Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Lee Hyori's Panties Causes A Controversy

No, not really, but she'll be slut shamed or something for showing her panties. Anyway, enjoy this Hyori pic while I write about another article that's longer than three sentences. But hey, if your eyes actually wandered away from the picture and you actually read the text, congrats.


  1. Wonder if all this panty showing is directly related to the government telling the industry to tone down the sexual stuff?

    If it is, uhhh, keep it up. If not.... keep it up. Daddy like.

  2. Replies
    1. She's pretty stupid, so never listen to her run her mouth. Just watch her MVs and look at her pictures. That's all she's good for.

  3. Was she slut shamed for the bra pics? If not then I don't think she will get heat for this, if she does anyways they should just shut the fuck up anyway and just stare at her ass lol.

  4. Not surprising at all. Call me when Tiffany does something like that


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