Thursday, May 16, 2013

Yuri To Be In A Movie

Via Soompi:

Girl’s Generation member Yuri has been confirmed to star in a movie, alongside Lee Jong Suk and Seo In Gook. The film is called “No Breathing” and will be about a “swimming genius” who distances himself from swimming, played by Seo In Guk, and a rising star swimmer, played by Lee Jong Suk. Yuri will play the role of “Jung Eun,” who dreams of becoming a musician.

Okay, So Lee Jong Suk and Seo In Gook are swimmers. Fine. Yuri's in the movie, but as a fucking musician? What the fuck?! The fucking writer trolled every SNSD/Yuri fan right here. "Okay, let's put Yuri in a movie about swimming but have her be a musician."

When I first started reading the article, my reaction was this:

It was as if Yuri hit a walk-off home run, as this movie would have been the perfect excuse to have her wear a bikini and/or a swimsuit.

It's going, going, going...caught. Damn, she just had to be a musician in this movie.

MFW I read that she was a musician.

This is the writer laughing at me.

Thanks to fiddle.se for the Yuri gif, Grantland for the gifs and pictures, and to hoopra for linking me to the Grantland article.


  1. Dat Ass !


    They better have her wearing bikini when hanging out with those 2 fags or ill fcking kill that writer


    I'd definitely love that smeared over my face. I imagine that Yoona has gotten many facefuls of dat azz, maybe Taengoo too. Got-DAYUM.

    1. I bet sulli_fag has had his nose up her ass plenty of times, too.

      Anyway, how are you? I haven't seen you on in quite a while.

    2. Also, your comment reminded me of this: http://tosh.comedycentral.com/blog/2013/05/15/is-that-really-necessary-cheryl?xrs=synd_facebook


    3. Yoona smells weird and Tosh is a try hard, like Yuri. And i forgot yuri existed. At least she.cute

    4. Finals were a nightmare. But it's all over.

    5. Nice. Are you back in Australia now?

    6. Nein, I reave on the 4th of July.

  3. does this mean we will have to hear her sing or rap because i don't think i can handle that.

    1. I think "musician" here refers to someone playing an instrument (i.e. piano, violin, etc.) If she was going to be a singer, they would have stated that she's going to be a singer.

    2. I don't think I can handle her fake playing an instrument, either XD

    3. But... she can play the piano, or am I completely mistaken? :O

  4. As if she wasn't already terrible in Fashion King...

  5. U sell oot..sucking soompi's ass nowadays

    1. By linking to where I get my sources from? So, by your retarded logic, I have been sucking allkpop's, Soompi's, Asian Junkie's, Netizen Buzz's, Newsen's and Nate's ass since 2011.

      You are retarded.

    2. I think you just like sucking anuses and don't want to admit it.
      Not blaming ya.

  6. http://tinyurl.com/cqeojg8 Come on man...Is it a comedy? Please let it be a comedy.

  7. this cat's swing look so good it's like poetry with his sweeping leg kick and 15 yard bat flip which just adds to the comedy how his mind got blown that it wasnt a no doubter, dang im still laughin

  8. Is this a sign that AKF is becoming popular if there are three spam comments in a row?


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