Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The best thing to happen in kpop so far this year

About an hour ago Min posted the Harlem Shake video she wanted to make (and did) on /r/kpop and while that's kind of fun in itself, this was the real gold:

International fans: We discuss the boners.


  1. I remember on 6theory that there was a popular thread about Kpop boners.

    We need a Kpop camel toe thread.

    1. Is 6theory the forum that got tooken down becos of bullying and such

      People are iss now on allkpop forums these days...

    2. not entirely sure why 6theory got taken down, but i know it had something to do with a bunch of really out of hand posters. unfortunately when the forum moved to akp forums, all my friends (who were, coincidentally, the only sane fans on the forum) left.

    3. I miss the 'whore yourself' thread.

      so much underage skin

  2. reddit is a worthless shithole that should be burned and forever be massacred to death. Same goes for 9fag.
    Both are heavily cancerous to the internet.

    I didn't know Min can talk English (eventhough judging by that small post, she write like a plebian retard).

    1. She lived in America for a few years before debuting in miss A.

    2. /r/kpop is a pretty civilized place, compared to the rest of kpop communities.

      And Min writes like.. well.. a typical redditor. I'm not sure if it's awesome or scary.

    3. Typical redditard.
      Why don't you go steal some memes, claim them as your own and keep spouting them like the sheep that you are ? You know, just like you always do.

  3. /r/kpop is the most sane, fangirl-free K-pop place on the internet.

    1. Why not? It's rare to see fanwars there (not as many as youtube, allkpop, tumblr etc.). It was the only community where people didn't bash IU for fucking with Eunhyunk(I don't know how to write his name) and didn't bash T-ara because of the bullying rumors.

    2. It's reddit, therefor it's part of a shithole. Eventhough you think it's on the outer brim of the shithole, it's actually still still a shithole.

    3. yea.....I dont think so. I've been there since it first started, and have seen the evolution of the comments and such. For every sane person, there is two insane kpoppers

    4. Well, I guess I was wrong then .-. It seems that I haven't been lurking on the comment sections enough.

  4. Min is my hero. I knew I was right choosing her as my bias.

  5. Min is my hero. I knew I was right choosing her as my bias.

  6. I do would like to see more kpop idols (english speakers) get more involved with teh international community. It would be a win win situation...unless they got some scandal shit going on. Imagine if they browse AKFG :O

    1. Tiger JK follows me on Twitter, and he clearly reads what I have to tweet cause he DM'ed me a couple of times. I link my articles through Twitter, so HE OBVIOUSLY IS ONE OF US


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