Friday, July 20, 2012

Question of the Week 53

This week's question is:
What is the craziest thing a fangirl could do? 

Speaking hypothetically, of course. Yes, we all know the, ughh, period blood incident ranks very high up there. But I am talking about what could you imagine is the craziest thing?

The craziest scenario I could think of was: a sasaeng fan rummaging though oppa's trash, finding a used condom, and then impregnating herself with its content. Then some crazy ass media explosion would happen where there would be insane custody battles, petitions for her suicide from fangirls, an idol going "WTF JUST HAPPENED!?", the idol's company probably trying to pay her to get an abortion and lie to make it all go away, religious activists arguing that abortion is wrong, etc. It would be a terribly tragic mess.

But oh so exciting to watch, wouldn't it be?

If anyone has suggestions for later "Question of the Weeks", please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, or leave them in the comments below. Thanks!


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  2. For me, the craziest of crazies would be literally killing a female idol the oppa was close to or worked with. You know how those batshit crazy ones like giving death threats but don't actually go close to doing it? Well, what if one or some of them suddenly snap and carry out an elaborate female idol massacre? It would definitely be fascinating to see the case play out. Idols would be accusing each other and whispering among themselves, the public would be left bewildered...

  3. Constantly having sexual fantasies and masturbating on them (oppar or unnir) for most of the time

  4. killing yourself and writing oppar doesn't love me on your suicide note?

    but that's ideal.

  5. "a sasaeng fan rummaging though oppa's trash, finding a used condom"

    Rumors are, that part actually happened LOL

    @Bice That is crazy ._.

    What if a fangirl kills all females around oppa, then kills oppa, and then kills herself just like in the last episode of Memories in Bali...? Crazy enough?

  6. Kidnapping oppa and forced them to made an sex tape of an orgy consisting of fangirl, fangirl famry, octopus and other fellow idols. Bukkake tiemz.
    Then make an snuff film.
    Lawls that would be so targic for their career(s).

  7. Attempting to murder her oppa because if she can't have him no one can.

    Attempting to murder the other half of her oppa's OTP from his group.

    Stalking oppa's family members; staking out at his family's house.

    Stalking oppa's umma and demanding to take a picture of her vagina. Her shrine is not complete without a picture of the glory hole oppa sprung from.

    Fisting herself to oppa's videos. After ejaculating seven times she collects all her lady juices in a vial and sends it to oppa with a note saying he must drink it on his group's 1000th day anniversary

    Shanking the bitch oppa dated during his pre-debut days.

    Taping oppa's picture to her pillow and humping the shit out of that thing. (Well this isn't that weird)

    1. That's just out of hand. If any fangirl ever did that, she needs to be sent to the detention centre or something.

    2. More like a fucking mental hospital or a maximum security prison.

  8. Riding oppar's dick like it was a frenzied warhorse in 1080p. After that, fellate his pet goldfish with retainers on while he puts his daesang award in the pooper

  9. Sending them an ear as a birthday present, Van Gogh style

  10. Kidnapping Oppa when he comes to her country and pulling him to the nearest hotel possible so she can see how Empire-State-building her oppa's junior is.

    I got that off a shawol and she's lucky I didn't mention her name.

  11. Engaging in terrorism against the ROK military and government because their beloved oppas got conscripted for mandatory military service.

    Actually, I'd want that to happen. I'd enlist right away to blast some ELFs :)

  12. Well if a fan got ahold of oppa's sperm wouldn't be best to actuallly have the child. Go to the media and use that child as a ransome.

    If oppa doesn't love me this baby won't live to be 1.

    That's pretty fucked up.

  13. Or less say a fangirl's oppa does have a girlfriend. She kiddnaps him and he refuses her. So instead of killing him see cuts off his penis and forces him to eat it. That is fucking brutal.

  14. Well I think the craziest thing a fangirl can do is if she devotes months of her life climbing the ranks of the music show production team to gain access to all the locations on the set of the music program. She will wait until the biggest show of the year when all the top idols and her oppars and unnis are present. There, she would disarm and take out all the security backstage. This will give her the opportunity to locate the guns she hid around the building from her months of working there. She would then go to each waiting room and ask her idols if they love her. I can imagine:

    Fangirl: Oppar, do you love me? -hysterically crying-
    Oppar: Yes!
    Fangirl:- shoots everyone in the room- No you don't.

    She would do this until she finds her #1 oppar, hold him hostage, violently rape him until blood, urine, and shit covers the walls, traumatize him, wait until police breaks in, and slits her throat while naked on top of her oppar as he gazes upon her and all her blood rushes to his face.

    It would be the crime of the century.

    1. Rape as in butt rape or cowgirl position? How do you rape males?!!!!

    2. @dongyoungbear God your a buzz kill you can rate men its possible despite your knowledge which is slim

      @kittenbatch Cool story and its seems possible. A lot of work but than again fangirls are that fucking crazy.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. The story Shinbi posted, BUT, the fangirl doesn't tell anyone about the identity of the baby's father and just secretly raises it. Internalized craziness is scarier to me!
    Likely though her korean parents would tear her a new anus if she had a baby out of marriage, I would imagine.

  16. Holy crap, you guys have insane imaginations. Well done.


  17. capturing oppar and immolating herself with him on a windy prairie so their ashes blow into the wind for all eternity like beautiful stardust in a newborn child's eyes

  18. sperm won't survive that much outside the body... maybe kidnap an idol, rape him, get pregnant, kill her idol, and grow her child as her lover or something like that. But there is a lot of insane girls, maybe they are more creative than our little heads could even be...

    1. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Not sure how to get much crazier. Perhaps something involving some sort of witchcraft shrine altar on which they commit the incest.

    2. Abduct oppar & linked ugly fat female idol bitch.
      Drug oppar.
      Have sex with oppar.
      If fails, kill by beheading.
      Sever oppar's dick and ferment for 2 years for a fertility elixir.
      Sedate the bitch.
      Incise her abdomen and lodge in oppa's head. Sew back.
      Tell ugly bitch unnir got preggy by oppar and leave her in a ditch naked.
      Dismember and carefully pack body parts. Leave in front of a McDonald's.

  19. Some of them are probably reading this and getting their idea from here. Next thing you know, it really happens and AKFG is involved.

  20. Kidnap oppa, and then when she realizes that hes not all who she thought he was, kill him and keep his rotting corpse to have sex and act out her fantasies with.

  21. Skinning a random toddler alive and ornating all bias paraphernalia and merchandise with its blood?

  22. Stay hidden in front of oppars house, follow him and find his entire schedule, slowly start appearing in random places (sitting in a coffee shop he passes/visits, brushing by him on the street, driving by his car, etc.) until she's familiar to him without him knowing why (a month minimum). Then have some accident happen in front of him which will make him stop to help her(pretend to get hit by his car, not look where she's going and "bump" into him falling down and "spraining" her ankle, get chased by some "stalkers" at night and knock on his door disheveled and in tears, or in the daytime have the "stalkers" follow her a la Under the Tuscan Sun), tell him her name and chat a little bit then go on her way. Repeat this about two weeks/month later, this time say something along the lines of "you're running into me on purpose, aren't you?" and then either get him to ask her to lunch/dinner or she'll playfully say for him to take her to dinner to make it up to her. Use all the charms she has, don't show her real personality, and form herself to whatever his ideal woman is. When they end up doing it, he'll probably want to use condoms, so she'll go along for a few times, then start poking holes in them. Hopefully the desired result will come about, and she can guilt him into a shotgun wedding. Then, if he decides to divorce her, she'll at least get a shitload of money and his reputation will be ruined anyway. Bam.

  23. What happened during the 'period blood' incident? I'd like to know

  24. You just need to watch some good ol' #yandere anime.

  25. reminds me of this



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