Monday, February 11, 2013

Kara to have their own anime; wotas will finally fap to them

Kara is having their own anime to reach a new audience in Japan. They couldn't get enough guys to fap to them with their Mister MV, so they had to get creative: make an anime so that wotas will fap to them!

This shit speaks for itself.


  1. love the caption on the pic! and that vid is very disturbing D:

  2. Japanese and their weird shit still lol, I think it's a good advancement that KARA now has its own anime, but for some reason, the vid just made me cringe.

  3. LOL, thats unbereivable, how many jobs can i get if i put that on my resume i achieved an award for Fapmaster champion

  4. Those have got to be some of the shittiest character designs I've ever seen in an anime this side of 1998... Sad times, man. Sad times.

    1. Glad I ain't the only one who thinks the character designs are terrible.

    2. They look like the same girl wearing different wigs.

    3. Oh man I was just about to make a comment like this but you beat me to it!
      They don't even look like KARA... and the movement is really choppy. Bleh. I don't think this'll do well at all.

    4. MTE. They just drew one girl 5x with different hair & their Mister dance looked so stiff.

    5. Hara's the only one who looks sort of like herself.
      That anime basicness is a crime against Gyuri.

    6. The animation is poor, the preview is poor; Poor, just poor

  5. Makes me wonder how long it took the girlfriend to get used to the guy fapping all the time in her presence.

  6. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

  7. Kara girls are really pretty but the characters from that goddamn Fushigi Yugi anime look better than Kara's anime characters.

    1. all of watase yuu's characters are beautiful imo

  8. Jap boys too asexual, duh reason i marry tall american man who me will love long time! Teeheeheeheeheehee!

  9. Was he jerking it to a variety show?

    1. He's probably reached a zen-like state where he doesn't need that much outside influence on his libido.

    2. more importantly, was he jerking in it when the cat was climbing on his lap?

    3. I was willing to ignore that part just for my peace of mind.

  10. isnt that dude the title holder of the longest fapper in the world? nippon, oh nippon

  11. Replies
    1. It couldn't be. This man said that real girls are gross because they smell, but sulli_fag loves sniffing buttholes.

  12. that ain't the real animation. some other dude it and dsp just granted it

    this one is the official; /watch?v=p7iklL6idu8
    lots of bust shots~

  13. is it me or it's too difficult to see their noses?

  14. What the crunk? Is that an early promo or something? The animation is way more shitty, and the art-direction entirely different from the other previews I've seen.

    Also: Masanobu The Master Masturbator. Guy was born for this shit. Girlfriend almost seems cute, too.

  15. Why is that Nippon creepy guy masturbating to a fat dude on TV?

  16. OMO That video is pure HWAIIIIITTEEEENNGGGG

  17. That video just made me sad & a little uncomfortable. He's never gonna have a real relationship with a woman. The "girlfriend" is basically there to make him look slightly less pathetic

  18. Nine hours of masturbation? Really? Is there nothing else this man has to do with his time besides fap?

    Also, I don't think that's the real KARA anime promo - IIRC this is~ http://youtu.be/Ehy1duU92QA

  19. Gyuri is fucking wall-eyed, their dance moves look like a GIF made by a 12 year old, and that fucking anime jump at the end is just so cringe worthy that I can't... I just had to make another comment on this, holy crap.

  20. the anime was like a lazy effort......the gf is not interested in sex? dude, it's probably because she have never experienced an orgasm from you before...she probably love you so much that she just want to forget about sex ever....and pick up a hobby like sewing........foreplay is key u lazy, selfish masturbator~~~!!!! try eating her muff' once in a while...if she stinks down there....get her to wash up before doing the duuuurrrrttttyyyy.....waxing does wonders..../end of rant

    1. Dude. He cant fucking last 9 hours!
      How many orgasm would a girl got in 9 hours?

    2. He jizzed in the video. They didn't say he only had one orgasm.

  21. Oh god...this is going to flop. They can't even come with original stuff anymore, its actually kind of sad.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. No. No. No. No. NoNONONO.
    I haven't seen such lifeless eyes EVER.


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