Tuesday, November 27, 2012

someone's fucking sunye and it ain't me

By now I'm sure everyone has seen the news that Sunye is getting married to some guy. To be honest though, who this guy is isn't important. What we should all really take away from this is that Sunye is officially off the market now.

Taeyeon's worst nightmare.
What does this mean for the rest of the Wonder Girls? Well for one, aside from Yubin, there's no one even slightly attractive left in the group. There's rumors Mimi could be coming back, but that's not confirmed yet.

Someone introduce this guy to a Catholic priest.

Rumors run rampant about why Sunye is getting married. The most likely one is that she's pregnant with that guy's child, and she doesn't want to be cast into the fiery pits of Hell for fucking outside of marriage.

It's common knowledge Christian magic powers are the best contraceptive.

For the time being, JYP is saying WG aren't breaking up, and JYP would never lie about anything. Though, with people already referring to WG as "Dead Girls", it could be a rough road ahead.


  1. And so Wonder Girls is officially over, even though they were old news in 2009. That's what you get for Black Ocean, you cunts.

  2. He has been witnessing and helping to rebuild in Haiti. Popular with the locals too;

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I can't even hate. I wish her and new fiance all the best.

    Hopefully this means we will never have to be subjected to Lim's ratchet busted mug ever again.

  4. guess this shows how irrelevant WG is when she can get married and not blow up a shitstorm with her crazy ass fans.

    1. It shows that Wonderfuls are classy bitches,unlike SONEs and etc. :3

    2. Some wonderfuls were throwing a bitch fit saying shes prego and its a shotgun wedding

  5. Awwwww, all best to Sunye!!!!
    Wow, I think this is a first (at least for me) that an "current" idol is actually out in public with their marriage. I wish this catches on because I'm sick to death of stupid ass fangirls thinking that oppa is "theirs" and harassing others for being with them.

    Other than that we pretty much know that WG is probably gonna go downhill from here but.......WHAT ABOUT YUBIN?!?!?! I hope Yenny and her can make a sub-group since they're the only ones I care about now.

    I also hear Sohee is starting an acting career..........WTF!?!?!?!

    1. Please correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that hippopotamus from Super Senior also married?

    2. "Getting" married. He proposed like 6 years ago and never actually announced if she said yes or not. He says they're still together, I saw she said no and dumped his ass.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Best time for Yubin to go solo as a rapper perhaps.
      Leave this wonderful mess?

  6. Good for her for getting out the Flop Girls. Kinda feel sorry for the group though. It's over for them.

    It has not been JYP's year.

  7. I wanta boy group member gettin married next, preferably one from SJ, shinee, big bang, 2pm, tvxq(there are rumors Yunho is engaged and announcing hs engagement 2013-04 ish) yu know, top tier group, or has been, cuz lately, no one care about them.

    And if its a shotgun wedding watch them make a bs story about adopting or one of them getting a new sibling . But hey, there is a big market for korean babies up for adoption.

    But i doubt it

  8. At least she'll have someone to rely upon when that fugly specimen known as Sohee annoys the shit out of her.

  9. Only 13 replies (including this one) to a supposedly blockbusting news, enough said here........But at least this decision has put an end to WG's misery once and for all.

    1. Yeah, no one really cares about WG anymore. They died in 2009 when they went to the US.

  10. wondergirls are dead. This is the last nail in the coffin before they're lowered into the grave.

    1. I feel as if all the top tier groups are dying out and becoming irrelevant.

    2. This may has something to do with Korean finally getting sick and tired of idols's no-talented asses. We are already seeing solo artists making a comeback this year, and the trend has become more pronounced with the phenomenal success of Psy.

  11. Wait, she is leaving WG? Isn't she like the vocalist? Though I never liked any more songs of WG besides tell me and so hot, SunYe and Yubin are like my favourite there.

  12. Yubin needs to spread her wings and fly~

    She should round up the 5Girls group and make shit happen.

  13. Eh shit happens, girl is getting it. Stop hating on a bitch but honestly WG is struggling to keep their place in kpop. Time fore a retirement and a Yubin solo.

  14. I feel sorry for Wonder Girls, they were doing really well and JYP had to pull them out of Korea when they were at the peak of their popularity. If he hadn't made that dumb move and uselessly promote them in Ameria them WG's would've been one of the top girl groups.


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