be in the military in Korea, it's the US soldiers.

If South Korea didn't have mandatory enlistment, they'd be way short on the number of troops they need to fight. By using this table as a reference, North Korea has 1,106,000 active soldiers and 8,200,000 reserve soldiers. South Korea has 687,000 active soldiers and 8,000,000 reserve soldiers. The US has roughly 20,000-30,000 troops in Korea. So, this guy is saying that South Korea should get rid of its mandatory enlistment and let 20-30K US soldiers take on 1 million North Korean soldiers.

What a fucking retard.

P.S. Eric: This is towards the fact that you're glad you don't have to serve in Korea's military.


  1. I'm with him. I'm glad his parents left korea. However, they fucked up. They should have left his ass in North Korea.

    that I'm going to have to join three years from now lol...

    But it's fine. I mean, yeah, two years of my life wasted, but hey, better than being unemployed for two years. It's a necesarry evil that we all more or less (have to) recognize unless you're that guy or a Jehovah's Witness TROLOLOLOLOLOL

    1. I'll be spending four years in the US Air Force, so two years isn't too bad lol.

    2. I'll be spending 4 years in the Marines, so yup two years isn't so bad. plus that other 4 years inactive.

  3. Not to be that guy, but the Korean War was originally supported and (horribly) administrated by the U.S. during their containment policy in the Cold War. Regardless, North Korea just acts like an asshole now and not much the U.S. can do by just stationing troops. SK should just keep blasting phominute across the border.

    1. Well, yeah, can't really argue against that. I'm just thankful the U.S. was able to keep the South free of communism. I'd rather have my life now (half-Korean living in the US) than be a slave in a communist-led Korea.

    2. Plus if the US didn''t help there wouldn't be all this nice fap material like SOYEON.

    3. There's a rumor that Soyeon is a North Korean spy

    4. It's probably true. I can sense Kim Jong Un's semen running through her veins.

    5. I think US involvement was great for Korea, although the country is split you can see how prosperous South Korea is because of it and what communism does to a country(North Korea). It's the same exact situation Vietnam was in but the difference was that the US left the south side of Vietnam to fight for themselves and now look at that communist country, no development whatsoever, the democratic Vietnamese people either fled to different countries or died. Even to this day 90 percent of the people are closet democrats but can't say or do anything about it because of the communist government would jail or shut them up. So maybe you guys should appreciate the US even though they intervened another countries fight.

    6. ^ this guy doesn't know what he's talking about lol

  4. I do fell sorry for koreans because they have to do this instead of fucking bitches like crazy,this guy is right come on 30k US army and a few south koreans can beat those fucking skinny ass weak as hell north koreans and if it goes bad we just boom the shit out of those comis
    Of course I will never like that to happen because those crazy ass north koreans probably will nuke seul and there is where all my idols live

    1. I hope BORA doesn't get nuked.I would never get to french kiss her butt.

  5. I don't think military service should be mandatory either. I'm very likely going to join the Navy after I graduate, but having a volunteer service means you actually recruit people who either want to fight or are willing to fight. Conscripting people who are either cowardly or unwilling to do what needs to be done leads to poor unit cohesion and esprit de corps.

    The US shouldn't be over there either, because the Koreans should be fighting their own fight. Besides, they're more than well equipped enough to hold back a Northern invasion. If the DPRK are serious, Seoul would turn into a crater very, very quickly with or without the US there.

    Plus, ROK has had a long period of conscription now that even if a war were to start, they have enough men who have done their mandatory service to not worry about manpower. I think they should start considering abandoning mandatory service in a couple of years from now. South Korea isn't Israel, and nowadays China won't be fighting on behalf of the North like they did sixty years ago.

    1. I'm surprised how many people are going into military (and whatnot). Props to you guys, I don't think I would be able to do that.

      Besides that, I know that the North has a shit ton of troops and tanks and shit but I thought they've failed miserable in nuclear arms i.e. small threat to Seoul. Though they do have regular ballistics which I'm sure would do sufficient enough job.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm not sure why people are going to the military/army during this time it's so obvious that our government is corrupt and we have nothing to do over there. I would have gone to do military service also but considering all this corruption in our own country I can't help but feel disgrace serving our people.

  7. SK isn't worse than Israel; my little brother has a friend whose family is being forced to go back to Israel because their son is motherfucking fourteen or fifteen and that's the compulsory age to start military training.

    To be honest wars in general disgust me more than I can describe.


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