Saturday, December 1, 2012

If only CL had followed her dream of becoming a nun ...

... Then we wouldn't have this post.

So this week before their show in Singapore, 2NE1 sat down with media to chat.

When the members were asked what they would have done if they hadn't gone into music, CL revealed she had wanted to be a nun when she was little. While I don't really think that would have worked out anyway (I think convents usually frown on sluttery), it's a bit of a surprise coming from the leader of 2ne1.

I couldn't find a picture of CL dressed as a nun,
so here's a picture of Jo Kwon going to sleep.

When asked what she would have been if she hadn't gone into music, Dara said she'd probably be an actress or a housewife.* I would have thought that without 2ne1 she'd just have been committed, but whatevsies. If Dara's dream is to be a housewife, I think she should jump ship and give it a go.

Imagine waking up to this every morning.

* Dara also revealed her true self to be a closeted cat lady. In response to the question of what she likes to do in her free time, Dara replied, "I love spending quality cat time. I love spending my time with my cat." There you have it, folks. Dara loves her pussy. 


  1. i thought it was a generic picture of a nun and skipped over it but then i read jo kwon and looked at his expression.
    why does it always amuse me how he is trying desperately to tell the world what a ridiculous queen he is and there are still little girls who believe he likes women.

  2. I want to f@#$ Dara just to see her facial expressions

  3. IDK wat the point of this article wuz, butt CL looks pretty in dat pic. Reminds me of Samantha Jones frum sex and the city for sum reesun. Maybe dat confidence

  4. WTF Dara & Bom are the ones who know English but CL is kicking their asses? UHM wuuuuuuuuuuut~ and Minzy should really try to speak it more....instead of just using the translator person there u-u

  5. Replies
    1. I'm still trying to find out why they are famous.

    2. People love shitty music. Why do you think kpop is popular as is :P

    3. Its popular in certain places like New York, L.A and Seattle, Washington cause that is where a lot of Asian live. Unless its Gangnam style than people really don't know shit.

    4. well, they make really good music so its no mystery

    5. I thought I was the only who thought, but yeah 2NE1 is straight trash, though I have nothing against them personally.

  6. Can't nun body, can't nun body hold us down...

  7. Dog.L sure knows how to bark a lot. Woof, woof!!!!

  8. CL looks okay there

    and WTF that's some random Jo Kwon pic
    speaking of Jo Kwon, Happy World AIDS day!

  9. Dara is the type of wife that would cry and threaten to kill herself just so you could pull a seungri and throw her the towel.

    bitch is fucking crazy

  10. CL would look pretty decent without this cheap white-washed face. Am i the only one bothered by the Korean color-blindness?
    inb4 she is attention-whoring like always

    1. What are you trying to say?

      anyways CL is the best kpop female rapper so who cares?

    2. rofl at the "best kpop female rapper"
      I mean, is it so difficult for make-up artists there to pick the right foundation colour for the skin?

    3. Not sure if troll or delusional Blackjack.....though I can definitely say that CL is far from being the best Kpop female rapper for sure.

  11. I don't see how people can find Hyo Yeon unattractive and say CL is hot shit on this planet.

    1. Do people really said that about CL?
      (HyoYeon is still on a higher level of ugliness though)

    2. Hyogre is just hideous. Cl(along with the rest of 2ne1) is amazingly gorgeous inside and out

    3. Whatever it's just a matter of opinion.

      I personally find Hyo more attractive, but that's just my opinion I guess.


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