Friday, February 15, 2013

The Next Round Of Hiring

Do you look up to this guy?
Do you want to join the AKF staff?
Do you want to associate yourself with someone who is not only wildly popular in Korea and Japan, but founder of AKF?

Among the changes going on, the first one we want to tackle is hiring new authors. However, this round of applications will differ from previous ones. Instead of just authors, we're looking to hire people who can help run the site.

Preferred candidates would meet any of the following:

  • Experience writing for a blog/website
  • Knows how to design
I'll also accept anyone who wishes to guest blog on here. Fany Pack, Soyeon Friend and sulli_fag do it.

If you have no prior experience blogging, that's fine. Just like the other times, we require applicants to submit three (3) articles proving themselves to be a fit for AKF. We are no longer trying to "build up" authors anymore. Shinbi and I tried that in early 2012 and it was a disaster. So don't worry, we won't hire someone like Aurelie again, whom everyone thought was snorting cocaine while writing her posts.

Aside from authors, we're looking to find people to help us improve the site. I know that this site looks like it's from 2003 instead of 2013. I've read your complaints about how slow AKF loads for some of you, how outdated some things are, etc. We're looking to make improvements to the site.

Send applications to antikpopfangirl@yahoo.com. I'll be reviewing these applications along with Zaku and Shinbi, so the process will take longer than normal. Remember, we're always hiring, but for these hiring announcements, it's best to send your application within a month.

Note: If former authors wish to reapply, send me an email and we'll talk things over.

Zaku here. I see a lot of people posting in the comments saying how they would apply, but then proceed to list a myriad of reasons why they won't. JUST SACK UP AND APPLY GODDAMN IT. WE'LL BE THE JUDGE OF WHETHER OR NOT YOU'RE REALLY BAD. (Don't worry, we won't save your application and laugh at it later or something equally heinous. :D)


  1. NOTE: Snorting cocaine does not disqualify you from applying.

  2. Scatter should apply again if he can post while on Valium. #freescatter

    1. I'm just 2 months away from basic training though *shrugs*. Dunno if I should or not.

    2. scatter shouldn't have been fired...i wonder where reehji went...?
      will miss their articles!

    3. I miss that Scater guy too! I heard he got fired for offending Dani. Not surprising since I think she's one of Antikpopfangirl's favorite idols.

  3. 1) No. If the "guy" is actually the women and the question is if I want to be spanked ? Yes.
    2) In sexual ways ?
    3) see #2.

    "If you have no prior experience blogging, that's fine" translates to "need monies for food, pls gib".

    My vote goes towards Soyeon friend, since that'd mean more half-nude pics of her. Hopefully.

    I actually know some HTML, PHP, CSS, MySQL and shit, but I feel way too young in the "community" to even dare to do anything.

    1. Apply anyway, we need tech people to help us kawaii-ify the site.

  4. You forgot like that one time you made a hiring post - 'No ELFs allowed'.
    Fandom discrimination FTW.

  5. I know some basic HTML and CSS and I probably think I could make this blog aesthetically attractive. But maybe I'm too young to join this site...Is fifteen too young?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Chuck oppa does not discriminate.

  6. Depends... are you hot ? Or fat like Suzy ? :teacher:

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yes, I was making a joke.
      Not sure what "I mate attractive in a technical sense" means. lol

  7. For those of you who know how to code and such, it'll be mainly for a new site. We're looking to move away from Blogger, so the work wouldn't be to revamp this site, but to build a brand new one.

    1. If you're looking to build a new site, you should try the WordPress self-hosting platform, and find someone who knows enough code to build it - for free.

    2. I use wordpress for another one of my blogs. I use the .com instead of the .org one, and it seems like the .org one is the one that is supposed to be much better.

    3. Livejournal is so 1999. Blogger is 2003. We're looking to move to 2013, not further back in time.

    4. When was the last time Xanga was used? 2004?

    5. Yeah the .org one is a lot better than the .com one. More freedom to customise it however you want to.

  8. I was kinda interested to write some stuff, but seeing how good other posts are really took all my intention away. All those vocabularies and almost no grammar mistakes scares the shit out of me. I can barely make a complain post, let alone being funny at the same time.

    All I can potentially do review is songs, but I dont know korean for shit, so I can't really talk about raps, and someone like AKF would review songs way better than me.


    1. I make a lot of grammar mistakes because I don't write according to writing conventions, but according to how I talk in real life. As long as it's understandable, I'm fine.

      You don't need to know Korean to review songs, or else 95% of the authors we've had would have been ineligible to review songs.

  9. As much as I wish I could apply…
    There's quite a few reasons why I'm not going to

    1. I'm female, I wouldn't exactly be writing articles about fapping.

    2. I'm too young, my vocabulary isn't extended enough, and I bitch about unimportant things.

    3. My humor is bleh, or so I think.

    4. I want to learn more about site design, but for now my knowledge of it is amateur at best and I haven't even tried to program any blogs/blog settings yet. One of these days… I will attend a programming class or read tutorials, etc, and actually learn something, but for now, I can't exactly help.

    5. I've done a couple of projects in photoshop though they're also rather amateur, I've done some masking and memes but I can't properly airbrush a picture worth shit. Not to mention that the photoshop I'm using is late 90s technology at best, aka like PS 5.5-6, aka, in editing terms, OLD.

    1. I used to edit in Sony Vegas (mainly 7.0 which i illegally obtained using a serial and platinum 9.0 with I actually purchased, though i mainly used 7.0 because it had masking options and more effects which I also mostly illegally obtained, because I hate watermarks, I had many tutorials to guide me on how to get them for free and i was a teenager who didn't have 700 dollars lying around for editing shit, and could only afford the platinum lame version of vegas with my birthday cash) and Photoshop CS3 on my old desktop before it basically became cluttered with unnecessary cookies, a couple viruses, and video files. And basically died after getting the blue screen of death so many times. However, my projects were mostly unfinished AMVs that I spent days working on, with the effects and timing. I don't have those programs anymore, they'd probably make my slow XP desktop choke and die, so if I started editing again it'd probably take a few months to re-learn everything I can't remember. Also, I would need a laptop because like I said earlier, my desktop sucks dick and would probably die if I put all my old programs on it, as it is already full of unnecessary old crap, such as outdated versions of printer drivers, tax return software, little kid games, family pictures (which i could easily stick onto USB drives) etc.

    2. I'm also white, and don't speak any Asian language. There was a wapanese weeb phase where I said kawaii and desu a lot but that doesn't count for anything

    3. I'm the only one on the current staff that knows Korean. Knowing Korean isn't required since very little on AKF is translated from Korean sources.

    4. ... But I am female, too.

      Is that a problem or...?


  10. If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you ever tried.

    1. Oh no. That is not possible. I keep every application so that I may look at it fondly on my nights alone and laugh at their failure. Hah. Hahaha. HAHAHAHAHA.

      Don't be scared, my pretties.

  11. Does anyone have any info about the gif? who is that douchebag?

    1. Shinee's managers hit fans that get too close. There are a lot of gifs/videos on it

  12. Replies
    1. So many optimistic young minds, shooting themselves down before even trying. How's high-school working out for ya?

      Come on, people!
      Apply, and YOU might get the chance of becoming the next Davidfresh, or one of your other favorite (presumed dead) beat writers, getting your own paper-cutout action figure, and forever cement yourselves on Chuck's wall of fame/Friday night fap-folder. You too can become an AKF-specific shit-tier INTERNET CELEBRITY.
      Hurry and send your applications to antikpopfangirl@yahoo.com.
      For more information, post a comment saying you're no good.
      Ask about our Paint courses, and fapticle theory classes!

    2. On a more serious note. APPLY, for heaven's sake. You could be the next Perez Hilton!

    3. I'd like to nominate Infamist. Really!
      Your comments are actually more intelligent than 90% of the rest.

  13. I want to apply, but three reasons are restraining me from doing so.
    1. My English is nowhere as flawless as the authors on here (I respect Zaku so much on this).
    2. I'm probably too young. Scratch that, I am too young.
    3. My sense of humor is as good as Yoona's rapping.

    So maybe, I'll try again in a few years.

    1. We've had several young authors before. I don't care about, but more about maturity. It's not like my English is the greatest and I'm a native English speaker.

  14. Are you guys interested in a someone doing graphics? Not programming (although I know the basics of CSS and HTML) but things such as site banners and background using PS etc.

    Errr if you need more idea of what kind I'm talking about/skill level I post my graphics/edits here -> losalini.tumblr.com. hmmmmm yeah.

    1. We could always use people for graphics. All I do for the banner and background is edit them with roflbot lol.

    2. lol Awesome. I'll apply then. :)

  15. I would apply, but I'm too fucking awesome.

  16. i go to a horrible high school that inflates their students' results by always having our noses to the grindstone
    maybe i'll apply later after may when i'll be free from here, if you're still hiring then

  17. can ask? whats with the gif? the hitting head gif? what happen?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I think that's SHINee's manager. I remember reading somewhere that he was known to be abusive to fangirls.
      Or I could be wrong and it could just be a jealous/scary boyfriend or something. 0_o

    3. yuppp its SHINee's craji manager nim. he got into a lot of trouble for this incident, and there was one recently as well.

  18. English is my second language and I would rather fap than writing articles.......

    1. Why not make both things at the same time ? It's how I imagine the best AKFG articles are written !

    2. English and Reehji's second language and that never stopped him. As long as the English is readable, I don't give a shit whether it's your first or 273542nd language.

  19. Hmmm... I really want to write for AKF. I've wanted to for awhile now, but now that the opportunity comes up, I find myself intimidated.
    I'm not a bad writer at all. In fact a lot of my writing teachers thought I was really good.
    It's the actual article writing I'm worried about. I'm afraid I might be too uneducated about a subject, or entirely too biased. Maybe if I just stayed away from writing articles on SISTAR or SHINee? Ahaha
    Anyway, I do find myself constantly annoyed by ignorant, uneducated fangirls so perhaps I should. I think I'd only be able to be a guest writer, since I'm currently in the depths of hell- I mean college.

    1. If you want to apply, go ahead. You can always research things before you write about them, and if you wish to avoid writing about certain groups, that's fine.

      Most of the staff here is in college and/or working, so don't worry about that. I juggle writing for and managing AKF, translating for Hallyu Interview, writing for other sites, school work, lots of studying and reading, searching for employment, dealing with stuff in order to enlist in the Air Force, etc. That's why I don't have quotas for other authors to meet. AKF is supposed to be for fun, not a job.

  20. I'm interested in applying for the site revamp (I'm a web developer myself so I would gladly utilize me skillz :D). What do I send as an application?

    1. If you can send me some example of what you have done, that would be great. We're really focused on trying to find someone who can redesign the site before actually worrying about how it'll look.

  21. Mwahaha. Fresh meat. I cannot wait to read this new round of applications. >=D

  22. I might apply if I have the energy to write out some articles. This site needs some SASSAFRASS.

  23. Could you submit articles that are already on a blog that you own?

  24. Shouldn't it be: meet any of the above? I'm just a random who stumbled upon this site, read that line and felt compelled to point it out.


  25. How long does the article have to be? I haven't really written Kpop MV reviews (Though I would like to try) but I have had experience writing for the school newspaper LOL

  26. I would love to join but I don't know how to edit and such.

  27. I'd apply but you all have terrible taste in video games.


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