Thursday, November 1, 2012

Oh, Hyohunnies, you make me crack.

It was a typical normal day, waking up at 11 in the morning after having a special night and morning session with Boram, eating leftover chicken with a bowl of rice, washing up, chatting at the AKF chatroom for a short while and then two hours at the gym and then walking 30 minutes back home, taking a hot shower with Boram as usual, plus getting a hell of a blowjob , and then settling in on the computer for the rest of the fucking day as always.

Yea. All was good until when I laid my eyes on this.

Now, I'm genuinely reserved with Girls' Generation (partly because they're the first idol group I ever actually was a fan of when I was still in high school) but there are still some limits to how idiocy can ever be tolerated without poking on.

I know it's old as shit like the usual stuff I post but pfffffffft. Fuck that shit.

Being the most talkative one and having a 'good ear for beats' (whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean) does not get you any special qualifications to being a good rapper, not to mention Hyoyeon still can't hold a note, barely lasting out as a subvocalist.

Moving on below...

*Speechless poker face.*

I remember someone here mentioning that Hyohunnies and Sooyoungsters being among the most delusional not too long ago. Welp, guess it's proven.

Tiffany's 'rapping' is fucking bad enough and now you want those three to rap too? If I wanted rapping in an SNSD song, even if it's just an OST solo by Taeyeon or the other more vocally capable members of the group, I'd be listening to something like this.

I'm really beginning to have regrets even laying my eyes on that thread now.

Was starting to recover from the clusterfuck Epik Fail recently churned out (yea, fuck you Yang Hyun Suck) but upon discovering such atrocities, guess I'll be staying sick a bit longer than expected.


  1. I don't get why anyone likes Hyoyeon. Maybe ugly girls are just rooting for one of their own?

    1. I thought all western people loved her
      according to international fans Hyoyeon is the most attractive because she is exotic

    2. Speaking for myself, and the few other western people I know that are into kpop, we don't really like her, at all.

      But these guys weren't so bad. They weren't going on about how "OMG PRETTY!!" she supposedly is, or how she actually is a great singer, they just stated she's becoming better, which doesn't take much. Why the fuck they want more rapping in SNSD songs is beyond me, as the lack thereof is one of the best thing about their music.

      Also, could you force Boram to swallow? She needs all the nutrition she can get these days.

    3. No, absoulutely not.People like Hyo Yeon for her personality, and her talent. Talent does not equal looks, but then again I do find myself rooting for the underdogs.

      To be honest I don't see why anyone likes Yoona. She can't do shit.

    4. SM is trying to cop CCM's all rappers T-ara concept. By mid 2013, all members of SNSD will be rappers.

    5. You have arthur as ur dp wtf
      But yes Yoona cant do shit, and she is so unattractive. I am now starting to rate hre under Sica
      Yoona large rectangular face and large nose is so blergh.
      Is Hyogre shaved her face and got a nose job she'd be rlly pretty

    6. I wouldn't need to force her to swallow. She'll just swallow it herself out of her own will.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Bitch, stfu! I can have anyone I want on my avatar if I want to, and fyi, D.W is a lot like me. She whines and complains when she's wronged like I do, and she questions everytime she sees bullshit like me.

      Anyways, i'm not going to say that YoonA is ugly, but honestly I do think she is the least attractive person in SNSD.

      And shut the hell up, bitch! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I don't think Hyo yeon is ugly, I think she is a very beautiful women. And she ain't no orger!

    9. Hyoyeon has a very manly jaw and a large nose that is abour to sniff you, and her dance moves suck, no talent whatsoever. Still a mile better than her Soshi members, but Luna and Boa r better.
      Lob u Hyogre, bb!
      And yoona looks like an unnatractiveb12 yr ols with downs!


      @SLW - well, if you see her in the group's older MVs, I can safely say that she's the exact opposite of 'very beautiful' and even Yoona beat her by miles - and this is coming from a casual fan.

    11. Shut up bitches, it's my opinion, and I think Hyo is pretty.

      Bitch your username just scream a troll, how about the both of you post images of yourselves?

    12. Opinion isn't proved by existential means, SLW. Implying they aren't allowed to say anyone is ugly, on the off chance that they themselves are fuggos, leads back to you (SLW). For as you said yourself, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so you thinking them being ugly or less attractive, will not deflate or invalidate their opinion, only make you a hypocrite.

    13. Don't feed the Hyogre

      I mean the troll lol oops

  2. She could be an adequate rapper. if she took it seriously...which she won't.

    1. Ok, so I just listened to Maxstep, and despite it, and her especially, being fucking awful, I stand by her potential. Whoever made that song, is a talentless trendfag, and deserves 6 hours in hell getting blasted by a Macarena dubstep remix.
      Give her better directing and she'll do a lot better. Anyone would.

  3. Someone is complaining about Hyohunnies on allkpop the other day. Hey that was me :D!

    Anyways,but yeah, as a fan of Hyo Yeon's I think her rap was pretty decent, but i'm not going to drag out and say she's a rapper, and she should rap for now on just because she rapped ounce. Beside Hyo Yeon's voice is perfect to me. If you ask me, I think they should use her voice a little more often.

    Btw, Tiffany's rapping is pretty terrible, but I still love Fany.

    1. Someone is complaining about delusional fangirls on AKF the other day. Hey that was me :D!

      Anyways,but yeah, as a fan of Scatter_88mil's I think his article was pretty decent, but i'm not going to drag out and say he's a writer, and he should write for now on just because he wrote something good once. Beside Scatter_88mil's words are perfect to me. If you ask me, I think they should use his articles a little more often.

      Btw, reehji's articles are pretty terrible, but I still love oppar.

    2. ur grammer fuking terrible btw js

    3. @Fat Chorong I see what you did there

    4. OMG! Fat Chorong, you can't be talking about bad grammar.

  4. Delusional fans^^
    Her rap was so awful it hurts^^

  5. People are still ripping on Hyo for being ugly? The girl looks fine as hell in Flower Power.

    1. I usually don't pay attention to her, but she looks good in that video.

  6. why everybody saying she is SOOOO TALENTEDDD IN DANCEEEEE,she is average just snsd suck at dancing thats all,and as an european I dont find attractive at all,sooyoung is the only one person who I find pretty but she is fuckin anorexic eat some burger bishhh...

    1. I'm also European and i totally agree with you. Sooyoung is the only pretty face, despite being a stick. Hyoyeon is definetely the ugliest, alongside with Tiffany, who looks old next to the others. Seoyeon looks cute, but she has enormous cheeks. In some MVs Jessica and Yoona look somewhat cute too, but their MVs are so fake looking anyway, you can understand it by the glowing white skin that no living creature in this planet posses. (I only tolerated it in Psy's MV, because it was meant to be a little kitsch.)

    2. I think snsd are all bland looking, it's the cheerleader effect, in group they seem hot but individually they're fug.

  7. Hyoyeon spke moderately fast for 3 seconds during maxstep

    = amazing god-like rapping.

  8. All she can do is dance. 'Nuff said.

  9. NO ONE in SNSD can rap, NO ONE.

    1. I liked snsd coz they didnt use rap. Their first album reminded me of lates 90s pop

  10. it's gonna be weird to be in here because my name is Arthur... buttt..... HEY~ I haven't heard this song in a long ass time! :D

  11. SNSD are terrible rappers. They can't rap properly . Their rapping makes my skin uncomfortable.


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