Sunday, July 28, 2013


ATTENTION BOYS (and girls)

KPOPALYPSE LIVE STREAM is happening soon!

I will be streaming live on Sunday 11th August 9:30 AM my time which is GMT+9:30 (Adelaide, Australia).  This is equivalent to 5:00 PM Saturday 10th August for Americans on PST.  In other words, the same timeslot as AKFG Zaku's stream last week.  If enough people declare their interest in this thread I will stream again exactly 12 hours later for the benefit of Europeans who get fucked up the ass by the 5PM PST timeslot, so let me know if that's something you'd like (the extra stream, that is, not getting fucked up the ass, which is your own business that I don't really care about, although if you feel you must tell me about that too, go right ahead).

The link: www.justin.tv/kpopalypse

For those who saw Zaku's stream, my stream won't be quite as fancy as his - I'm not going to give a feed of my computer screen, there's really no point as I've got nothing much to show you on there anyway besides lots of porn which I'll just get kicked off justin.tv for.  It'll just be me on a webcam answering your questions and maybe getting a guitar out or something if that becomes relevant.

Why am I doing this?

Partly for fun, and because I want to... but mainly because the reaction to my more technical music/audio/industry blogs on Anti Kpop-Fangirl has made me think that some of you might appreciate the opportunity to ask technical or music-industry specific questions live in a streaming format.  I'm a k-pop radio DJ, a music teacher, an audio engineer, a radio station administrator and have been a member of various touring bands over the years, so I have a lot of useless knowledge, but you don't have to go down that path, you can ask what I think of Raina's boobs instead if you want, I really don't care.  But I've giving you all two weeks before the stream so you have plenty of time to come up with good questions.  The only questions I won't answer are clearly too-personal stuff or anything that is obviously just a stupid bitch question.


* The stream will happen regardless of how many people tune in.

* The stream will go on for as long as I feel like it.

* Almost no subject is taboo, and you will quickly learn that I have no shame.  Keep in mind some of the shit I say might get a little NSFW so don't log into the stream anywhere that might be embarrassing for you, like at the dinner table with your parents, etc.

* I'm male, 39 and not as pretty as the other authors of AKFG.  Sorry about that.  Don't worry though, I promise I won't do a Jiyeon on you.

See you there!


  1. As long as you don't have Jiyeon's stripping video saved on your computer, I don't think anyone would mind a screen feed haha.

    1. No I don't have it. Unlike k-netz, I don't collect child porn. The reason why I'm avoiding a screen-feed is purely technical, although I may face my laptop to my desk computer and do a screen feed that way if people ask me to check out vids or something, that would be 10 times easier than fucking around with XSplit.

    2. Well, does anyone here have a link to that (in)famous video? All I've seen so far are only screen caps............

    3. yeah like who would keep that video... NOT me for sure... hehe... he...


    4. timchan and oldwerewolfhunter here have a medal: http://www.flickr.com/photos/linnoinen/456474931/

    5. hey some of us would love to see that video

    6. And for you: http://gorrie.org/uploads/2008/04/pedobear-13.jpg

    7. but would it make me a pedo if i was within the same age range? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    8. Might depend on the law in your country. I dunno. I'm too old to have the luxury of having a moral quandary like that on the table.

  2. >k-pop radio DJ

    Oh the horror...

    See you at the stream, grandpa!

    1. Don't make me hit you with my walking frame.

  3. So excited, though I like the idea of streaming twice. I'm in the U.S., and I still miss out because of the timing (that whole "real life" thing really gets in the way, pfff ...)

    1. The way I've worked the timing, do you miss out on both sessions?

    2. Nah, I'd just miss out on the 5 p.m. Saturday sessions.

    3. Cool, awesome to have you on board for the other one.

  4. 39 ? What the ... O.o

    Kinda interested in that audio engineer part, will tune in to hear about it

    1. Yeah - old cunts. We exist. All this is waiting for you, one day.

    2. I'm 23, and I used to be the old fart around here. Now I think I'm in the middle, since Kpopalypse, Fany, Soyeon Friend/Joeyeon and Bob/Ahjussi are all older than me haha.

    3. What's with all these age discriminations? With today's medical and healthcare technology, 50 is the new 30. And yes, many people still look deceptively youthful well into their 40s. For instance, many people thought my mum was in her early to mid 30s when she was already pushing 50 (although age seems to have finally caught up with her lately........)

    4. It all depends on how many drugs you do and how much you fuck yourself up. I don't really do any of that stuff so I've aged ok probably. I just like calling myself an old fuck because one day I really will be and old fuckin' cunt and it'll come as less of a shock when it happens if I'm already used to the idea.

    5. 100% old enough to be my father kpopalypse *ahjussir

  5. Huh. You live in Adelaide huh. I might come and stalk you :). Then again, I might get stabbed too - being asian and all that jazz

    1. If you live here you might have already seen me and crossed the street thinking I was the one with the knife.

    2. Nope. Never been to Adelaide. I live in Melbourne.

    3. Ah okay. Adelaide's just like Melbourne really, just smaller and more boring.

  6. Kpopalypse, my Australian neighbour.

    What are your headphones of choice when DJing.

    1. READ THAT WRONG "Radio DJ" - D'oh!

    2. Ask me this again when we go live. Not answering any questions like this here, save it for the stream.

    3. Question still applies as radio DJs use headphones too. I do club DJ a bit, but very rarely. I fucking hate club DJing, I only do it as a favour when I'm asked.

  7. I'm sure you're a pretty ahjussi. :(

    1. I don't really have hair and my German features are fairly pronounced, so if you're into the middle-aged neo-nazi look I might be up your alley.

    2. Hey bro, you brave enough to show ur face!

    3. I don't give a fuck, I think it's funny that you folks are going to be staring at my ugly mug.

    4. I get it, you're bald. Where I come from it's called "botak"................
      No shame in that though, u save on shampoo.

    5. Actually I'm worse than bald, I have alopesia so my hair's all these weird fucked up patters, doesn't grow properly. Still I don't really care tho. If I had a penis growing out of my forehead (and some would say I do) I'd still do the stream and wave my wang everywhere.

  8. Will defo stream this while having a dinner with the family!

    1. Make sure you record their reactions, we can have an AKFG reaction video series.

    2. The next time I go somewhere with an apple store I will turn photobooth on and open up the web browser on to this website this is the best idea I've had all week and the best idea I had before that involved calling someone a cunt and throwing them out a window I think

    3. I'm glad that I have improved the quality of your life, even if only marginally.

    4. once in like the eighth grade i slapped an acquaintance of mine and screamed the word dolphin. i then watched as the fucking idiots in my grade did that to each other repeatedly for the next several hours.

      /obligatory jaejoong popcorn gif

    5. That's pretty much how every k-pop controversy spreads.

    6. Sounds like a scene out of the anime 'Monster'. Mass displays of violence.

  9. I saw some videos on the justin.tv under your account, is that you with the white brick pattern background?

    Never thought you were 39, I always assumed you were about the same age as me lol.

    1. Yeah that's me. How old are you. Please don't say 55.

    2. Fuck, people don't confuse me with a 20 yo much these days. You need your eyes checked.

    3. lol I'm referring to before I saw what you looked like.

    4. Oh right. I was feeling unjustifiably good about myself there for a few seconds. That'll teach me.

    5. ..not sure if I should apologize

    6. Don't worry - my ego will recover. :D

  10. For video, 5 hours of fiddle gifs pls.

    It was clear to me that Kpopalypse was at least 30. :>

  11. Let's do a MULTICAM STREAM!!

    1. Could be major headfucks, but if you can swing it, I'm keen (and I'd have to change the details of this blog I guess). I don't want to be spending the first two hours of the stream fucking around with technical streaming software bollocks and boring the crap out of people though, that would be failtastic. Great idea in theory but we should keep things techically smooth so let's only do it if we know it absolutely will work 100% without making people wait. If this sounds good we should do a test run first. Also, are you down to do a second stream 12 hours after for the Euros and those who work?

  12. i my the most younger follower of the website?

    1. Age plz you have a bit of competition seeing as I'm hardly in highschool

    2. Most of the folk around these parts (omg excuse my redneck speak) are college aged males so if you're around my age or older or younger by little I'll be pleased to make your acquaintance

    3. 13 turning 14 here. Not even in high school, but I can assure you that I do not have the mentality of an average delusional fangirl.

    4. you calculated, i was born on 2000/april/28 im in 7th class of school im taurus, :/. so basically you're both older than me! *_* (monii asfw by almost one year and greasybyuntae...(?) unnir you never tell me thought :p)

      good night! monii

      and no... i don't have the mind of a delusional fangirl neither, lol, why even the ask,anyway?

    5. Because some people seem to think that young fans are mostly delusional, LOL. Just wanted to clarify that I am not. ^^

    6. oh my gosh you youngsters you're both older than me and I'm 15 (I've been lurking here since I was like 13 if that's anything) O_o and YES. basically every other younger kpop fan hasn't exactly given us a good rep. (oh and I hardly ever comment but I used to be Rylee which is my name lol I finally changed it not very long ago)

    7. Maturity hasn't got much to do with age. Most of the people I know who are so immature that I'm embarrassed to be associated with in public are over 50.

    8. ohai rylee i remember you

      holy goddddd you guys were born in 2000 i have a brother who is the same age as you and i just think of anybody born after the millennium as still wearing diapers woahh

      also @monii chill bruh you don't need to clarify anything it's pretty obvi you aren't delusional

    9. I came back because I just realized I put older instead of younger orz
      awwww someone remembers me... and I'm not totally used to people younger than 99 liners being able to form proper sentences *sobs*

    10. lol, i noticed it too, when you write "oh my gosh you youngsters you're both older than me and I'm 15" i thought what did she means by that?.

      and i feel sad for those who are in a kpop-fandom and are 25-70 years old and still dare to call taemin oppa/hyung (-_-)

    11. I was over tired when I wrote that cut me some slack..

      And lawl that's like me calling Samuel oppa or something. Whut. Idek what I'm going to do when I reach that age like half the industry is going to be younger than me. (I don't even really like calling idols etc oppa at all, it kind of irks me unless it's sarcastic because it's not even korean, it's a romanization and it's not as if the person it's directed to will understand it)

    12. tbh koleaboos have turned me off the word oppa altogether

      what i really don't understand about the culture though is that the guy you're fucking and your older bro and random dude in your school are all oppa. i think that's mildly creepy

    13. It's also kind of handy though because you don't have to say their names if you're gossiping about them or something just say oppa and assume people know which oppa or is this my overtiredness kicking in again

    14. i think the word oppa in conversation works a little like pronouns?
      don't speak a lick of korean so i have no idea, but that's the impression i got

      so like i think you would have to say sparkle-oppa the first time and then you can continue with just oppa

    15. since, i met the world of kpop and fandoms back then when i was 10 years old, and see girls older than me fangirling i see it akward, and when i see girls of my age doing the same i feel, embarrased, im not sure why...

      and it's just awful seeing someone kissing posters of kpop idols (shinee,suju,dbsk...etc) and said things like "when i grow up i will go to korea to see *oppa*" or even say things like "i will marry *oppa*" and even said "*oppa* is mine" making them see delusional.

      i have a older brother (he's already 17)and he keeps saying how he will marry snsd's sunny,and it's just akward how he puts posters of sunny in the walls of his room, and that's just...crazy...yeah my brother is a delusional fanboy, who it's actually older than me t_t

    16. @Xiss I think so? Idk i speak very little korean too
      @kimhara I have a friend who is convinced he'll marry fany one day but tbh as long as they aren't really serious about it I don't consider it that delulu. Heck even I joke about oppar marrying me so idk. But lawd kissing postersof them is bit much like it's a piece of paper not lips what are you getting out of that. People way older than me fangirling like five year olds is what bugs me, not so much the fangirling in general (and on a side note I like how your kpop group examples are all sm groups, is it just me or do they get the most creepy fans)

    17. the elf's fandom is the one that scares me the most 0_0.

    18. I have some non-delusional elf friends but a large portion of their fanclub scares me too... that being said I think exotics have beat them for being absolutely crazy I mean

      (And for the last two i could find more than one edit of the same thing wtf)

    19. okay... now exotics scares me more...i never like exo, sment should have make comebacks for super junior or shinee...i wonder where are the sujus right now? suc*ng each other dicks, for fun?

    20. I like maybe 3 songs from them (My Lady, History and Growl going by the leaked version) but their title tracks so far have been meh. I guess that's what generates the most crazy fans, since if the songs are crap you have to be delusional to bother that much with the group? At least SHINee did get a comeback or two this year. (And that pissed off Exotics SO MUCH. Why so serious was planned to be released back when Dream Girl came out, I don't even really count it as two bc they're technically a single album, part one and part two. Besides SHINee beats your oppars anyday) they're the one boy group I really like from SM.

      As for suju, I think Super Show was going down so yeah, basically.





      (Lawd I should not have that many gifs but all and all given that good-christian-boy siwon's new hobby is harassing his members- esp Donghae I sense a man crush- on stage it does make my job pretty easy)

    21. lol, and i thought siwon was christian...shinee will be the most likely to be my favorite group out of all sment, (i used to like snsd, but after seeing all the delusional sones, i went out of the fandom, unnir please don't criticize me they were what bring me to kpop, and there fans were the ones that got me out...)







      when will the "my bias is the best in anything" battle will finish in the sone's fandom.

    22. Confession blogs oh joy
      I actually like snsd but I'll admit this fandom's no. 1 talent is overrating them.

      -Taeyeon is an excellent vocalist but a while ago sones were praising her over freaking Tomtom and Ailee which um really she's good and a lot better than I'll ever be but not THAT good.
      -as for the specific ones there, Hyo is a dork to the extreme so uhm I think Yuri having the sexy title makes sense
      -the sunny one shouldn't even be on a confession blog like if you find her that great shout it from the rooftops
      -Tiffany's hair during Hello baby was meh at best why would you use that as hairspo when there's people like T.O.P. around
      -Jessica is nearly my number one bias but uhm, srsly. I'm not saying she's got a bad body but again, there's people like Sistar or even pre-weightloss Yuri idg why you'd want her body specifically
      -and the shipping ones are just straight delulu holy cow. I ship a lot of things I probably shouldn't but I despise when people go absolutely nuts with it and try to find 'proofs' that theyre dating like no you're missing the point

      I know a lot of cool sones and their fandom is so freaking kind/helpful from what I've seen, but they're probably the most delusional fandom when it comes to girl groups.

    23. is it just me or has shinee really really stopped trying
      i used to really like jjong but the way he sings now really pisses me off, and shinee is making all this extremely forgettable music ide. what happened to 2008-2009ish rnb amazing catchy music shinee

      everybody knows that exotics are the most annoying fandom around right now though lol. those gifs are fun/cute fandom jokes which i guess is okay, but there are a lot of stories now of exotics being rude/super cray cray. these kids are insaneeeeeee
      you should see the crap lu han and the other more popular members got for their birthdays fml

      hate to say it but the number of inspirits is growing rapidly and now even they're one of the more annoying fandoms

    24. RnB shinee was the best SHINee. Juliette was possibly one of the best kpop minis, don't even get me started on this.

      The fandom jokes are cray enough as is, and that's ignoring things like when Chinese fans freaking recoRDED TAO SINGING CRAYON IN THE SHOWER, when european fans (I think?) Started yelling "slut" at Kai when he was at the airport, when some chinese fan thought it'd be fun to ask Xiumin how Luhan treats him in bed, among others (NB just posted an article on this actually) I don't even want to know what they get for their birthdays.

      And true. I actually like infinite's music (and my un involves grease so uhm woohyun) but their fandom (especially the korean wing, it seems) is getting really. Freaking. Annoying. I sub videos on youtube and one of my infinite videos had a lot of korean comments (odd because it was eng subs wtf) including a kfan who was upset the video had 3 dislikes, and when I called her bs and said that was basically nothing compared to the dislikes on official mvs etc, she called me an antifan or something wtf or the time (akf blogged on this but) inspirits called 911 (well the equivalent in korea) when NK was threatening to invade and asked for infinite to be saved first in case of invasion. Gag.

    25. juliette/jojo combo = perf
      also 2009 was hbb time and i actually really enjoyed shinee's hbb despite how sickeningly scripted it was

      they recorded him singing in the shower? lofgy suhoias whatldslijc
      i would probably just peek.
      a bit.
      ok a lot. i'm curious about tao's bod.
      well i don't think the chinese fan did much harm; i have met very few people who speak less chinese than xiumin does.

      holy shit yo. inspirits recently got banned from music shows or sth fml that's like exotic level dickery

    26. Unfortunately sme seems to be focusing on Taemin's singing 'talent' to the point that I no longer want to view their new MVs.
      And agreed, Jonghyun's voice lacks passion these days...I lost interest in the group ever since they released Sherlock - hated the song, still do.
      Nice dance routine, bad composition imo.

    27. -ohmygod I forgot about Jojo.
      -Tao does a good gdruggin cover *not as if I listened to it* but idc about his body
      -idk about the Xiumin one but it pissed off Luhan who was next to him at the time I'd say it would piss me off too. (And I probably speak less than him do I get a prize)
      -*shakes head* I think the ifans are a bit better? Idek though the kfans need to be given chillpills or something.
      Ugh Taemin and his singing. Kid's a dancer. Shinee's vocalists are Jonghyun, Onew and occasionally Key when he's not totally fucked up. I adore Trap and still do but his part was just so uneeded even in terms of pr for Henry I mean he's SM first solo artist in like 3000 years that's pr enough. Sherlock was the song that got me really into SHINee and Dream Girl wasn't bad, WSS was mediocre, but not as bad as Linggy Ding Dong and Lucifer (everyone seems to love those two from them WHY).

      Oh and everything bad that's happened with Jonghyun is because he dun goofed with Shin Se Kyung

    28. unnir, since your older than me you must have more experience in this so can you tell me?...who is shin se kyung

    29. nah tao has the best exo bod. i wasn't interested either but i saw some candids of him leaving the sm building in a wifebeater and baekhyun was right - his lines are great

      exo as a whole is divided into two categories - members that are fake af and overly bouncy and annoying (chanyeol) and members that basically say nothing unless it is mundane/they are forced to (lu han/lay). tbh they're probably the least interesting group on variety shows rn

      eugh taem singing. that is all i have to say.
      onkey have been the only redeeming feature of their music recently
      fml why is jjong so damn horny though

    30. ssk is a very (VERY) famous actress who has a very famously bangin bod

    31. if she is so...famous, why did i never heard about, her?

    32. because she's famous in south korea?

      and she's quite removed from the idol scene.

      i'm sure you've heard her name before though, several idols have been obsessed with her in the past (including jonghyun before they started going out)

    33. I typed out a very long comment on my phone and then I swiped left ughhh

      -i don't watch variety shows so idk but they seem boring in general, I heard exo-m dun goofed on some chinese show around their debut? Atleast exo-k's got chanyeol acting like a derp for attention, a couple jokes about kais skin (that he doesn't even like when people make but comedy) and what, baekgrease?

      -blue/xiss already explained but yeah, Sekyung dated Jonghyun in around 2010 and they got busted but sm weren't asses like they were with onew's and basically said they were dating. Sekyung got a ridiculous amount of hate for it (it was 2010 and dating scandals for idols were a lot more rare too) like I think she had to close down her website? Anyway they broke up a while later, and I'm not trying to blame anyone but since then Jjong will bone literally anything (eg. Taemin) so yeah.

      Onkey is good, again, when Key isn't trying to be kesha or britney or something I love that boy but his singing voice has gotten worse since debut or something, it's just meh now and then SM thinks it's a good idea to make him rap too. Ugh.

    34. they did? i don't remember hearing anything major.
      chanyeol is such a whore oh god he is like my least favourite idol after minho jesus christ what cocks
      kai seems to have a thing about his skin. tbh i didn't think he was that dark?
      baekhyun seems to exaggerate his usual personality for variety shows and i don't find him particularly annoying but just fake and vanilla af. exo as a whole is just being extremely vanilla rn on variety shows and eugh
      variety shows are very important to me because my favourite groups are ones where i like the members

      when key is trying to sing like a human, he is decent at it
      i've been listening to love like oxygen a lot these days, oh nostalgia

    35. The only one I like in EXO overall is D.O. The rest are just meh to me for some reason and I've hated Chanyeol's face since debut. Dude's funny and all, but he needs to stop with the happy virus crap. Luhan looks like a freaking kid and I have this thing where I can never like idols with baby faces. This is the same reason why I can't like Daehyun of B.A.P (which is sad because he can sing well and he's ridiculously funny and witty). He's like 20 and looks like he belongs with my sister who's in 7th grade.

      Have you guys heard of Stand By Me by SHINee? Yeah, that will forever be my favorite song by SHINee. To simply put it, the less Taemin and Minho contribute and the less Key raps, the better the song. Also, Key needs to dye his hair brown/hazel again because blonde doesn't really work for him, tbh.

    36. Idk really don't quote me on that one at all, and yes ugh he's okay looking to me (when they style him so he doesn't look like a troll under a bridge) but that's where the good in Chanyeol ends. I don't find Kai's skin dark at all but his fans and SM to an extent have been pushing that kkamjong thing on him and you can tell it bugs him idgi though if he's dark-skinned I must be black or something. EXO has to be vanilla atm for sure, maybe further into their careers they'll stop giving a shit like Suju has since debut or something. The ones that don't talk very much seem like the nicest(?) but in general I prefer M over K. Most of them don't deserve the praise they get for their looks though.

      I started listening to the entire Juliette mini and ugh why can't they release stuff like that now. Stand By Me was the reason I made it to like episode 10 of BoF w/o rage quitting, and I like Key as a blonde now, but when they first dyed it they did some wonky shit with his eyebrows I couldn't stand. I actually put down money for I AM and the whole time he was talking I was too distracted by those two things above his eyes ugh. (Look up some cuts from I AM if you want but I'm too lazy)

    37. Oh, now I found a gif of that shit going down with Key's brows http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4o1q0fhdC1qkadipo1_500.gif

    38. do you ever look at someone and think "wow i hope he gets punched right in the jaw today"?
      that is basically my reaction to people like minho and chanyeol (cy less so because he's an attention whore but not a dick)

      yeah i mean i would've kinda got the kkamjong thing if he had been dark before he debuted and they bathed him in bleach but he really wasn't? idk i think it's the whole "dark skin = sexy" thing but the kid is like just barely nineteen that's not really the sexiest age

      damn i can't wait for exo to stop giving a fuck and complain about wolf.
      but mostly yeah the quieter members are the ones that i like better; lay, lu han, kris, chen (only this child is not quiet once you put him in korea omg), d.o
      and yeah i've always liked m better than k

      there was some makeup cf that he did and people kept posting gifs of it on tumblr and every time i saw one i was like crinGEEEEEE what happened to beautiful dark haired key from replay

    39. I dont mind minho but he's useless af I cannot. Chanyeol I'd punch. It's funny bc you'd think they'd be boring but they're preferable to the louder members who all seem kind of fake-ish.

      Omfg everyone was SO fug during their etude ads. Like I cannot. His blonde now is looking good, like his selfie with Nicole a while ago (is my bias showing?) But yeah.

    40. @greasybyuntae Oh my god. That's some fucked up eyebrows right there.
      @blue IKR.
      That's bias material right there. Compare that to the blonde hair he has now.

    41. did you guys watch growl? well it was much better than wolf but the song is kinda one-level? it stays in the exact same place for three minutes and ehhh. i like the choreo but they keep having kris in the frame and he is such a bad dancer it makes me laugh just to watch him

      omg yesssss. i actually went to an etude house once (it looks so pretty from the outside but they have some really weird shit in that store and everything is like 200x more expensive than it should be srsly this is not like mac or ysl they can't charge this amount for nailpolish that's basically glitter glue) and there were these fug pictures of shinee everywhere like wat

    42. I find key fine either way, and it seems like personally he actually wants to be blonde so idc (he dyes his own hair wtf I'm actually surprised SM has let him do that especially after his sherlock era hair)

      Saw growl, well actually heard it when they leaked it. The dance is pretty awesome and I don't mind the song, but the mv... it made 2Eyes and Tahiti's new mvs seem like high budget productions, just ugh. Sm must've been broke af and been like "k, we got a poorly lit warehouse and a steadycam. Have fun boys." And then they mediaplayed about how unique the mv was when it looks like some rookie group from a tiny company w/ no budget released it. I could rant forever about how much I hate the mv, but apparently there's gonna be different versions so maybe I can hope?

      I have a lot of korean cosmetics and collect bb creams like candy, but etude is so... meh. I got a sample of one of their bb's once and it was nice enough (but will never compare to missha or skin79) so I looked up how much it'd be for a full size and it was like 40-50dollars wtf. Their makeup is so overrated and I can't imagine being in their store with creepy shinee staring at me (in general though they tend to suck at styling their models ugh theyve managed to make sulli, krystal, park shinhye and Lee min ho look bad so..) Not to mention they were in hot water for selling an older lady who didn't speak english a tester lipbalm a while ago. Just nah. (I prefer liole also they've got Tia as an ambassador and she looks great so I won't complain)

    43. Like here I always thought it would be hard to make LMH look like crap but then... etude house http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_TGs3f3R6y8Y/St891sBnAWI/AAAAAAAAAPk/v8dRblgnpa4/s320/Etude_House_Lee_Min_Ho_02.jpg

    44. he dyes his OWN hair? wtf
      i thought he just gave the stylists very specific directions lol. lucifer/hello was the last time that key's directions actually worked for him. i reallyreallyreally hate blond hair on him

      really? i thought the continuous-shot mv was really interesting. i don't really like mvs that cut from individual shots to group then back and blah blah blah (eg: every super junior mv since sorry sorry worked) because it's often not cut aesthetically and it looks shoddy. this was actually quite a refreshing way to combine solo shots with group, but the disadvantage was that they got a lot of the bad dancers in the frame and lolllllll just watching kris/chen makes me laugh
      i hope there is no story version exo's acting is p a i n f u l

      really? i've never been into korean cosmetics cause a) indian person = indian person skin and b) i never really thought it was that great? there are a lot of better companies imo
      etude house lures you in with it's pretty storefront and fugly pictures and pretty packaging so that you don't notice their shit products

    45. Yep. (Unfortunately meaning that rainbow shit going on rn is his fault) http://www.soompi.com/2013/04/02/shinees-key-colors-own-hair-to-save-money/ (though srsly to save money how broke can sm get)

      I didn't mind the wolf drama version but I can't really tell if a k-actor is bad until they're like Kim Hyun-Joong bad (case in point, I don't mind Suzy's) the girl and Luhan were kinda creepy though. I don't really care that much about the way they filmed it and it was kinda cool (it looked better in the leaked practice video sorry not sorry), just the warehouse was awful I could hardly make out faces with that lighting.

      I'm pale af since I avoid the sun to the max so I can get away with it. I mostly use korean bb cream because its all better than any of the american bb cream attempts as of recent. Their other stuff is meh though. There's high-end makeup(and some drugstore stuff tbh) that's better than most k-makeup, but I'm too broke for highend stuff (the most expensive thing I own atm is a UD setting spray I think)

    46. i didn't bother watching the practice video so mehhh

      what the fucking fuck is a ud setting spray. i'm also always curious as to why people use bb cream; high end celebrities that promote it hardly use it because they have the airbrush makeup done most of the time and the masking effects of bb cream seem not to hold a candle to all the primer/foundation/translucent powder routines that makeup gurus swear by, largely because it I a single liquid product and that can look unnatura

    47. I enjoy watching leaked things because it makes me feel like a badass lolwtf

      BB cream is the best thing to happen to makeup since makeup. Most western brands make me sad as a person (the only one I liked was garnier and it was too tan for me orz) but the k stuff is amazing I want to marry it. I am a psycho fangirl for bb cream please ignore me

      I think a lot of kcelebs use it for public events (obv not for things like dramas, mvs or photoshoots, most of the time) and that's why that whole ghost-face thing is becoming a thing (most bb's have atleast spf30-ish which doesn't mix well with flash.)
      I use it because it looks more natural than foundation (I used to have crap skin for the longest time and needed a lot of it) not less, unless you get some dewy-look crap with sparkles in it (which offends me as a person) It isn't going to be as much coverage as if you do a concealer, fuller-coverage foundation and then powder but most people don't need that much and that looks a lot more unnatural compared to bb cream, unless flash photography gets involved, again.

    48. Oh and a setting spray is something you spray on your face before/after makeup to make it stay on longer. I have an urban decay one, and e.l.f. also makes one (I find it so funny have e.l.f. refer to a makeup company and suju's fanclub and the little dudes with pointy shoes who thought that'd be a good idea)

    49. I freaked out when I saw a gazillion comments here after not checking this article for a while, only to look at it and see that it's just you two chatting to each other all this time LOL.

  13. I are here for the audio engineer knowledges :3

  14. I'm here for asking about Raina's boobs. No but seriously I missed zaku's livestream so I'll try my best to catch this one.


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