Sunday, July 8, 2012

JYP gets Wooyoung drunk, hilarity ensues.

Now, I don't have to tell you JYP is one of the biggest pervs in Korea. They say that JYP is one big family. A family that has lots of sex together. So basically, the typical Southern family.

See, North Korea doesn't do this shit.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, JYP and 2PM's Wooyoung was on a "date" recently, where they consumed the Korean rice wine makgeolli. Kids, let me tell you what happens when an old perv who loves tight male flesh goes out with a bi-curious young male idol who likes taking his shirt off in front of the camera for his CEO to watch and make suggestions on.

"I'm gonna be doing a bit more than whispering 'JYP' in his ear tonight..."
Read the sordid details after the jump.

Okay, so this photo looks a little compromising. The expression on JYP's face says it all. He's definitely going to reviewing Wooyoung's dance moves tonight...IN BED. 

Wooyoung had this comment to make: 

Last night with the tranquil sound of rain… Makgeolli (Korean rice wine)… And green onion pancake… Jinyoung hyung and I shared a few interesting stories for the first time in a while and rooted for each other’s success! Keke.”

They did more than "root" for each other's success. They rooted many things that night. Like Wooyoung's tight asshole. I like how this boy calls JYP "hyung" even though the man is like twice his age and his boss. 

This was a prelude to his next photoshoot with "G Magazine."
When pressed for comments, JYP was very talkative.

"I can't wait to give my JY Pee Pee the workout it so desperately needs ever since Heechul left for the army!"

"This is another JYP erection!"

"2PM? More like 30CM!"

"Wooyoung? He's gonna be Too Young tonight!"

Netizens also commented on this completely heterosexual date:

"It’s heartwarming seeing you two together.“ 
Makgeolli is the best on rainy days.
"You two look like a father and a son.”

...ew. They eventually pushed Wooyoung's solo debut date back a week because he couldn't dance properly for days after their date.


  1. Wooyoung looks like he's suffering from an STD. I'm guessing he caught it from JYP and will most definitely be passing it on to Nichkhun.

  2. Im jealous of jyp... She got to drink with yoobin :(.

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tMluz0R1LU that bed gonna need a new mattress.

  4. I wonna see the sex tape. I feel JYP is a bottom man and wooyoung a power hammer. All in dat ass!!!!!

  5. "hilarity ensues."

    Rape is not a laughing matter

  6. Inbred company. Ew.
    Wouldn't surprise me if Nickhunt, Jokwon and Fuckyeon had gone through the same process as well. Oh yea, let's also not forget Sofag.

  7. I think I just threw up in my mouth...

  8. JYP heating up all that grease

  9. *crying* you guys are so terrible ew

  10. I always thought JYP was gay or at least Bi


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