Thursday, March 21, 2013

Suzy finally meets up with Ian

nnggg, yes ian, just like that
After months of talking about it on variety shows and flirting on twitter, it would seem that Suzy finally took Ian for a ride in her van of love. They found a nice quiet spot in the woods, he demonstrated how to pitch a tent, and she taught him what she knows about having a pleasurable stay in the bush. Camping isn't always easy, but it would seem that even though she is overworked, she wanted to get worked even harder. She said in her tweet "Yes, sometimes you need to get your blood circulating" and I'm sure Ian was good assistance in all the pumping her blood needed. Rumor has it that JYP sponsored the little trip to help her get a real, tangible feel for Miss A's upcoming concept.


  1. LoL, quite a love story there, but still, she's fat hoe though

    Btw, G-Druggin just calls himself now as an ARTIST T.T U guys should def go check that shit out

    1. Yeah him (G-druggin) and Ke$ha both know where its at

  2. lol if this were true I'd be envious of her for the first time. Ian is such a hot piece of ass. The type of dick I'd dip in gold :)

    1. Don't think I want to know what you mean by that.

  3. Replies
    1. Well, I didn't think "kpop Ian" would be related in any way, bth.
      But thanks anyway...
      Suzy: “Any plan to visit Korea? If so, I’d really like to show you my puppy, Damon :)” - Ian Sommerhalder: "PS @missA_suzy I have some requests from Korea now, and I'm planning to visit Korea this year;) Night night!" what a SLY motherfucker.
      He was pretty good on LOST (fuck vampire dairy products), so this is super hilarious for me.

      You know, sometimes a bit of an explanation s'cool.

    2. This love connection is reeeeeaaal famous. Suzy is the most popular idol in Korea, so it should be known. Plus even if you don't look up kpop at all, we have done articles on this in the past.

    3. I know Suzy.
      I know LOST.
      But before this article, I've never heard of either of them having any connection in any way or form.

      And using the garbage blogspot search on AKFG for "Ian", gives back no results.

    4. http://antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com/2012/09/why-cant-suzy-hold-all-these-feels.html


    5. I don't think we ever covered this:


      But maybe we should have.

  4. This article needs more photos of Ian (preferably shirtless).

  5. "Scream my name ian!!"

    "Fat whoreee!"

  6. It has to be said.

    Suzy is an obese whore.

  7. I never get the reason why suzy is considered a fat whore but whatevs. Lucky her though, she got to bang Ian.

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