Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sooyoung is an artist dammit

During a recent docu about their exciting Japanese activities, SNSD was asked whether the group should be considered idols or artists. So Skeletor piped up and said she wants to be called an artist.

Well, duh. Everyone would rather be called an artist over just an idol. Sadly, though, I don't see that happening for Sooyoung and the other GGs anytime soon.

I'm not saying the girls couldn't become artists. Maybe they do have the skills or the desire to write, produce, etc. However, as it stands, SM isn't loosening the reins more than occasionally letting them write the lyrics to a random song here or there.

To be considered an artist, one must create or make a significant contribution to the creation of a piece of art, be it a painting or an album.

But by that definition, I am an artist! 
I create boners. My medium is penis. 

My bad, Soo. I guess I was wrong. You're just another artist unappreciated during their time.


  1. Since I don't read Japanese, some of the captions supposedly say that they want to become artists or some such but I wouldn't know.

    At netizenbuzz, there's more screencaps. I know K-journalists love making controversial headlines, so I was wondering if she really said something that delusional.

    I would think they know they are in no way considered artists.

    1. Well the first screencap of Sooyoung on NetizenBuzz says "If possible, I want to be called an artist." (something along the lines of that).

      I think what Yuri said was more delusional.. "I don't think it's possible to clearly define whether we're an idol or an artist."
      You're obviously idols, duh. I doubt anyone thinks of SNSD as "artists".

      So yeah, I don't know why people got all pissy at Sooyoung over this. She just said that she /wants/ to be called an artist; she probably realizes she isn't one. It's not like she implied that SNSD are artists. Yuri though... I think she implied that. >_>

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  2. I seem to remember an uneven discussion about the differences between definitions of idol in Korea.
    I think the biggest thing that pisses people off though, is the fact that she WANT to be called an artist, however people choose define it, whether she think she is or not.

    Regardless, I'll laugh at her till my underwear becomes brown. A big crazy "MYAAH" to you too Sooyoung. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FPFCpth6no

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    2. The only way she could ever become an artist is if she leaves SM and joins another company and actually makes her own songs lololol

  3. I occasionally sing in the shower. And judging by the neighbor's reactions, I have quite an audience. Bitches better call me an artist from now on

  4. This is just one of those things where everyone has a different idea of where the line between artist and entertainer is. Who Currrrrrs.

  5. The lyrics Sooyoung wrote for Spring Day were full of trite clichés about love, she can be an 'artist' as a lyricist of shitty filler ballads.

  6. Sooyoung is so pretty. I love her big head.

  7. she can become an artist a con artist!!

  8. My grandpa draws flowers, he's an artist. Christian Bale is an idol.
    Who do you think gets laid more often? I'd rather be called an idol

  9. Geez, reminds me of how Fatman in Metal Gear Solid 2 claimed making bombs and seeing them explode is 'art'.

  10. This is the new trend in K-pop is to express how you are an "artist" sense it's uncool to be an idol nowadays. The most embarrassing part is the need to emphasize how idols who write and produce their own craptacular music makes them an artist.
    I understand K-pop is starting to take it self more seriously but this is a vulgar display of ignorance.

    1. You can see parallels in western celebrity culture too. Now actors don't want to just be actors, they want to be producers/ directors/ writers. It is awkward! I think celebrities are just essentially insecure people and need to feel validated in new and complicated ways. Instead of endorsing Pepsi, Beyonce now has a "creative partnership." Bissssh plzzz.

  11. man....wth happened to antikpopfangirl? This article would normally be a softball for you guys, lobbed up to be crushed 7 different ways to sunday. I literally choked in laughter when I first read it, because the notion of GG being artists is so far removed from the truth. Such a joke, i really wish you guys could have done more with this/////


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