Monday, February 18, 2013

New Asian Female Girl Solo Incoming

So BILLBOARD recently sat down with 2NE1's CL to do a little interview where CL gibbed the gab and talked about 2NE1's future plans, shit like that.

She then happened to mention that she's planning a solo debut with a full album after 2NE1 makes their comeback sometime in (as of right now apparently) April.
“I’m planning to have my solo album out this year, after 2NE1,” [CL] says. “I was looking back and thinking, ‘I want to have something personal for me.’ With 2NE1, it’s not personal because it’s not only about me; it’s about all the members. We’re more about influencing the world. But I have so many things I want to say. I have this other side of me that people didn’t meet in 2NE1.”
She expresses her wishes to have a full album (rather than the usual introductory single or mini-album approach for new artists or projects) because “that’s a stamp. That’s a footprint for me and my life. I want to keep it personal.” The project will most likely involve Teddy, but CL hopes to write music for the project too.
Interesting. Pretty ballsy of her to debut with a full album rather than a small little single or mini album, especially since it means a more significant investment from YG's part. Don't let the "Papa YG" or "YG Family" act fool you, Yang Hyun Suk is a very shrewd man and for him to gamble on a CL solo means CL's gettin' the D or he's got something weird planned in the works. There's still a yet-to-debut YG SNSD, Taeyang solo, GD solo (part 2), Psy comeback and Gummy 10-year-anniversary celebration all lined up in some form or other. I don't know how that fits into the YG master schedule (l0l wat schedule, lbr), but time will tell.

At any rate, CL promises us that it'll be good shit she's going to spit. So good in fact, it'll be the next Asian feminist anthem.
While she said 2NE1 influences the world, CL hopes to change stereotypes regarding Asian women. “I want to represent Asian women. I want to break that typical Asian female stereotype. There’s this standard where they’re all calm,” she says excitedly. “I want to break that. I want to tell the world that there are some badass Asian female girls and that we can be cool. That we’re nothing different. I want to break that standard and stand up for all the girls.”
>badass Asian female girls
>Asian female girls
>female girls

Goddamn it CL, I thought YOU were supposed to be the fluent English speaker. l0l


  1. "YG SNSD" - What do you mean ?

    1. I think he's talking about the new YG girl group that is suppose to debut soon.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think her solo debut will flop. She isn't that popular, but if she has a good song then maybe she will do good. I just don't see whats so special about CL. I used to like her but now she's more annoying than anything.

  4. "That we’re nothing different. I want to break that standard and stand up for all the girls.”

    You can't break reality. There are plenty of bold Asian girls, but the majority is far and away the more reserved, less direct, less impactful personality type, and seem to really enjoy people who are the same way. That's not a bad thing, but if you feel like it is expected of you and that is unfair, sure I would agree. However, a personal statement of your own does not turn a minority into the majority. It's okay to say it shouldn't be considered "standard" because individuals are individuals, but "nothing different" from the usual? Sorry, then you're arguing against reality and will lose. You're trying to escape a false standardization by making a new false standardization. It would be better to simply celebrate and encourage individuality and acceptance of others who are different from your expectations.

  5. Replies
    1. Yes. Blackjacks and YG stanners.

    2. I can honestly say I like[d] her in many of their songs even if not a BJ. She's obnoxious in many techo-ish ones, though.

    3. Not gonna lie. Minzyass is probly the only reason i watch their mvs
      And em songs catchy bro

  6. Actually, YG's new girl group was said to be disbanded. Only Lee Hi will be continuing solo activities. http://www.allkpop.com/2013/02/supearls-disbands-yg-entertainment-nullifies-contracts

    1. Thats a different girl group called SuPearls from the one being talked about in the article. YG was suppose to debut 2 girl groups this year. One was YG SNSD and the other was Supearls but he dropped them.

    2. Thanks, I was unaware of that. I can't keep track of all these debuts tbh.

    3. If the other girls were anything like Lee Hi YG just did us a great favor.

    4. I don't know if you watched KPOP Star Season 1, but SuPearls was this group of 4 which included Park Jimin (now in 15& from JYP). They did generally impressive covers of "The Boys - SNSD (Acapella)" and "Fame - Fame Musical". They were likened to be like a younger Big Mama.

      Jimin went to JYP after the show and the other 3 were signed to YG. There were talks that Lee Hi was replacing Jimin's spot in the group but now this isn't happening. They weren't the prettiest girls, but their voices were something that could be worked with. I want to see Seung Joo more, because she had this kind of scratchy low voice you don't see too often in K-Pop.

  7. I don't really care for CL's rapping or singing. I dunno why, both her singing and rapping sound chipmunk-ish to me. I'd rather here from Minzy or Bom over her although Bom can sometimes be hard on the ears when they have her singing out of her range like in Epik High's "Up", and sadly for Minzy she is the under-rated member of her group:/. Honestly the reason why i dont really like most of 2ne1's songs is because of CL's voice, the fact that she gets most of lines doesn't help. So im onviously not looking forward to her fake swag solo album. I sound like such a hater but I honestly don't get the hype over this girl.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Even if CL is a one screwed up hack, I'll never be underestimating her to deliver good songs since the time I ate my words with Taeyang's SOLAR. However, that's Taeyang and he's a midget namja; CL is a drugged up 5-dollar hooker.

    Still, okay! Capability-wise, I can tolerate CL more than any other SNSD member having a solo album 'cept Taeyeon or Tiffany. But prz, CL, no "progressive", "avant-garde" bullshit. Thanks

    1. Eh... Tiffany's better as a backing vocalist, IMO. Hyoyeon and Yuri actually aren't too bad (see their "I Am" cover), it's just that the songs they're given are WAY out of their vocal range (I think they're... altos, and most of SM's songs are for mezzo soprano/soprano range voices).

  10. "We’re more about influencing the world."

    I don't follow 2ne1 that closely but how exactly have they done that? I understand that bam-ratatata really speaks to the masses, but looking past that I'm coming up with nothing.

    1. They haven't. CL takes herself and 2ne1 too seriously even moreso than G-dragon. She's convinced herself that she's more "real" then other kpop artists. YG himself feeds his idols that lie.

  11. Her album will come 5years later. But with yg avex. And it will be a jpopcover album.
    Just like daesung YG is a total cunt
    Never trust YG in album dates niqqa.

  12. I have an idea, CL: why not focus on getting your group, who had one shitty single last year, back towards the top again instead of prancing around and doing your own shit? I don't think one comeback is going to help 2NE1 float again, unless it gets as much recognition as "I am the Best" did.
    This is part of the reason I can't stand 2NE1. They're so separated. Each member goes off to do whatever they fucking want (except Minzy what does she get I mean honestly) and they're not unified. How do they even meet the qualifications of being a group, anyway? I feel like everyone on 2NE1 is focused on THEIR success rather than the GROUP'S success.
    Or it could also just be me ranting at 2AM, either or.

  13. She sounds like a self-absorbed bitch in this interview: "With 2NE1, it’s not personal because it’s not only about me; it’s about all the members.", if you wanted it to be all about yourself why did you debut with a girl group?
    I used to like CL, but she just gets on my nerves now! She's not a great singer, but somehow she gets most of the lines in each on 2NE1's songs. Bom - the main vocalist - only seems to ever sing the refrain in each of their songs, but now everything seems to go to CL. I don't know what the fuck she's talking about, 2NE1 is all about her and has always been about her. It really should be called CLE1.

    1. She's shown her arrogant, self-absorbed and deluded side more than once in interviews.
      IMO she's the least likable in 2NE1. Bom's messed-up face is a bit scary but she's warm and funny and I like her voice (even if she's not as good as she used to be). Minzy is talented all around and she's a strong live singer. Dara can't sing but she's very likable. CL is the only one that has no likable qualities or skills apart from her decent English.


    3. I call them "CL and the Clouds". I REALLY want her to go into a rap battle with LE/Elly of EXID, who would rap RINGS around CL's poser ass.

      Also, what in the HELL is she doing getting a solo album?! Minzy hasn't even had a solo single yet (because fucking CL had to be featured on her song) and she's got a better tone/flow than CL any day.

  14. 2NE1's last comeback and their "world tour" were both half assed so I don't understand why she's already doing solo activities instead of focusing on the group.

  15. She is a douche bag. That is all.

  16. Damn haters to the left... While I do think she takes herself too serious, I don't see anything wrong with wanting a solo album. Big Bang gets to break off every other year and do their own thing so why shouldn't 2NE1. Plus she's the most well-rounded member of 2ne1 in terms of talent. & based on things we've seen, she probably wants to go all-out crazy avant garde bullshit on us which I am interested in seeing.


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