Tuesday, December 11, 2012

your fan art is awesome!

Any good kpop fan has at some point tried to draw their favorite idol. Only the really stupid ones put them online for others to laugh at. 



the resemblance is uncanny



i'll melt you down like a shitty drawing

new akf background?

what if zelda was a qri?


i must return to my home planet

what is it with fan girls wanting to see their idols fucking each other themselves

going right on the fridge

they really captured tiffany's infamous 5 o clock shadow


ahreum_bag over head

oh you're such a fat whore!

nana as a llama


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


  1. LOL at Bom hahahahaha.

    But Jesus fucking Christ, even as an amateur artist myself, lot of these are just terribad as hell.

    The only one with actual promise in skill is the second pic and the one right above the two gays.

    1. you can't just say that and not post your drawings!

      I promise not to laugh too hard at them

    2. Compare all those to this then :P


  2. I don't find this funny :|

    Drawing takes time before you can make a fine piece (on common standard). Those might look bad and all but the people who drew it must have spent more than 1 hr at least (i'm sure because i draw) and i think they have the right to be proud of whatever the outcome are. Those are their time and effort and they can share with whoever they want, don't like it, don't look, no one's charging you money for looking. And it's not like they were bragging about how they are, anyway.

    I find those who laugh at their hard-work, in this case: you, stupid.

    Stop trying too hard at being funny, please.

    1. You poor poor baby, Did the mean poster made you cry? Witch of those drawings was made by you? Don't be afraid to say it because I'll tell you it's good just like your art teacher in preschool used to do.

      Who cares if is hard work? Most of those look like shit, saying the opposite would be just a lie, having someone to tell you it's not good is the first step to improve it.

    2. If it was mine I don't think I'd mind too much. With time and practice most of us (for some it wasn't meant to be) can improve greatly. Just yesterday I was looking through my old drawings and was like "Holy crap I sucked!" (which is a different case now).

      So I'd listen to the negative comments but I wouldn't take them too seriously because I'd still have the chance to improve. If maybe 1-2 years down the road and you still draw like crap then I'd say to try a new hobby.

      AND PLEASE, OH PLEASE, CAN FANGIRLS STOP DRAWING GUYxGUY GAY K-POP PORN!!!! This stuff seriously traumatizes me and I don't know where they get this imagination from. I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU SIWONxSIWON GIRL/GUY!!!!

    3. People can put in over 6 hours of effort in anything and it can still suck balls in both the artist and audience's view.

      From your logic, I could say the same thing for fanfics, in which a great many of them are so badly written that you can barely finish the first page or even the first paragraph - but hey, why laugh at them if the author's put so many hours into it even though it sucks?

      They could at least improve on their own or at least get advice from someone that actually does art before posting it online.

      "I find those who laugh at their hard-work, in this case: you, stupid"

      Idol groups and their producers and agencies routinely release and perform shitty material regardless of how many hours of hard work is put in. I guess the people that laugh at them are stupid too.

    4. so....which one of these shit-tastic drawings is yours?

      They are put online for public view which means they can be critiqued. These drawings suck, that's the bottom line. No-one is saying that the people drawing them suck and should isolate themselves from society in shame.

  3. This site was fun at first but recently, many new articles have been just plain mean and stupid.

    1. If you want something to laugh at, fuck all over to /jp/, and laugh at make believe autists.

      Not that valid criticism doesn't have it's place, but if you think the place has deteriorated, why don't contribute to make it "great" again. This is more or less a community site anyway, rather than a straight up blog, yo.

    2. lol I have no idea what your first line means, but if you was talking about Japan music industry, they have a very fine line between idols and artists. So stop looking at Oricon chart and think that you've known everything.

      Anti-kpop fangirl makes fun of fangirls everyday, why don't you tell them to go and make them better people? It is because this is a community site that these writers need to think of what they write before publishing them. If you can't take a little criticism, don't make it a community site.

      There is a line between being funny and being an asshole, this article crossed that line, simple as that.

    3. Chuck Opparchan said that this site is basically alike to South Park. It's simply a place where the authors can express their non-delusional opinion without fangirls coming to protect their oppas/unnies.

      READ. THE. FAQ.

    4. How is this "express their non-delusional opinion"? This is straight out dissing on others without reasons. So it is wrong to post your work on internet because it is yours and you want to share it with your fandom now?

      "coming to protect their oppas/unnies."? Oh gawd...

    5. The first line means (translated into "liberal"): If you want comedy, seek comedy. This site is not for comedic purposes, although a lot of the authors do weave humor into their writing style. The fact that you don't find it funny or appropriate is on you, not them.
      Chuck is who gets the say in what stays, and what goes.

      Opinion and art has and shouldn't have any responsibility attached to it. The creator has the say, not the consumer.

      Your sense of social psychology is hilariously low, you're probably gonna think they don't care about the people involved in this:

      If your reaction is akin to: "how horrible, they are making fun of that poor girl", You're gonna get an F- on your sociology exam.

    6. I find it quite funny that you complain on the article that makes fun of people's drawings and not the one that involves an injured person.

    7. I slightly disagree. There was always been articles here that have been "just plain mean and stupid", they're just been mixed in with some of the good ones. Just like any other site there's gonna be a dumb article every now and again.

    8. "Anti-kpop fangirl makes fun of fangirls everyday, why don't you tell them to go and make them better people? It is because this is a community site that these writers need to think of what they write before publishing them. If you can't take a little criticism, don't make it a community site."

      If I couldn't take criticism, there wouldn't be a way for readers to post their comments here. I don't expect every reader to agree with every line written in every article. Readers have pointed out flaws in my logic and arguments in some articles and I'm fine with that. That's what the comments are for. I'm not perfect and 100% knowledgeable in every subject, so I do expect some people who know more than me in certain topics to point stuff out. I just learn from it and move on.

      Also, what's so bad about pointing out someone's terrible skills? Everyone, including myself, laughs at how bad my drawings using MS Paint for my articles are. It's fine if people want to draw fanart, but they should learn how to draw. It's not like there's an expectation for everyone to be like Michelangelo, but don't upload your worst attempts for others to see.

    9. Chuck's MS Paint macros > Fanarts.
      Yours is just a lot less disturbing.

    10. In what way is this article constructive criticism? If you are getting critiqued on usually it's people who are seeking perfection out of you; However they want you to improve to become perfection. In no way that this article is trying to help others to improve, it's just insecure people who are making fun of fans drawings, knowing damn well that they can't even draw a stick figure correctly.

    11. If making fun of fans' drawings is immoral to you, then I suppose making fun of fans' intelligence through their comments in the internet or songs (or entire albums) made by idols, producers and their agencies is even worse.

    12. I guess you do have a point there.

  4. Oh my goodness of ice cream, the drawing of Bom looks like one of my friends. I don't know if that should be an insult or a compliment.

  5. Ugh, loser, I told you not to use mine :[

    1. which...one...is...yours noonar .__.

    2. Take your pick. He basically raided my entire collection. He hacked my DA account >:X

    3. what is a DA account noonar D:? Sorry for my ignorance :(

    4. Deviant Art, Reehjis. But nah, just jokes. I can't keep up the charade that I make fanart. ;)

  6. that drawing of siwon fucking siwon will haunt me forever.

    there is also some really good fanart out there though. there was one picture made in colourpencil of taemin that made me want to cry and kill myself.

    1. I didn't get the second guy was also Siwon until I read this comment
      Can't unsee T_T



    3. It really has traumatized me. 0_0
      What do these girls do, look at gay porn for these positions? Seriously, I wanna know because if not that they have very wild imaginations. 0_o

    4. well the drawing says siwon vs siwon and the two characters are super girl/sorry sorry siwon and bonamana siwon so...

    5. I don't know whether to applaud you for knowing that or be afraid, very afraid

  7. Hey, butthurts, nobody's forcing you to read this blog.

    5'o clock shadow and the last one cracked the fuck up

    1. But people should be free to leave their opinions if they don't like something *shrugs*

    2. Exactly.
      They post, we remark!

  8. lol. That wasn't zelda though. It was Tsunade. From Naruto. Just pointin that out. No harm intended. Just...pointin that out.

    1. I used to be good at Pictionary too

    2. I thought so too until I saw the mole.


  10. WTF was that a hybridized Tsunade-Qri?? Qnade??? I think I'm gonna..

  11. I think some of them are quite acceptable.

  12. oookkeyy, that teach me not to roam to the bad side of the internet

    ("= _=)

  13. For ever 1 piece of amazing fan art, there is 300 that suck

  14. What if Zelda haz a soul patch?

  15. The Siwon x Siwon one traumatizes me soooo much. I seriously don't get some of these fangirls......... :|

    1. I have to say though, Siwon's hands (The Siwon who's neck is chained....0_O....I dunno) is very strategically placed. XD

  16. There's nothing that wrong with these fan arts (except the Siwon one) I don't think people are putting them up expecting to be praised as the next Monet or Picasso. Uploading them onto the Internet allows unbiased people to view and critique them which (if the person drawing takes the comments in) then leads to improvement in the future.

    I've been drawing practically all my life but outside of cartoons I only started being able to draw people since turning 18. Artistic talent doesn't come easy to everyone but is something that can be developed.

    And people saying they put in 1 hour's effort... That's shit all. Most drawings take a few days whilst theres one I've been working on for over three months now (and still find it to be lacking >.>)


  18. The gay sex one was probably the best actually, from a technical standpoint.

    I also like how the Qri one included her mole...........................................

    1. Yeah, say whatever you want about its content, that took some level of skill to create. They even put in the chain's shadow.

  19. lol the siwon X siwon one actually looks good O.o lmfao. i mean... what the picture actually is is fucked up and disturbing but the shadowing, tone etc is good :P the second one isn't bad either becuase it contains some skillful shit. But forever laughing at the fat whore. lmfao

  20. That person captured Bom's "I haven't shit in two weeks" forever constipated face perfectly. Kudos

  21. Eh... I guess me being an artist myself, I can't quite laugh at them. Instead, I would give advice, especially to the ones in which you can tell have no clue in drawing. I mean, my stuff ain't the best either but there's techniques and crap to use (especially that last one can use them) so they won't look so flat... or maybe not start off using a mechanical pencil (and you must be a beast if you just start drawing in ink with no pre-sketching)

    But.. I actually find some of these not so bad ^^ Actually, I'm observing what some of them did and thinking of incorporating... so.. thank yoooou!

    1. But you are just a derp face trying to steal the already circumscribed limelight from rest of the chicks in the failed girl group.

  22. ...phew, nothing of mine here. But yeah, drawing people is hard so it's understandable that these would all suck (except for the Siwon one, it's messed up but whoever drew it knows their anatomy and rendering pretty decently). Still worth a laugh though- I like how the last one is made up of childlike symbols rather than the actual features. We all had that hilarious beginner stage at some point.

  23. that "home planet" one is really qt, except for the wonky eye

  24. what happened.. why are only shitty writers and even shittier trolls left on this site.. :(
    ps: i'm pretty sure that zelda is Tsunade

  25. Uh, this article is seriously not funny. I'd like to see you all draw a picture of your idol perfectly....oh wait that's right you all can't. It's quite obvious that you guys don't draw because I draw as well and drawing a portrait or anything is very time consuming and very hard to get it right, but of course you wouldn't know that because you have no life and you worry about what people say on the internet all the time.

    1. This. This site is slowly turning into shit due to the writers lack of interest.

    2. From your logic, then AKF shouldn't even have MV reviews either because none of the writers are qualified music critics themselves or actual musicians :P

      And this is coming from an amateur artist here.

      While I do agree portraits take time to draw and perfect, it doesn't make much sense to draw a terrible imitation of the portrait you were going for and upload it in the internet and expect everyone to applaud for you. It's hardly different to the fucking 12 year old faggots that go around claiming they know shit-all about firearms from just playing Call of Duty or Battlefield.

    3. First of all, I don't read you guy's fucking MV reviews because most of the writers here fucking terrible music taste, and F.Y.I music is different. Everybody listen to music, so people can tell the difference from a good singer and a bad one, but art is different. Since most people are interested in sports and sex, they can't tell the difference between a good artist and a bad one, or the ones who have potential to be a godd artist.

      Well, good for you that you are a amateur. I'm an amateur to but you don't see me laughing at other peoples art because I know that I possibly can't do any better, or that someone may look at m work, and say "That's fucking terrible!" Besides most of these artists in this article has great potential, and they are good.

      People applaud the art, because unlike your dumbass people see the good in it and they see potential in other people's work, and also they may applaud it because they know they can't do it themselves.

    4. You don't seem to grasp that art, music and literature all fit intogether then. Separating art and music would be like trying to say apples and oranges aren't fruit.

      You obviously expected every drawing up there not to receive shitting from other people, regardless if they're good or bad. And please. 'Most people are interested in sports and sex'?

      That's quite a massive generalization you got there.

      And from what I see, you can't tell if most of the people that drew these pictures have potential. So far in, the only ones who've shown actual potential are the ones that drew the second pic and the Siwon x Siwon one. The rest are subjective to debate at best - either they're fucking terrible at it despite years of constant practice and should find a different hobby/interest or take the damn logical sense to improve their skills BEFORE uploading it online and be subject to mocking from others. It's as simple as that. I sure as hell didn't upload my stuff in the Internet until I was 18, knowing that more improvements could be made to make it more appealling for others to view for their entertainment and writing fanfics online didn't come about till this year, after years of constant practice in writing (which I still do today).

      Lastly, there's no difference in visual, musical or literal art - only that the ways they're expressed/made/done is in a different format but all fit in together as entertainment. There's a reason why some singers are referred as 'artists', even though they don't go around drawing and coloring on paper, canvas or even on a brick wall at some dark alleyway at night.

    5. http://dicetrain.tumblr.com/post/9814494849/visuals-are-valid

    6. a. umm if you upload anything on the internet you're opening the criticism box; almost by definition, its a place where you can say whatever you like, and to say that you should only say nice things makes people stagnant. i used to make shitty drawings and post them but people put me in my place and you know what the only thing it did was make me better.

      b. music is art. and while i agree that there is a lot of subjectivity in taste, there's always a level to which you can quantify the quality of art - how else do you think they grade artwork for school and stuff? technical skill is almost strictly objective; these kids (with the exception of that disturbing siwon drawing's creator) lack the skill of observation. simple as that.

      c. just because someone has enough enthusiasm to put their artwork up on the internet does not mean they have the potential to be a professional in that genre of art. and how would you go about measuring someone's imaginative potential from a drawing that they copied from a photograph in graphite pencil? i'm not saying that none of these people have a future as an artist, just that none of those things can be judged from one horrible drawing.

      "you wouldn't know that because you have no life and you worry about what people say on the internet all the time."

      quoting for general lulz

  26. Yukiko and Chie approves this article.

  27. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-wMllq-cv-Us/UMbyed4VP6I/AAAAAAAAAvU/_ZcLvCzkMNY/s1600/images1.jpg

    this looks a lot like g.na

  28. here's another one

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. HAHAHAHA see what u did there! cool post though. :)

  31. This post never fails to crack me up though I do think the first one isnt too bad


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