Monday, July 30, 2012

KpopLeaks: KKS secret letters to T-ara revealed!

After illegal hacking investigation into the controversial tweets and internal communications among people at CCM, a couple emails from Kim Kwang Soo to the members of T-ara have been revealed. He doesn't seem like such a bad guy after all, though perhaps a pushover when it comes to dealing with the girls. Read the full letter after the break.

 My "Daughters",

I want to say something. Every week I come to music shows with a few staff members. Every week we diligently pick out wardrobe and take out the stupid makeup, then everyone come and dance. At the end of show a few of us put the makeup away and pick up water bottles. Then after that we take the stupid costumes and send back to dry cleaner. That one is still ok. I don't mind or think about it.

At night I hear Eunjung keep talking that the concert next year is not going to have anyone already. Every group going to Japan and the cost of the colussuem going to skyrocket. At night I think and think, how to revive T-ara before they go. How to bring more people in. Then I got idea.

TODAY I bring a new member come to practice. HOW YOU ALL TREAT HER ONE????? I keep telling her: No worries, T-ara very welcoming one. They will surely talk to you and make friends with you. THEN?!!! Yayaya and SHOUT at her. Hello Baby and BASH into her. Never tweet, never talk. Even during the Italy trip I try to introduce her around you all doing what? End up we all both just do our own stuff??

Then come to Idol Olympics EVEN BETTER! EVERYONE BLOODY sit one circle and talk and talk. Then she go and talk to Sistar and Infinite???? Not only Hwayoung, but one American never come regularly one, and we all 3 go to one corner and take selcas. ONE JR HIGHER, 2 NEW MEMBERS?? WHAT THE HEck?? Ok, so my fault. I don't know that Hyomin is no longer the leader, that I don't have enough staff to run concerts anymore. THEN WHY ON EARTH NO ONE COME AND TELL US "Nevermind nevermind we will all perform, Hwayoung you go and rest foot??? Or join us just for introductions??" IS THIS HOW YOU TREAT new people? HAZING THEM AH? Just come only then you all lazy lazy relax and see them doing the rap then think: Okay qri let them do. anyway staff manager every week pack up the makeup and send the stupid costumes to dry cleaner one, she don't mind doing it again. IS THIS HOW YOU TREAT ME ALSO??? 3 BLOODY YEARS??? CANNOT TELL I'M SICK AH?? YOU ALL MAKE ME SICK! SICK TO THE CORE. I WANT TO CRY ALSO CANNOT. SHIT YOU ALL. SHIT YOU!

Is this what subae life is like??? Sunbae is to laze around and let hoobae do all the work???? ARE WE NOT ALL THE OLD ONES TO TAKE CARE OF THE YOUNG ONES??? ARE WE NOT TO SERVE one another??? Sit LIKE KINg??? WHAT HAVE YOU ALL LEARNT AFTER 3 YEARS HERE??? Other groups that we all know one come, we treat them so nice. Other idols who are not from CCM do collab shows and we let them sing every stage, let them try a hand and welcome to them. Now I bring someone who is well connected to the American community hoping that in the future she will ask other Americans along too. In a way she is like an ambassador. And look at this. You all keep wondering why don't have new blood, don't have new fans join QUEEN'S. YOU ASK YOURSELVES WHY DON'T HAVE NEW BLOOD! I just manage I ALSO CANNOT TAHAN THIS KIND OF ATTITUDE. MUSIC SHOW DIE DIE WANT TO WIN. NEW AWARD COME BEFORE INJURY. LET THE LOUSY MEMBERS DO ADLIB OR RAP? END SHOW WANT TO GO HOME IMMEDIATELY. TWEETING: "LET THE PEOPLE WHO ALWAYS RUN STAFF GO AND STAFF AGAIN. THEY ALWAYS NEVER COMPLAIN ONE." YOU THINK WE WHAT???????? YOU THINK I WHAT??? TO ROLL OVER ONE?  TO TRAMPLE? TO SPIT ON AR?? WHAT KIND ATTITUDE YOU ALL GIVE???
Furthermore I walk over to tell you all and ask you to help us. But you all do what? Just sit there right? Look away right? Just relax right? Do you still want me to schedule photoshoots for you all? You, who don't treat me like a CEO at all? I bring new member and you all shame me in front of her. I walk over to tell you all and you don't care. I care for T-ara and you all just scoff at me? I just realized something. I'M GLAD HWAYOUNG IS LEAVING.

Ok. I've shed enough tears already. I said what I want to say already. Before I end this I want you to know I'm not scolding everyone man. To one of you, you know who you are, I'm really sorry you had to see this. I just cannot keep some things inside anymore.

Let this be the end. I'm going to bury it with this email.


I want to say sorry about this.
It was a massive explosion and I shouldn't have said that.



  1. I seriously thought this was written by some whiny Singaporean uncle

    1. I srsly hope this gets disseminated across social networking sites until AKFG gets associated with whatever scatstorm blows up as the T-ara saga progresses. LOL this'll be an achievement for a lifetime

  2. Someone needs grammar lessons.

    I can't read this.

    1. KKS told Dani to translate everything into English for him, but the lazy bitch threw it into Google Translate and called it a day by day.

  3. Uhh, this is a joke right...

  4. Is this for real...? Or is it a joke?

  5. Come on guys, know your memes.

    For the people who knew about it, it will be funny. Sorry you aren't cool enough. :p

    1. How is T-error formed?
      How is T-error formed?
      How garl becum beaches
      It was on the news this mroing
      A girl group in KOR had killed their three careers
      They are taking the tree beaches back to soeul, to lady to rest
      my pary are with the father, who destroyed his company
      I am trueley sorry for his lots

    2. Dafuq is that? Was keanu reeves reading that bullshit? Lol anyw this singlish bullshit is terrible I can't even read that letter without cringing...

  6. I got it, because Daniel set it as the topic of the IRC chat a few days ago.

    I want to do a dramatic reading of this...WITH AN ASIAN ACCENT.




  8. Omfg I died. Reading this whole thing all I could hear was my singapore friends voice. XD

    1. Looks like a 12 year old written this not use of proper adjective

    2. I not agree I think this one is one old uneducated guy write one.... Engrish so bad you all laugh die me

  9. I cried. I give you A+.
    Can someone please narrate this?

  10. this is what i think is the reason why she got kicked out.

    "Hwayoung found out about Dani and KKS having an affair and in the midst of going to Japan he wanted to shut her up, so he ran over leg. Then when she got angry, she was going to threaten him, and she told the other T-ARA who also were on KKS' side, so she's like, "FUCK YOU SLUTTY ASS BISHES" and that's why they were bullying her, but since Qri was her lesbian bed buddy, they stayed friends. and then KKS had to do something before she spewed out real news, he decided to kick her out, with a deal of being able to go to other entertainment companies in sake of her Twin sister. who KKS thinks of also having an affair with." -@HwayoungTajinyo

  11. LOL Except for Singaporeans, Malaysians speak like this as well so I'm freaking laughing my pants off here...

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. When i have read this I many many laugh many loud many laugh. Ahjussi thank

  14. Hwayoung water gate continues
    Fans are speaking some 71,700 sign petition for disbandment

    1. plz give link to petition

    2. nvm got it http://bbs3.agora.media.daum.net/gaia/do/petition/read?bbsId=P001&articleId=124880&objCate1=1&pageIndex=1

  15. KKS:We gonna have a new member, she's good at rapping and shit.
    T-ara: Lies,lies!
    Hwayoung joins, get bullied.
    Hwayoung:It's time to love.
    T-ara:*ignores bo peep bo peep!
    Hwayoung:I'm going crazy bcuz of u, why are you being like this?
    T-ara:yayayayaya!Loli Poli Loli Loli Poli!
    Hwayoung Cry cry

  16. Replies
    1. One of us authors is Malaysia, and it's not him.

    2. Malaysian*

      I swear I can type.


      I am not a FOB, la.

  17. Haven't laughed myself teary-eyed in a looong time. Gj gj

    1. oh, Kwangsoo was the good guy all along

    2. The image of innocent-soo in my head, so hilarious


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