Monday, July 15, 2013

Stupid Things Fangirls Utter 32

*cough* 3/4s of SNSD's fandom *cough*

If anyone has submissions for future Stupid Things Fangirls Utter, please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, tweet them to akf_shinbi, ask them at http://ask.fm/akfshinbi, or leave them in the comment section below. Thank you!


  1. Why did you spell "Super Junior" "SNSD" I am confused. I don't think I Got A Boy was a very good song tbh, though I liked the concept. The Boys was a lot better however.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. igab made me think of the boys as a masterpiece
      tbh it kind of applies to most sm fandoms; sj, snsd, shinee

    3. I Got A Boy was a warning for shit to come. Compared to trash like The Baddest Female, MichiGO and Why So Serious, IGAB looked like a masterpiece. I don't understand why everyone says The Boys was a terrible song. Its the one that got me into kpop. But to each their own I suppose.
      So long as the top comment on a kpop music video isn't one telling everyone to bulk buy 15 different versions of the exact same album, I think its safe to say that that fandom has yet to go down the path of full delusion. Unfortunately, I have actually seen that on quite a few kpop music videos. When it happens on SNSD videos however, 99.9% of the time it will either get flagged for spam or receive negative votes. I don't think we're as bad as people say we are. But I will admit that we are pretty terrible.

    4. Idk, I think it actually applies to most KPOP fandoms.I've seen coments like that written by VIPs, Blackjacks *is this how you spell it?*, Hottests *lol*, ELFs, Sones, Shawols, Inspirits and basically every fandom.

      I can't understand their thinking, why are they so obsessed with their oppars? I do like a bunch of idol groups and I do have "biases" but I find it really embarrassing to support *oppars* when they release a crappy song. If a song is shit does it matter if it is sung by one of your favorite idols or a random nugu?

    5. The excuses the fans mainly come up with is that they're supporting the idols, not the song itself, which I can roll with, so long as there's no mention of album sales.
      The best way I can explain why someone would be legitimately in love with a kpop idol is because they see them on a variety show or reality TV and they realize that their personality is EXACTLY identical to their ideal type. That's what happened to me and most of the members of SNSD at least. Of course, I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm in love with them, but despite the fact that I like most of SNSD's songs, the main reason why I like them is because their personality, or at least the image they promote on the camera (who knows how they behave off camera) Is identical to my ideal type of girl.
      So mainly, the only reasons a fan will support a group even if they release a shit song is so they can either remain popular or gain popularity so that said fan can watch them on TV more and get to see their personalities. That's why its important for Kpop idols to occasional promote false images on TV. Nobody wants an oppar or noonar who behaves like a cunt and who you would never associate yourself with them as long as you live.
      This is the ONLY explanation I have for the reason why certain kpop fans support their idols no matter what.
      I hope that explanation wasn't too poorly worded and didn't make me look like a delusional Koweaboo.

    6. FUCK MY FUCKING LIFE! I wrote out an entire paragraph explaining why fans legitimately fall in love with idols but the web page timed out and its all gone! FFFFFFUUUUUUUU-

    7. Okay, basically what happens is that the fans see their "oppar" or "noonar" and in some cases their hyung or unnie on variety or reality tv show and they realize that they match their ideal type of girl/boy EXACTLY because of their behaviour and personlity and thus they fall in love. That is the ONLY logical explanation I have for a fan falling legitimately in love with a Kpop idol which my mind is able to process.
      Does that make sense?

    8. i think the vip thing should be revised to 4/4 for whatever f(x)'s nonexistent fanclub is; at the very least, big bang shows us that they can do something decent every once in a few years [i need a girl/wedding dress/that xx], i just cannot see how f(x) could have debuted as a group of m u s i c i a n s. at least most other groups try to pretend like they want to make music.

    9. replied to wrong comment




    10. Xiss, I'm parodying your thoughts about VIPs down low. Plus the whole, "We are the only sane fan club" is insane...

    11. oh my dogeeeeee that whole air of superiority thing that yg stans have is so annoying

    12. Them yg stans are the primary reason why i now find BB and 2ne1 so repulsive. They act high and mighty and it didnt help either the fact that Yang hyun suk is such an egocentric person.
      And i also notice that BB and SNSD are newer kpop fans (the very newer, the ones who doesnt understand what bias means) go-to choice as their bias groups which is tedious already.

    13. Speaking of acting "high and mighty", some people left the YG fandom because everyone was a little too rabid and repulsive for them to be a part of. Instead of reflecting, they were like, "THEY CAN'T HANDLE OUR AWESOMENESS," and "HATER'S GON' HATE."

  2. 3/4 of [insert any k-pop fandom here] tbh

    1. How about 4/4ths of VIPs?

      I don't think I've met one who thinks BB has a bad song

    2. The Entire 'Tonight' EP excluding "Cafe" was Shittier than Super Junior 'Sexy Free & Single' album.

    3. I refuse to acknowledge the existence of any Big Bang song other than Fantastic Baby because I literally not fathom how any human being could release such terrible music on the world. I have vaugeley similar but no where near as extreme views of SNSD's I Got A Boy album. Baby Maybe, Talk Talk and Look At Me are the only songs on the album with deserve to be called songs. I Got A Boy would've been included as well if it was split up into the 500 songs it was birthed from and not mashed together like the final product. SNSD deserves so much better then the Anti-Christ, Will Simms. Smh.

    4. For starters, Yang hyun suk is not a human being. And he will still continue to release abominable music that features GD and CL's whiny rap.(ironically, my effing yg stan of sister is playing Gd cover of This Love while i typed this)

      Those 3 songs that u cited are the only redeemable stuffs in IGAB.

    5. Big Bang's first album shits on everything they've done ever since. Except Haru Haru and Last Farewell, because those are my jams :3

    6. A good man was great. though i always make fun of TOP's adlib rap part

    7. Eh, I really like Alive, but that's cause I like shitty, trashy dance pop.

      And when VIPs try to tell me BB is K-hiphop, I'm like

    8. i think the reason why i dig more BB's earlier works is that there was "boyband" feels with their early songs. whereas now they're trying to project themselves as a proper legit hiphop group (which clearly they're not) is just off-putting for me.

    9. @sasaeng: ahh siblings. my older sister likes rock pretty exclusively and she is always so surprised that i actually also like kpop. at least i don't like the shitty stuff? oh well all kpop is shitty music when you look at it.

      bb should have stuck with that boyband feel it actually worked; they are nowhere near being legitimate artists (with the possible exception of taeyang who actually makes good music solo) and the fact that they think they are makes me want to throw up

  3. They are proud of it? People can't get more fucked up, also it's more like 9/10 than 3/4

  4. i was watching an episode of IS2 and this was an actual comment


    1. Why limit it to only TV shows? Why not have separate rooms for men and women at work so men won't get distracted? Totally feasible right? Totally desired as well, right?

  5. In music industry terminology this is called the "core audience" - the people who will buy your next thing because it has your name on it without actually listening to it first. It's the reason why the third album is always the most difficult one for a pop singer.

  6. glad someone openly admits that fact and most of 45,771 (as of screenshot) probably concur

  7. Sometimes I wonder if Kpop has a fandom or a cult.

  8. That chick sounds like Regina from OH.


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