Thursday, July 26, 2012

Kara The Best Fucking Five Sluts Followup

You guys remember the first article, right? Well, what I thought was a troll is a delusional anti. Yes, AKF deals with delusional fans on both sides of the spectrum, like the video I just posted of CombatBaby's little sister earlier when she was ranting about SNSD antis. Then there are delusional antifans who take their hatred to extremes and make themselves look as bad as the delusional fans. STAND is a good example of this.

Anyway, when that first article was written on July 7th, that anti fan was already replying to everyone's comments directed at her (it's gotta be a fat teenage girl. I'm going by the averages here), and she was doing that for three days. It's July 26, which means she has been at it for 22 days. 22 days. Jesus Christ. The first time I got banned from 6theory for posting porn, I was only trolling for two hours (and it was a few hours later that they banned me.) I couldn't imagine doing that for 22 days.

You may be asking yourself "AKF, why are you giving this girl attention? Why are you still following what's going on?" Well, to the second question, I'm not following this fat girl's actions. I usually watch a Kara MV or two everyday and I was watching Mister's PV for obvious reasons. I scrolled down and saw her comments. I laughed because she was trying to prove how smart she was by using Google Translate.

She gets the incorrect names for Korean and Japanese, though she claims to speak both of them. Korean is 한국어 and Japanese is 日本語. What she did was type in "Korean" and "Japanese" in Google Translate and got the possessive form of each. 한국의 is Korea's, such as 한국의 가장 섹시한 여신은 한예슬이다, which translates to Korea's sexiest goddess is Han Ye Seul. 日本の is Japan's, such as in 日本の一番きれいな女神は戸田恵梨香だ, which translates to Japan's prettiest goddess is Toda Erika.

The point is when you try to claim that you're smarter than someone by knowing languages, at least know them so that people like me don't laugh at your failure.


  1. Forever laughing at your Windows XP.

  2. Im curious as to what porn you posted on 6theory. Chuckvid homemade amateur porn? Yes please :), but censor david please.

    1. Goatse, tubgirl, blue waffle, maggot-infested dicks, etc.

    2. plz give maggot infested dicks

    3. Hmm. Maggot infested dicks. I am curious to see. How can your dicks be infested with maggots?

    4. AWWWW YYYUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEWUCK. I just googled it :(, Keep yo cocks clean boys

    5. http://theync.com/static_html/19332-omg_media.html

    6. Ugh... Omg.. Wtf.....the porn ad next to it is awesome tho... But.. It makes me have a boner while am having disqusted feeling

    7. Wat did I jus watch?

    8. I LIKE EET. Going towards a new direction in porn I see ^^

  3. Dafuq did i just read lol
    My phone cant google translate this.
    My feels all over this blog for posting about stands <3

    1. Uh, I provided the translations since I wrote the sentences myself. I don't need Google Translate like that girl did lol.

  4. ジャンバックね~


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