Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Stupid Things Fangirls Utter 7

I don't think Minzy should be subjected to that. A little cruel, isn't it?

Wow. Really? No MAN is good enough for Amber?

Oh, sweetheart. That's because no man wants her.

If anyone has choice comments that they want to share on "Stupid Things Fangirls Utter", please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, or leave them in the comments below. Thanks!


  1. This isn't stupid. Stop being Chick-fil-A anti-gay. Amber would do very well with any K-Pop chick. In fact I'm pretty sure she's macked up on plenty pretending to just want to "have fun" with unnie.

    I'd even let her touch my Taengoo.

    Amber has a great job. She doesn't have to do anything in f(x), she has tons of female fans because he's tomboyish and stimulates repressed homosexuality in them, she gets to work with dozens of smoking hot idols AND has probably fucked Krystal.

    What a player.

    1. This lol

      If she's a lesbian, like everyone thinks she is, I doubt if she cares whether men want her or not. It should go without saying, for lesbians, men are pretty insignificant in relationships.

      Comment makes perfect sense, ship away~

    2. The cheat has clearly misunderstood op post
      No man wants her(taemin. Heechul. Gd looks good with her tho)
      She dint say women

    3. But I do want her, I want to be her.

      And maybe if I was really drunk and desperate, I'd bang her.

      If Krystal was there too.

    4. Krystal is flat, bratty and has a witch nose. Lol still better than her sis!1!!

    5. But her sister is number 2 hottest women in the worlddddd. its the truth.polls dont lie!!!!!1

      Her sister got boobs voices and beautiful nose and unmoveable eyebrows!

      Jessica.junf is perrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlasticlyfffffffffffrrreeeeeeeeeeect!

    6. The cheat@
      U wanna sciccor sex and a strapon sex life?
      U r missing out on the a thing called "dick"

  2. Even stupider stuff:

    A thread on allkpop: http://i47.tinypic.com/2dryzk2.png
    Yeah, of course she has, during the time before she was a trainee (I guess 14?) worked as a professional stripper at a strip club, because she has in her life at one time stood next to a stripper pole.

    Most people weren't as stupid as her. Although one was actually even more stupid: http://i47.tinypic.com/2m3h8oi.png

    "Yeah why the fuck would you stand next to stripper pole unless you're a stripper?"
    "Everyone who can get more cock than my fat ass is a slut. Which means everyone else is a slut!!!"

  3. http://i.minus.com/i95epMqSJvydk.gif
    look at this girl, does she just want some scissoring? hell no
    datass is calling to penises everywhere

    1. Gawd if a similar dancing gif of someone without a fatface existed I wouldn't leave the house for days.

  4. ive always wondered what amber would look like with decent makeup and long hair

    1. I think her face is cute, when she does her makeup and no derp faces!

    2. http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_littstO5vp1qdcwxjo1_500.jpg

      The best Ambro has looked. With long hair, I would consider banging him (no homo).

  5. I think minzy and amber make a nice couple. Am I the only one who likes this ship? Let's just face amber is a hot piece of lesbo ass. Minzy looks like chipmunk enough said.

    1. Minzy's a hot-ass chipmunk. Amber just looks like a gay guy.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. She has a great body, unlike the plastic stick, man, and 12 year old

    4. I fuck her. i can look past that daeaung lookalike face with a body liek that.

  6. That's a bad pic of Minzy, she's got a nice body tho and she's my age and we both have similar interests Minzy if you're reading this call me alright yeah cool.

  7. heeeeeyyyyyy!!! im a fan of amber lol
    i think amber is pretty!! mostly tomboys are always the hot pretty ladies ya know!!


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