Saturday, November 17, 2012

A SONE's imagination gone perhaps a bit too far?


For some, it may be considered normal to imagine an SNSD member (minus Hyogre) being your wife, girlfriend, sex partner or all that shit once in a while - as for the stanners out there, probably at a 24/7 basis.

But as groups that actually existed in history? Maybe not.

For anyone that doesn't know history, here's a little briefing.

Daimyo - basically the Japanese version of a territorial and feudal lord with his own family clan, only seconded by the rank of shogun, who were practically military dictators that made emperors seem like weak pussies in general. In other words, kinda like the dukes, lords and barons etc. of medieval Europe that had their own patch of land, castles and private armies as well as a politically influential family.

As you see in the last picture, the 9 Japanese names there are basically the family names of the biggest daimyo clans that existed all the way till the mid-19th century.

But come on, SNSD compared with actual, ruthless (and badass to a degree) samurai or daimyo leaders and clans? Women weren't even allowed to be armored warriors carrying katanas or spears to fuck people up into human sushi to feed the maggots or take part in politics at all.

At least read your history correctly before finding 'similarities' between the two (which doesn't even make much sense anyway to begin with since it's ridiculous to find such between a K-idol and some guys that have been dead for hundreds of years and whose achievements and all that are probably exaggerated up to the point they seem like medieval-era Super Saiyans or some shit).

Cut down on the anime, man. Really. Unless you want some angry Yakuza claiming to be of samurai or daimyo descent to banzai you somewhere in the streets of Tokyo.

Note - this is the same person who made his own database of statistics of the Running Man cast a while back.


  1. this is like some weird ass reality where reehji is a sone....

    too much shogun 2 will ruin a brain :)

    1. ^This

      Also: Hyogre not being Uesugi? Come on! He was known for being incredibly ugly, for christs sake. And Jessica should be Takeda. His speciality was horses, after all. I'm really curious as to what similarities he sees, 'cause I don't see any.

    2. i support takeda oppar. If i made the list, yuri would've been takeda :3 And fany being shimazu

    3. Sunny and yoona should switch clan. Tokugawa is boss, and sunny is boss. Imagawa is a pansy clan.

    4. SHSADDUP OPPAR. Imagawa clan is my best ally, and they provide me a helping hand against those treacherous HOJO. Therefore, Imagawa should be held by taeyeon. SHAMEFUL DISPRAY

    5. I like how the article is hating on this person for comparing Soshi to different clans...and we're doing the same thing in the comments.

      Tasha would be the Obama Clan. For obvious reasons.

    6. that's from fall of the samurai mate. This is vanilla

  2. Sometimes I imagine myself having sex with Taeyeon while she makes quacking noises and Tiffany stands in the corner yelling about how we're both going to Hell.

  3. Hey, that's my Friend Ryu, leave him alone >:(.

    He's one of the nicest people on Soshified.

    1. Well mate, I can tell you that he's the exact opposite in the Diadem forums. Even the mods don't like him.

    2. real friend or online friend? lol

    3. Online friend, but we only talk occasionally, and briefly when I post in the Sbox. He says hi to everyone and he's nice to everyone.

      @Scatter, do you know an SSG?

  4. i sense shogun 2 total war :I
    forever supporting the calvary clan takeda ^.^

    1. or sengoku if they are the more administrative type

    2. if only i got interested to try playing that. too bad my schizo cousin was the first person i knew who does...so, not going to

  5. I don't think "too much free time" covers my feelings on this...

  6. I just stumbled upon Tiff's video where there was an Adele vs Tiffany debate ... LOL
    kind of amusing, you should post it on antikpop for everybody to see!

    here's a screenshot (read from bottom to top):

    1. I really wonder if most kpop fans are that delusional..

    2. wow....it's like they LOVE embarrassing themselves. Adele could sing circles around 99.9% of kpop. You know why adele can be fat and famous? Because she has talent and that's what she sells. People like Celine Dione, Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey, weren't dancers, and thought Many people thought Whitney and Mariah were attractive, they sold talent. They went onstage with just a mic and a band. That's all they needed.

    3. LOL! I was just about to mention that in the other article. Yeah, I remember that debate, one SONE actually said that she is a better singer than Adele. I cringed inside -__-.

    4. Obvious troll, his name is "Rhitardea".

    5. ^ I saw him.

      Don't worry guys, most of us sane people has a vast majority of liked comments saying Tiffany is not better than Adele. HAHA, crazy ass SONES actually think she is better than Adele.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Seohyun's gotta be the vanilla-as-fuck Chōsokabe Clan. Farm + archer bonus, come on.

    ~flies off~


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