Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sorry, Nine Muses, but ur dumped

To cure the Valentine's Day blues for all those unwilling singles out there, Nine Muses released breakup-themed photos.

You let it all out, girl. 

And for all you males who might be planning to dump your girlfriends, Nine Muses was kind enough to show you the nine types of ex-girlfriends you might have.

1. Hates herself girl

2. You're Gonna Need a Restraining Order Girl

3. Mental Ward Mary

4. Drinks to Take the Pain Away Girl

5. Leaving the Dating Game Girl

6. Miss Cry Me a Fucking River 

7. Eats to Feel Love Girl

8. The Cleanser

9. Why Won't He Call Girl

So boys, think about the consequences of your breakup beforehand, or you might find yourself on the wrong end of a nasty phonecall ... or a meat cleaver.


  1. Are Nine Muses something worth listening too? I'm sort of terrified to listen to girl groups with nine members now, ever since SNSD released that shit-that-shall-not-be-named.

    1. If you like retro sounding 70's-80's synth pop, then give Nine Muses a try. Their style has been pretty consistent ever since they started working with Sweetune. They have no outstanding vocalist but the vocalists that they have are solid.

      "No Playboy" -- Their debut song is a hit/miss
      Figaro, News, Ticket, Dolls = All Sweetune songs

    2. I like them too. Same reasons apply.

    3. They are absolutely worth listening to :)

    4. I shall give them a listen to then.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Where's overly attached girlfriend?

  4. You got one wrong. #5 is obviously going lesbian. In Asia that is still strongly tied to butch cuts.

    1. I thought that one was becoming a monk or something.

    2. Well the literal meaning of it seems to mean that she's becoming an assassin to kill him.

  5. Still trying to figure out why they called her Euaerin.

    1. I also wonder why. I thought it was Erin at first. Her name is Hyemin though which might have been too close to Hyemi.

  6. once a upon a time...i was 8/9 of those mentioned.....gosh it was fun being 18 back then......


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