Monday, March 4, 2013

Kpop's favorite villain reveals her inner thoughts during photo shoot

Fed up with the idol scene, Hyuna recently told everyone to kiss her ass.

At least, that's how I interpreted this photo ...


  1. Idk why so many people would hate her, yeah she can't sing, bur so does majority of kpop idols atm.

  2. I think the favourite villain in Kpop at present is T-ara, no? Everyone loves to hate and shit on them. Hyuna, on the other hand, is just overrated and overexposed.

    1. I feel like T-ara has been the cool group to hate since their shame spiral started last summer, but people have been hating on Hyuna for years. That's staying power

    2. I don't really think Hyuna is hated (even though she is, the hate is nowhere as intense and widespread as those reserved exclusively for T-ara at present), but rather ridiculed for her over-the-top attempt to project herself as the ultimate Kpop sex kitten a.k.a. Lee Hyori knock-off.


  4. The girl doesn't even have an ass.

  5. I can totaly understand all the hate t-ara receive but honestly I don't understand why hyuna is hated it's probabky because she's sexy honestly I don't have any problem with her sexyness in europe you see worst and it's normal I prefer a sexy woman like hyuna over girls wearing cosplay costume to attract wota for me there's nothing scandalous with her clothes dance or attitude I'm used to this stuff since such a long time now some kpop fan are really hypocrite they watch rihanna mv with no problem but are shocked by hyuna mv a lot of european or US celebrity sing in underwear and nobody cares so why hate on this girl I really don't understand

    1. The problem is that most males don't find someone who suffers from a botox overdose sexy. Although it's a symptom shared by many other female idols, they're just not as overexposed and high-profile as Hyuna the chipmunk......

  6. I can't believe I was expecting HyunA to actually defend herself...
    Laughed anyway.

  7. Can y'all like not talk about T-ara here?

  8. #Datass.
    People hate on HyunAh because she's too popular in comparison to the other girls in 4minute.If Jihyun was in her place,they'd hate on her.It's so typical in the k-pop fandoms,I don't even give a shit anymore.It's the same with Yoona,Jiyeon,Heechul,Joon etc.Fans don't care who it is,they hate him/her cause he/she is popular and they think that reason is fair enough.
    They just don't get that South Korea loves idols mainly because of their faces,they don't give a shit about their talent.
    *note:Not saying HyunAh is useless,because she's a fucking awesome dancer and a pretty good rapper and singer.When she's not dancing.*


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