Saturday, August 4, 2012

Grass is green, Shindong is groce and shippers are retarded.

Encountered this ridonkulous screencap a while back so I thought I'd share it here.

This screencap originated from a secretive moderated membership (they stalk your background before they accept you by googling your username to see if you're a spy *gasp!*) forum dedicated to shipping a Kpop couple. Sounds pathetic? It is. It takes a substantial amount of money to run forums, you might be aware of this if you interact with admins of international forums or if you see the donation bars etc.

I wasn't aware of this but apparently some hardcore SEA shippers stalk idols after Kpop concerts to see who they interact with etc and to primarily find 'evidences' about their ship.

Nothing against shippers per say but stalking idols after concerts like creepy saesang fans is pretty sad, stick to writing fanfiction or drawing fanart in CS5.


  1. ATLEAST they ship their idols with other idols
    instead of thinking they got a chance with them

    altho i dont like vips shipping daragon
    but atleast they ship opposite sex and not same member pairing hardcore unlike some elfs, cassie,shawwols (still love u shawols) etc

    1. For them being able to ship idols with themselves, they'd have to have SOME confidence. Seeing as how they're willing to go beyond worship, because someone is less appalling than themselves says it all.

      I've been lurking here too long; This kinda of shit doesn't even phase me anymore.
      Congratulations world...You win.

    2. Like when fans deny their bias is gay, wouldn't they be happy to know that oppa isn't in love with a girl hotter than them?
      And wae u no love cassie? Only delusional are the JYJ/AKTF fan

    3. @infamist

      yeah true. Bitches be cray

      @uknow who got mantits bigenuf for a titjob

      Yeah. they ship them. But then when some same sex kissing hppen they leave the fandom.
      Wtf :jackiechan:

      Opps sorry. i love cassies too. THEY SO KIND!!! BUT SHAWOLS ARE MORE NICER *little taemint <3*

    4. Does fapping to someone count as shipping yourself with them?

    5. It depends on the fantasy during the fap

    6. and exotics, your forget the exo fandom

  2. but yeah.. stalking them. is too much

  3. This is on some next level crazy ass fangirl.
    What do they really get out of "verifying" that their favorite pairing MAYBE legit? Win the shipping lottery or something??

    Had a good laugh at all of this first-second tier crap. Look at us, we're so badass top notch with our shipping, bitches need to be elite to get their hands on the good photoshop pics.


    But seriously. Dafuq is wrong with them.

    Let's face it - if they live in South Korea, chances and bets are they'll end up becoming like their K-saesaeng counterparts - and multiply the sasaeng population tenfold. And the only good sasaeng fan is a dead sasaeng fan.

    Koreaboos + stalker/sasaeng fan + being inside Korea = Doomsday

  5. Damn, poor idols don't even have a chance to fuck their gf/bf :( maybe that's why they slap saesangs. Jk.

  6. They do know their idols most probably think they're a pack of crazy nerds right? RIIIIGHT??

  7. for a sec thought we were discussing boats

  8. pampiks? i sense this is another pinoyass monkey making our idiocy known to the world

  9. I genuinely believe that if i went to Incheon and timed it right I could finger Taeyeon in the airport toilets and she would enjoy it.

  10. Um...yeah...uh...shipping and stalking idols is soo...so wrong...*note to self: delete Nyongtory tumblr and cancel plans to follow TOP into a bathroom.*

    1. This is proof that this blog can make delusional fangirls undelusional!

  11. Ha
    Stalking your idols for shippers is just so what? Be funny if these assholes find out how many male idols visit the 'bathhouse.' Hmm I know Jo Kwon and Heechul but Taecyeon....possible?


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