Monday, November 26, 2012

Lizzy's hotter than naked Uee? I demand proof

On a recent episode of "Quiz to Change the World," Lizzy not only talked about seeing Uee nude, she proclaimed to have the best body in After School.

Let's investigate this claim further, shall we?

Name: Lizzy
Occupation: After School, Orange Caramel
Hobbies: Taking pictures of Uee in the shower, makin' shit up, G-Doing

Since After School has a lot of members (even after the untimely demises of Bekah and Kahi, R.I.P.), I'm not gonna go through and rate the bodies of everyone. Let's cut to the chase and focus on Lizzy's main competition, Uee.

What about me? Why can't I be included?

Going back to Uee, it's hard to claim many idols have a better bod. The evidence speaks for itself. 

Lizzy's got a great body, too. I just think she's lacking in the curves department.

Then again, not knowing how much weight Uee has lost or what she looks like naked, it's hard to say for sure who has the better body. That's why Uee needs to release some nude photos. Set the record straight, gurl.


  1. All of them should take nude pictorials so that we could decide for ourselves.

    1. I don't know if there's a strong market for naked Raina pics, though. :(

  2. Found some comments on that article on Soompi from some angry fangirls.


    1. How is jealousy when they have no problem admitting other members have a better body?
      if I say UEE has a better body than Lizzy then I'm jealous of Lizzy? WTF? it would be more accurate to say I'm jealous of UEE
      if it was jealousy they would simply say all of them have ugly bodies.
      ughhh you're an idiot

    2. I am going by the screenshot, any from that, them three people are jelly.
      You are probably one of them.

    3. snobby biatch? on what angle, retard slutwhore?

      Rot, the "ughhh you're an idiot" line already speaks of what species she is: delusional fangirl

  3. Well she surely is lacking in the face department too, I found her the least attractive out of After school, Nana, Uee and Gahee is the prettiest one imo.

  4. Replies
    1. She's definitely the prettiest. Maybe a tad too skinny but she's no Sooyoung that's for sure so it's fine by me.

  5. I am going to let my imagination run wild for a second here and I have to say, since Lizzy is lacking in curves, her body is quite petite and cute. Uee has them thighs and hips, curvy, such hotness. Go above the boobies and you might need a paper bag depending on your preference.

    I am a leg man so....I will have to say uee is so much hotter.

  6. Best body would be Uee. Likely because of my western cultural influences (Dem curves, man). Though, I wouldn't touch her with a 5 foot sterilized steel pole, much less my dick.

    Who knows though. She might be walking around, padded from chest to ass like Jessica Jung.

  7. omma has the best body for my taste :[ so elegant

  8. a naked mole rat is hotter than naked UEE.

  9. I think uee is really cute, maybe not amazingly gorgeouS. She looks like a chubby Seohyun from neck up. AND REALLy awkward like her, too
    I just laub her <3333

  10. I don't know if Photoshopped pictures are the best way to judge, but still, she's meaty and tall, so, yeah, that's a definite bonus for her.
    But that cheeks annoy the hell out of me.

  11. All I know is I bet Lizzy and Na Eun have "explored" each other's bodies late at night.

    So nasty.

  12. she's conceited. she gotta reason. but my vote is on UEE

  13. well all of you btchz stfu cuz i found the cure to cancer



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