Thursday, July 5, 2012

He's Just Lying About His Cancer

People have the right to be skeptical about stuff. It's only a natural response to most situations, especially given the shady nature of the Korean news outlets and entertainment companies. "Did she call in sick cause she's actually sick, or is she just faking it to stay home and goof off?" "Was it really a devious ploy to put weed into G-Dragon's system in an attempt to bring down the Hallyu Wave, or is marijuana one hell of a drug and he was just too damn high high?"

But sometimes, people just take that shit way too fucking far. Case in point: Ulala Session's Yuntaek.


Apparently, the dumbshit netizens of Korea have the audacity to think the poor guy is lying about his stomach cancer.
On the July 4th episode of SBS‘s ‘One Night in TV Entertainment‘, Ulala Session‘s Yuntaek tried to clear up some unfortunate rumors surrounding his health.
As fans already know, Yuntaek was diagnosed with stage four stomach cancer, but with his upbeat and lively personality and performances on TV, some started to question whether he was indeed suffering from cancer like it had been reported.
Yuntaek expressed, “A lot of people didn’t believe that I had cancer because they saw me promoting as a singer on TV.”
The man had the stones to come clean about his illness in a harshly judgmental sphere like Korean entertainment, and they pull this shit on him.

First off, how the fuck are there "unfortunate rumors" about his health, if he's not hiding anything about it? It's not like it's some hushed up skeleton in the closet, some kind of proverbial elephant in the room. His fans know about it, most people with access to the internet and half a brain can find it on a search portal. He's clearly told anyone willing to ask about it, so what are the "rumors" about?

Secondly, people are criticizing him for his "alleged" illness when he's stuck in a goddamn Catch-22 regarding the whole thing. Netizens will tear you a new asshole if you dare show up on stage with anything but a happy and energetic performance, whether you're lazy as fuck like Jessica or you were coming down with a 100+ degree fever. But when the guy puts on his best brave face for the public and his fans, determined to put on a good show DESPITE HIS GODDAMN STOMACH CANCER, netizens doubt whether or not he even HAS stomach cancer.

The whole notion is fucking ridiculous. What the fuck do you want from him, a shaved head and an attached IV while he rolls around on stage with a wheelchair? A haggard look as he comes to terms with his mortality? Oh wait, he can't even do that cause you'll just go online and complain about how "unprofessional" he is. He's damned if he does, and he's damned if he doesn't.

So the next logical step in attempting to quell the idiots bantering online whether or not he has cancer, they asked his doctor to come on air and tell the "real truth."
To help clear things up, his doctor came on air to discuss Yuntaek’s health, stating, “He is diagnosed with stage four stomach cancer and is past the point of complete recovery.”
Despite the clear up, some still seemed to doubt whether he was telling the truth. Yuntaek stated, “I think it’s funny that I even have to explain myself on TV like this.” When asked how his current condition was, he replied, “Do you want me to explain my state honestly, or give you a made-for-TV reply? Because if I answer honestly, it’ll get sad.”
He continued, “It’s hard for me. After our schedules, the members will massage me while I rest in bed. It’s also hard having to deal with the different side effects every time I switch anticancer treatments.”
To the people that still don’t believe his battle with cancer, Yuntaek expressed, “I can understand why they would think that. But I think it’s strange that I have to explain that it is true that I’m sick. It’s like saying I’m a man when I am in fact a man.”
Turns out the real truth is even worse than anyone could have expected. Yuntaek has stage 4 stomach cancer, a point that means it's no longer curable and will most likely be the cause of his death. The man has to deal with this shit on top of his terminal cancer and grueling schedules.

Again, it's fucking ridiculous how these self-righteous idiots can sit behind a screen and shoot the shit. I feel bad for him, honestly I do. It's exactly like Tablo's situation with the Taijinyo. You can tell the truth all you want, but once these netizens get the idea that you're not, nothing will convince them otherwise. With the anonymity of the internet, no one can really stop it from happening either. The only thing he has going for him is that it's not blown up like Tablo's situation. It's an unfortunate reality and while I realize that no amount of e-crusading of my own will change that, it still sucks cocks that it happens.

And when the unfortunate reality of the situation comes to pass, maybe they'll realize too late, "Oh shit, I guess he was telling the truth after all. Sorry about that." Somehow, I doubt it'll even happen then.


  1. Damn. What is it about Korea that allows a bunch of anonymous randoms to have such power over people's careers?

    The story behind Tablo's harassment is downright scary

  2. That's just really sad... seriously? His doctor had to go on TV to convince people? It's none of their business in the first place... Ugh.... disgusting of those netizens and I feel really bad for him to be suffering from cancer (and for anyone else)

  3. As someone who just recently lost her uncle to liver cancer... Fuck those netizens. That's fucking disgusting.

    1. I'm sorry for your loss, and I'm sorry for these dumbass pricks.

  4. Meh, "rumors" are just 10-20 people posting some of their thoughts and speculations on an online forum, then the media/tv-shows take that and blow it up like "ALL of the fans are bashing him for not having cancer! The whole world is against him!"

    Then the public, including you, fall for the media's trick and start getting upset and curse the world when these "rumors" are most likely simply blown out of proportion.

    1. Rumor or no rumor, it's the fact that it's even "blown out of proportion" that's aggravating, let alone the fact that people are even speculating whether or not he's telling the truth.

    2. Well I mean it COULD have started with something as innocent as:

      "omo the way oppa is dancing and smiling it could seem like he doesn't have cancer at all!! Maybe he is just lying so people will say how much they love him!! :P loooool. Yuntaek you should already know we all love you kekekeke<3!! Hwaiting!"

    3. That's neither innocent nor possessing of any logic at all. The average KPop fangirl may be dumber than bricks, but I'd like to think they're not dumb enough to say that.

    4. Well I mean that she mentions it as a joke, and isn't at all serious

  5. why the fuck would anyone lie about having cancer

    holy shit some people deserve to fucking blow their heads off

  6. Maybe it is just the anti's, but then again, if you read fanfics, you can tell that these fan girls are too stupid to know even the simplest of medical facts—guys can't get pregnant! Poor guy, and fuck those netizens.

  7. So fucking sad. I hope he pulls through. Netizens are so dumb.

  8. Netizens just want to watch the world burn.

  9. Man, coming from a Korean, I'd have to fully agree with this. Fucking netizens and media in Korea are as crazy as a pack of vultures and hyenas fighting over corpses.

    Maybe censorship really is needed :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. If THE-POWER-OF-9 sings like shit, the fans will say : My unnies are having fever. That's why they can't sing properly.

    but when a singer with cancer sings perfectly, they will say: That ahjusshi doesn't have cancer. he's a liar!

    Seriously, Fangirls' stupidity has no limit.

  12. That sucks. Poor guy shouldn't have to worry about other crap besides trying to get better.

    1. "trying to get better"

      well you see, that's the problem with stage 4 cancer...

    2. It sounds better than "waiting out the rest of his life" though doesn't it?

  13. Why would anyone in their right mind lie about Cancer? That shit is like the most serious thing ever. The fact that he's battling against it, putting on a smile so his fans can never know the pain behind it and working through cruel schedules is pretty damn amazing.
    *sigh* Netizens, oh Netizens.
    Is there now a stereotype that every cancer patient has to be bald and in a wheelchair with life-support machines? -.-

  14. Serious articles like this are the cancer that is killing AKF

    Goddamn summerfags

    1. Trolling all the time gets tiring. Need to mix it up every once in a while or shit gets stale.


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