Sunday, December 23, 2012


Been a while since I've done one of these (damn you ShinBizzle) so bear with me. If you're new 'round here, or forgotten just what this shit is all about, NYSLT is my attempt at introducing our dear FISHes to some Korean music outside of KPop. Hence, "Nugus" You Should Listen To.

This edition is is dedicated to the recent collab between veteran groups YB, a rock act with Yoon Do Hyun as the frontman, and LeeSsang (or more commonly known as "That group Gary's in with that fat guy on Infinity Challenge"). Not exactly nugus, but not mainstream enough for an average KPop stan to recognize I think.

It's a very nice rock number that nicely combines the charms of YB and LeeSsang. I found Yoon Do Hyun's vocals to blend very well with Gil's during the choruses, and the slow jazzy break down in the last third of the song is damn cool. I enjoyed the song a lot! I'm tired and I don't really know what else to say so accept my apologies for a shitty microreview.

Be sure to check out the rest of LeeSsang and YB's work if you enjoyed this and even if you didn't cause they've got better stuff in their catalogues!

EDIT: LeeSsang: 회상 (feat. 백지영), 겸손은 힘들어, Journey
YB: I'm a Butterfly, Talk to Me, 큰별은없어


  1. I'm quite confused on how do you differ what's Kpop and what's not. Are singers like Davichi, Seeya and Kim Tae Woo considered kpop singers?

    1. It depends on each person's definition of Kpop. My definition of Kpop is restricted to idol groups and solo singers who perform dance music. That is what the Hallyu emphasizes, so that's my definition of Kpop. While there are ballad and hiphop acts that are popular in Korea, they cater to a different audience than idol groups. I write about ballad groups and hiphop groups because I like them, not because I think they're Kpop.

    2. Personally, I consider anything the "Hallyu Wave" emphasizes as KPop. Right now, that'd be idols and anyone who makes music clearly targeting a mainstream appeal. While yes, that definition can get a bit muddied at times, it's a good enough demarcation for now. I would consider Davichi and Seeya idols despite the incination towards ballad music. Kim Tae Woo is a former idol, but I would still consider him as so even with his old age and leanings toward MC work these days.

    3. Thanks for the explanation, and what I thought is that singers like Davichi, SeeYa, SG Wannabe, December, Etc, are not considered kpop singers, since they are on a completely different level than the kpop groups. I am also not quite sure wether I should put BEG in the list of kpop idols, since they are "different".

  2. They need a more hardcore drummer in my opinion, and a less repetitive riff. If they fixed that, I'd be on them like a literature graduate on a sugar daddy.
    Implementing a jazz breakdown reminded me of 'War From A Harlot's Mouth', specifically the album "Transmetropolitan".

    1. I like your comments alot, cos obviously you know alot about music and sound engineering.
      You should be a writer on AKF seriously why is NO ONE scouting you?!

    2. http://ragefaces.s3.amazonaws.com/5041eca4ae7c704f08000002/ohstopyou.png

      Because sound engineering and music know-how doesn't get views. As we speak Zaku is jerking off to the fact that this article, even managed to get CLOSE to ten comments.

    3. I would gladly hire Infamist if he applied. Like he said, articles in which we discuss good music barely gets any comments and gets fewer views. Probably the only article I have ever written here where I reviewed music that I thought was good and that happened to get a lot of views and comments was my m-flo review. Most of the time those articles don't get very many views. If I were running this blog for a profit, I wouldn't bother with half of the articles I write on here. However, since I don't ever plan on profiting from this blog, nor do I intend on selling out like allkpop, I write about something even if it only gets a few hundred views instead of a few thousand views.

  3. Don't really comment here, but this article is poorly written.

    YB isn't really a "nugu". I see that you are specifically talking about newer comers of K-Pop, but regardless of their lack of knowledge you shouldn't really label the most successful band a "nugu".

    To make it short, YB sold millions and is most commercially successful rock band in Korea. 2002 during World Cup they've reached national popularity with "Oh! Pilsung Korea".

    Followed up by the 2002's popularity, Yoon Do Hyun starred in a music show caled "Love Letter".(a.K.A Sketchbook's and Chocolate's spiritual predecessor)lasted nearly 6 years or so.

    One thing that bugs me the most is ending sentence.

    > "Be sure to check out the rest of LeeSsang and YB's work if you enjoyed this and even if you didn't cause they've got better stuff in their catalogues!"

    YB has 8 albums, and bunch of EP/Singles and he also has couple solo works. LeeSsang has 8 studio albums. Basically that's 16 albums all together, safe to assume that's over 200 songs. If they really have "better" stuff like you claimed, then was it too much of a trouble to recommend a song or two? Don't mean to point any finger or anything, but this really makes me question: do you even listen to them? Because if you did you could have easily recommended a song or two since there's so many choices to choose from.

    1. I meant no harm in calling YB and LeeSsang "nugus." I was referring to how someone unfamiliar with Korean music in general wouldn't know who the hell they were. I know exactly how big they are.

      And I wrote this shit at 3AM, was writing for the sake of writing. You want recommendations?

      LeeSsang: 회상 (feat. 백지영), 겸손은 힘들어, Journey
      YB: I'm a Butterfly, Talk to Me, 큰별은없어

    2. No, I don't really want recommendations. Been listening to them since forever. Just pointing out how bad the article was.

    3. Well that's your perrogative then, don't bitch at me.

    4. Doesn't change the fact it's still a shitty article.

    5. From what I gather, the only reason this is a "shitty" article is because I dared called YB and LeeSsang nugus and because I didn't make any recommendations for alternative songs to listen to should Madmen not be up to the reader's tastes. I've explained the purpose of both using "nugu" and this article in addition to providing the recommendations necessary to prove that I actually listen to these two bands.

      Now if you're going to criticize me, at least point out what I'm doing wrong instead of acting like the very fangirls/boys that we mock and satirize here.

    6. Before I say anything that's could aggravate you, I would suggest you re-reading my initial post. I have clearly mentioned the huge flaw of not recommending anything. The closing sentence itself is the biggest mistake ever.

      I will keep it simple, and clean; I won't even be nit-picking your poor choice of words such as "better"; which is simply subjective. Anyhow, why bother recommending artist if you aren't even going to recommend them to the listeners? Was it that much of a hassle to link a song or two? Are you that lazy? Why even bother saying "check them out" if you are going to leave readers in the dust?

    7. I've already addressed all of your points, so I'm just going to end this with YB & LeeSsang are jjangbak.


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