Friday, February 1, 2013

Question of the Week 71

This week's question is:
Which idol do you think has the craziest diet? (ie. the worst and best meal plans)

I think the worst diet would be Nicole's Danish diet:

Or Secret's weekly meal plan:
Morning: 1 slice of toast, 1 apple, 1 sweet potato
Lunch: chicken breast salad
Dinner: 8 cherry tomatoes, 1 cucumber
Morning: 1 slice of toast, low-fat milk
Lunch: 1 sweet potato
Dinner: 8 strawberries, 5 cherry tomatoes
Morning: 1 slice of toast, low-fat milk
Lunch: 1 sweet potato, 5 cherry tomatoes
Dinner: 5 strawberries, 1 cucumber
Morning: 1 slice of toast, low-fat milk
Lunch: chicken breast, 8 strawberries
Dinner: 5 cherry tomatoes, 1 cucumber
Morning: 1 slice of toast, 1 apple
Lunch: 3 eggs, 1 cucumber, 5 cherry tomatoes
Dinner: 10 strawberries, 1 cucumber
Morning: 1 slice of toast, low-fat milk
Lunch: 1 sweet potato
Dinner: 1 tofu, 3 cherry tomatoes
Morning: 1 slice of toast, 1 apple, low-fat milk
Lunch: 1 sweet potato
Dinner: 1 cucumber

I mean, I know it is not THAT bad. But that is not a lot of calories per day. These girls are obviously exhausted, and their lack of sleep and overwork (for practicing) seriously takes a toll on their health. 

Just saying. Some birds eat better than these girls.

But I think Park Bom (of 2NE1) has the best diet. Who doesn't love corn, lettuce, and watermelon? Simple and healthy, really. 

If anyone has suggestions for future Question of the Weeks, please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, tweet them to akf_shinbi, ask them at http://ask.fm/akfshinbi, or leave them in the comment section below. Thank you!


  1. @Nicole's diet; did she post it online or something ?
    Also, all that coffee.. yuck.

    SNSD probably has the worst diet, judging by the rumours.

  2. The fuck? Maybe DSP Ceo's dick is not deep enough up in Nicole's ass that's why he won't feed the poor girl enough.
    I'm giving up on my 'flat-stomach' dream. I am loving my rice.

  3. Daesung has the best diet. 'Cause his diet is not really strict. Lol, jk.
    IDK really. Maybe, Runa of f(x).
    Dude, dis rike lilleay hardtss.
    But, I agree that Nicole of Kara has the worst/craziest meal plan. Her or Krystal. The poor girl fainted twice while performing.

  4. That's even more coffee than what my parents drink every day.

    I think the worst diet should go to Sooyoung or in recent times, Phominute's Gayoon. She lost 8kg apparently.

    If it was a couple months ago, I would have put Boram in the list too.

    1. Boram looms as if she does not showerrrr

    2. Boram just straight up didn't eat. So, yeah, I guess that's one of the worst diets.

      What the hell makes Nicole's diet danish, though? The coffee?

      And I think one of the Secret member went public and said that that diet was BS, and that you basically can't survive with that little food.

    3. What disturbs me more is that it's black coffee. Not surprisingly, got it's name because it supposedly originated from Denmark.


      Dunno why she has to drink that shitty substance every meal though.

    4. caffeine burns calories by increasing heart rate

  5. I know APink had a diet where the members lost 5kg by only eating sweet potato and egg. But theyre always on some diet. Watch APink News for 5 seconds and you'll hear the girls always talk about how hungry they are and practically beg the camera for food.

  6. Eww, Nicole's diet makes me want to vomit, just a little. And if I ate like Secret, I'd probs just pass out and have to be IV'd back to life.

    Honestly, I always liked 9 muses' diet with the little cups. It was basically just the Portion Control Diet, http://www.allkpop.com/2012/03/nine-muses-reveal-their-paper-cup-diet-plan-to-the-fans. Although, if I ever tried something like that, I'd have to add a fourth cup for booze. Or Reese's Miniatures ...

    1. jooyeon will IV you back to life :>

      anyways, i drink more coffee than nicole do....proud of myself

    2. So that's how you're always awake! :p

  7. I liked hardboiled eggs, but I can only eat two a day at the max. Any more than that and my gag reflex starts kicking in. So if I was on Nicole's diet, I'd probably be bulimic due to throwing up all day.

    1. Maybe that's how her diet works. She eats so much that her body can't handle and she starts throwing it back up and the manager won't give her anymore to eat :O

    2. Gotta train on that gag reflex.

  8. i had the craziest diet! (???)

    Morning: 1 bowl of oatmeal, 1 banana or 1/2 apple, hot choco
    Lunch: 1 bowl of oatmeal, 1 apple
    Dinner: 2 pieces of white bread, tuna fillet, carrot sticks, cucumber slices

    1. nigga, no protein, that's a muscle loss diet..wtf are u doing

    2. i kno, i kno. i wnna be as slender as my unnis

    3. nigga better bulk up with a bunch of chicken breasts....i'm disappointed in you son

    4. i actually stopped and leveraged my protein intake a bit higher than what i feared of. peaked at 125lbs (56kg). i'm now 128.5lbs (58kg) which is an improvement. i kinda got scared i reached the point even XS shirts still made me look like i just got out of the horn of africa

    5. 129....hyosung weights more than you. Come on man...you need to fix it quickly. But then, pinoys aren't as flexible as we are

    6. when it comes to protein sources

    7. bish???? i always thought pinoys are the most horrible meat devouring, cholesterol gorging swines of asialand?? like everyone else around us eats rice and noodles and crickets after running around the jungle from ur communist governments??

    8. idk...lean protein is different. Pork belly doesn't count lol :P But my housemate last year loves fatty food, and she's a pinoy :[ Adobo like every few days

  9. I think the worst diet is whatever the fuck Gayoon and Hyuna are on.
    I think it's the "don't eat anything because you're fat and I hate you" diet.
    Given her recent severe weight loss, I would not be surprised if Hyuna came out saying she had an eating disorder. All I know is that Hyuna was never that thin before, and it's not natural. And if I remember correctly, Gayoon had thighs at some point... in like, 2011.

    1. I'm not the only one who thinks Hyuna has an eating disorder! She lost a crapton of weight before she debuted with Wonder Girls, (go look up pictures if you want, I think it was like 20kg) and during bubble pop she weighed like 39 kg (89 pounds) which is insane seeing as she's taller than I am. I bet she's anorexic or bulmic. Which is sad. Lately all the artists under Cube have been slimming down (G.Na got diagnosed with malnutrition) ugh. Why do Koreans think that being seriously underweight is a sign of sexiness?

    2. Yeah G.Na's a fucking zombie right now. She didn't look that fantastic in photos the start with, but now she's just a huge eyesore. I like her music and stuff, but... none of that is healthy.
      Did you see Hyuna in Dazzling Red? There's a photo of her next to the other girls and she's a goddamn skeleton.
      ...you're fucking kidding me. 89 pounds? For BUBBLE POP? She didn't look THAT thin, honestly, and she looks so much thinner now I hate to think how much she weighs right now.
      Cube is really fucking up their artists. Or their artists are just fucked up to begin with.

      Also, I was watching a behind the scenes for SISTAR19's "Gone Not Around Any Longer" performance, and Hyorin said "This is a starvation outfit. You can't eat before wearing it." Hyorin herself is really fucking thin, so it makes me wonder what her diet is like, too...

  10. I never believe what idols say their diets are but I'm convinced they just starve themselves before comebacks.

  11. Probably all of them are on very low calorie diets in order to keep their 's-lines' and shit, even though most of them don't look like they eat anything (let's face it, none of these bitches have any true s-line urves, 49 kilos or less @ 160 cm or above is just not healthy, and I doubt all of them have metabolisms that function at the speed of sound). Also, I've heard of sistar and a couple other groups starving themselves before performances.

    I'm not trying to be rude I'm just stating the truth that a majority of kpop singers are really skinny... at least by my standards

    1. by urves I meant curves, fuck.

    2. Also, I keep trying to do starvation diets and fail, because I skip lunch and breakfast and then eat like 800 cals at dinner. I'm not very active either, I lost my enthusiasm for sports awhile ago, so I really don't feel like exerting myself too much. So instead I skip eating; really, I think I'm developing some sort of eating disorder, which is sad, because I really used to love food, but my love for food is overshadowed by me wanting to lose 10+ lbs and become skinny.

      It's not necessarily idols that are influencing me to do this, it's society in general and how it seems like all the pretty people are thin and flawless. The other sad thing is, I can see right through this shallow society shit (people mainly use celebs to promote products which will supposedly improve your life and make you more desirable/like one of them/etc, though it's all just a marketing scheme), but I still want to lose the weight.

    3. Being under 50kg and between 155-170cm (though slightly over 50 isn't uncommon either) is actually reasonably average when it comes to Korean women and probably was long before idols came out. Most Korean girls tend to be around that range and seem just fine.

      The diff is that these idols' schedules and practice hours are way too much compared to how much they eat, not something your average Joe and Jane would do even for losing weight.

      All you gotta do is cut down on the nasty shit, eat lots for breakfast, mid for lunch and just a reasonably small amount for dinner, exercise at least an hour on the treadmill or just jog around the neighbourhood and sleep early. Rinse and repeat.

      It actually works.

    4. wut r u doin? Don't skip meals. I thought everybody knows about the "several small meals throughout the day" method. And like scatter said, no "nasty shit", which includes snacks and soft drinks/juices. Be especially wary of drinks because they almost never get you feeling full but are packed with calories, so you don't realize you're taking in so much.

    5. You both have good suggestions, I just might try to cut down on my snack intake. Also, another thing is that I guess it does make sense that girls in Korea are skinnier, mainly because they've grown up in a country that serves smaller portions and healthier food (and I've lived in a country which has been suffering from an obesity epidemic... good old 'Merica)

      But I think the fact of the matter is also that I'm probably not naturally thin. There are 2 sides to my family, one of them has taller and thinner women and the other has shorter and curvier women. And sadly I'm just kind of stuck in the middle of that maybe even closer to the curvier side... I'm an average weight for an average height 5'5" (126-130 lbs), and that's just kind of how I'm built, sadly.

    6. Both sides of my family are like that too, though genetics doesn't really play all that much of a big factor. It's your life-style that does. Rice, pasta, potatoes etc. aren't bad for breakfast or lunch - just don't eat it for dinner.

      Reminds me, I think it's been about a year since I ate from McDonalds, BK, KFC or any of those fast food chain hellholes .___.

    7. The secret is not eating fast food shit

      Success story: i am 4'10 and 80 lb

  12. I lost 15-20 pounds by replacing carbohydrates with healthy monosaturated fats and I ate even more than I did before. No idea about calories since I have never counted calories in my life.

    1. I wish I could give up on carbs, but whenever I eat, I end up consuming them anyway. I've always been very fond of bread products/pasta/rice/potatoes.

  13. I love bagels w/ cream cheese :).

  14. I don't wanna to be super skinny like an idol and eat rabbit food. You body has to survive on 1200 calories a day and a certain level of fat before you force into exhaustion. My biggest issue is that I don't wanna lose my D-cup sized boobs but work on having a slimmer waist to show off my hips better. Slim down my thighs for a longer leg look and control my belly.

    The way I wanna look you gotta eat healthy not just less and exerciser. But Asians try to be so tiny. Ugh I can't image myself with B-cup sized tits and no ass, just can't

    1. Nothing wrong with being a B-cup or having no ass so long as they don't have a face like this.


      Otherwise, I'm off to apply for a firearms license and buy myself a shotgun and shells

  15. I hired a PT to help me lose fat and stuff, what he basically told me is to have that eat small every 3 hours thingy, but it was kind of not possible since I still live with my parents and they don't like the idea.

    What I basically do now is that I reduced significantly my source of carb during dinners, and stopped buying night snacks, I still buy one or two snacks but I will try to eat it far before night time. I still drink bubble tea (half sugar and all), but I stopped all the massive junk (kfc, pizzas, choco cakes). I also changed my snacks to mostly skimmed milk, and rarely some fruits, and I just ate them whenever I'm hungry.

    Works quite well so far, lost about 6 kgs, pretty good imo for a diet doesn't make me suffer.

    Oh and I also went to the gym about 3 times a week and started doing cardio instead of just weight lifting. :D

    1. Stretch from 3 days to 5-6 days as you go. I still recommend a small degree of weight lifting though. Increase muscle, destroy fat while losing weight along the way. Don't want anything going saggy in the end.

    2. The problem from the start is that all I focus on is lifting, never done cardio, like literally not even once on a treadmill.
      I might be able to have more days in gym when I am in my uni break. 4 to 5 days a week might be doable.

  16. Those are their meal plans but let's be real. You know they are always sneaking shit or sweet-talking their managers into letting them get some snacks. And you see interviews where they talk about who drinks the most alcohol and whatnot and they are always very familiar with each others habits. They get their calories from somewhere. You can't live that intensely on almost nothing.

  17. Its weird that Secret's diet is so light, because none of them look crazy skinny. Sunhwa's probably the skinniest and she isn't scary skinny.

    1. Taking account to what Ajuhssi's said, their manager probably loves fried chicken and other sorts of delivery food you can get in Korea.

    2. lol yeah that is probably what happens. No way Hyosung is eating cucumbers all day.

      Unless she is... [ ; ) ]

  18. She's an actress, not an idol but Shin So Yool probably had the unhealthiest diet ever.
    She went from 75 kg to 46 kg by starving herself and drinking water.

    Her transformation was shocking because she's the kind of girl who looked really good a bit chubby, she was pretty and healthy.

    "I didn't eat a single meal for a month and a half. I only drank water and stayed in bed. When I got really hungry, I would eat a piece of cabbage. That is how I survived for 40 days."

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. I remembered Renee Zelwegger's dietary adventure just to prepare for her Bridget Jones Diary movie. Sorry non-hanguk shit

  21. Honestly, u know a lot of these girls are naturally skinny. There are some ppl in the world who can eat whatever the hell they want without gaining a single piece of flab. Most of these idols are like that. The rest starve themselves.

    1. Most idols are like that... like ent companies' main criteria for trainees and talents... is whether their metabolism rate is higher than average? Since they can cover up the ugg face with ps and the lack of talent with aegyo gimmicks and loud mastered songs?

      I see where your logic comes from, Janeelvorie honey. Love it

    2. Apply cold water to burned area bishhh...

    3. ew why is there a türk here?

  22. All I see on Nicole's diet is Black Coffee...

  23. Nicole's diet is just... wow. That's more coffee than I can ever consume in 6 months, let alone she has to drink that much in a week.


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