Monday, December 17, 2012

SONE's imagination truly has gone too far.


First it was doing a Running Man statistics even though you can find that shit in Wikipedia. Then it was imagining SNSD as Japanese feudal lords and samurais. Now what, Lord of the Rings? Warhammer 40k? LOL.
Dang, here I thought this nigga was obsessed with anime or stuff related to Japanese culture only but that clearly isn't the case now. I'd understand if he's gonna use it as a plot for a fanfic but he obviously isn't into writing one and prefers to admit this kinda stuff in front of others' faces instead.

Which leads to this.


Last time I checked, Su-47s were never even used for actual combat and only stayed as prototypes and unarmed technology demonstrators. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Su-47.

But like that matters. The point is it's quite amusing to see someone at the age of 34 doing stuff like this in the internet and actually enjoying it. Someone should get this guy to visit a psychologist or some shit, assuming it's possible to even convince him he's lost his marbles.

Keep it up Ryu. AKF is watching you.


  1. Lol, does this guy really had nothing else to do? go fap or some shit

  2. Does this guy not even have kids to busy himself with?

  3. I like this guy and I don't see anything wrong with what he does.

    1. If you read what he says in Diadem, you'll probably change your mind then.

  4. I guess it's weird but he could be doing much worse things....

  5. I don't know what's weirder, this guy or your obsession with this guy.

    1. If the latter were the case, I'd have taken the trouble of searching every single post of his in Diadem .___.

  6. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH hahahahahahahahahaahhahaahhaha

  7. God damn, this guy is like me, if I went full aspergers. Nigga been playin' Ace Combat, probably.


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