Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Stupid Things Fangirls Utter 34

This week's submission comes from me, because. I pushed back all of ShinBot's scheduled articles for this one because I just had to get this out there ASAP. ((Hope you don't mind, l0l j/k as if I kara))

IU is such a conniving bitch, I had no idea until I saw these enlightening words. Thank you fapfapmelody, God bless you and your investigative prowess.


No but really, how sick in the head do you have to be to even think that this is a plausible explanation for what happened.

Look at the fear in those eyes, clearly that is the emotional scarring brought on by
the raping IU gave him.
Please people, I can't take you seriously when you condemn rape jokes with one hand but toss out rape accusations like hotcakes with the other. The same one you use to fap with, I bet.


  1. IU must be a dick-girl with a horse penis. She must have fucked Eunhyuk so hard up the ass causing him to not want to relive those painful minutes.

    1. This must be it. She must have lured him to her dorm using her clearly obvious powers of seduction, but once he was inside, she peeled off her mask to reveal that she is none other than Medusa!! But when Eunhyuk gazed into her eyes, he was hypnotized and couldn't push her off of him. That's why he looks so dazed and drunk afterwards!!!

    2. u figured out her Secret!!

    3. //magic vagina joke from bachelorette

    4. That sounds like some weird hentai shit lol

  2. who's trolling who again? i'm confused

    1. There's a fine line between trollin' and retardation, I think this is squarely on the side of the latter.

    2. I am also confused...the name is fapfapmelody..c'mon.

    3. Yeaaah, I'm going to go with the former on this one.

    4. fapfapmelody sounds like a troll account to me. and if that's the case then... successful troll is.... (?)

    5. Every allkpop user ever that has had fap in their username, at least in my experience, has been a troll. I think it's pretty obvious that this guy was one as well. So zaku, you either got caught under the bridge, or this is some sort of an elaborate double troll (in which you are petending to believe this one, so you can pull off some genius plan). But I highly doubt it's the latter.

    6. Clearly I don't go on Allkpop enough.

    7. I go to akp once every few months and only for pics. I come here everyday =p

  3. Yes, IU definitely raped Eunhyuk. Because a grown ass 27 year old man definitely can't fight off a petite 20 year old girl -_-

  4. Well, we know she sexually assaulted Suzy so I wouldn't be surprised if Eunhyuk was victimized by her as well:


    1. Are you telling me you would NOT hit that ?

  5. What? Nani? You Accuse Mother Blessed IU of raping ugly rancid dancing fish boy? IU is not Stupid ELF, she doesn't have that Despicable LW-Brain. IU is Good Friend of my best girl Sulli, you think she would do the acts? ur stupidity shock me!!

  6. I am dissapoint, iu, if you want to rape someone, at least rape someone hotter than eunyuck.

    That being said, maybe he/she just wrote it for the sake of trolling, I can't imagine someone that oblivious.

  7. a bit off-topic but..

    the trolls in allkpop are fucking assholes
    ignore those named fapfapmelody, lovefap, or anything of that variation

    these bastards take even suicide/death as a joking matter and trolled the crap out of kim jong hak's suicide and hoyoung's suicide attempt

    1. I heard a rumour that they're all aliases where Johnny gets his inner troll out of his system ever since AKP stopped writing misogynist troll articles, but no-one has been able to give me any proof yet, sadly.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. i heard about that suju13 guy being johnny because that guy was somehow able to post comments before said articles were posted

      not sure about these "fap" buddies but if it's true then damn.. what an asshole. i can accept most things but trolling about suicide/death is just disgusting

    4. Yeah I heard about Suju13 rumours too. I guess it makes sense - troll your own article with really offensive shit to get people infuriated and clicking to reply/downvote your ass, thereby boosting your total views thus making your site more appealing to advertisers. I don't believe it without proof but it's not that far-fetched as far as theories go.

    5. There's also LAssGuy (who is now LAsGuy), who used to make racist comments about Teddy Riley, calling him "Harlem Teddy" and saying "he better not have left any sperm in my girls or else they'll be n*gga babies", etc. I try to stay away from there now.

  8. this disgusts me more than i can describe.

    there was an article about rape in india once where they interviewed police officers, and a lot of them said this exact same thing about rape victims; that the ones who report it are faking and the ones who shut up and don't say anything are the good girls.

  9. shit,and i thought iu unnir, was innocent :/

  10. LOL oh ma gosh that made my night !! That bitch is overreacted i do'nt give a fuck id he fucked her .. she diserves to be treated like a SLUT , and attention WHORE !


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