Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Tablo X Lee Hi Fly Remix

"Hey, let's take Epik High's most recognizable single and rape the living shit out of it and put it in a CF!" Once again, that pudge-faced midget Lee Hi destroys another song with her boring vocals. Yes, Korean netizens jack off to "vocal talent", but this so-called "vocal talent" doesn't mean shit when this "vocal talent" is a better cure for insomnia than sleeping pills are. It's almost as horrific as man rape.


  1. why would they destroy one of their best songs? I don't get it ( •ˇ‸ˇ• ) .... I will pretend like this never existed...

    1. Lucky 'fly' wasn't really my fav, and please don't butcher 'one' or 'fan'

  2. lee hi voice is boring af and this remix is shitty, im laughing so hard at tablo verse, god its shit

  3. "Your swag is unconventional." AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

    Oh my god. Finally someone agrees that Lee Hi looks pudgy. I mean, I like her voice and kinda envy her skin and all, but I just can't stand her face.

  4. i am scared to listen to this

    1. if you like the orginal song, don't listen to it

  5. Thank you, Lee Hi, for you have cured akf's insomnia!

    1. I still have insomnia (but don't take sleeping pills), but maybe I should make it a routine to listen to Lee Hi before I go to sleep.

    2. Just because I want to help you sleep better http://i.minus.com/i0WkYNnTdfrLf.gif

    3. That's going to give me nightmares lol.

  6. I like Lee Hi's voice and I think she's cute. And I'm not afraid to say it here. (maybe a bit) :D

    1. "Look at me! I want attention! Arguing opinion and anecdotal elements on a dissociated level, only solidifies my own solipsism , and partially projective attitude. (maybe completely) :D"

    2. Sorry, I didn't want attention actually. I see people here don't like Lee Hi and I thought people'd bash me for saying that I like her voice (that's why I wrote that I'm afraid a bit). And I added " :D " in the end for that too.

    3. Welp. That'll teach me to confront a person with moderate HPD. Remember when high school girls understood subtext? Well, not anymore.

    4. I see you'd interpret anything I say to insult me more, smartass. You seem to like stepping on others' self-esteems to assert yourself. I bet your big ego is happy.

    5. I am not ego driven. I just don't like people, who are intellectually dishonest.
      I made one mistake of talking to you, true. You got me there, but I won't make another and let leave with the last word.
      I don't insult people on assumed basis, either. Everything negative I've said relative to your histrionic personality, has been argued. So far, you assuming I have ego mentality, is the only non-argued assumption, and smart-ass* is the only direct insult.
      Heck, you didn't even address what I wrote in my first post. It was just more time for you, to talk about yourself, and being ever more leaning proof of your HPD. For example, where the hell does self-esteem come into the picture? Your feelings? Case and point.

      If you want assumptions, I'll GIVE you assumptions.
      Are you bisexual by any chance?

  7. I dislike Lee Hobgoblin so very much. She is a horrendous performer. Tablo needs to get the fuck out of YG.

  8. Oh my god what the fuck did I just listen to

    I am boycotting vitamin water, that's it. That was unnecessary af and I actually like Lee Hi. Someone get Tablo and crew out of YG now ugh

    (Though on a side note are her and Tablo going on a date in the first part? I smell a TonyxHyeri thing going down I mean Tablo looks young but he's like twice Lee Hi's age not appropriate)

    1. I know, but he's acting very coupley w/ Lee Hi in that mv. Obviously it's for the CF and not something that would ever in ever happen irl but yeah. Still creepy.

  9. Selling out looks so ugly. There was a line about burying your sorrows in alcohol in the unabused "Fly". Now that Tablo's scot-free, without a care in the world I guess he drinks Glacieu. Go figure.

    Also this person resembles Jiyeon

  10. I got post-traumatic stress from seeing Lee Hi wake up in the morning in this video.

  11. are they making them a couple in the this cf or it's just me? cuz wtf, she could pass as his daughter

  12. lee hi looks like such a goblin. why are they trying to sexualize that?


    1. because without female goblin, the race of goblin would have gone extinct. In short, goblins are into porn as well.

  13. I actually liked the remix, minus the horrendous lyrics, minus the cf material.

    The lyrics just makes me cringe so much, it's so freaking cheesy. Also, if Ailee would sing instead of Lee Hi, it would've been perfect.

    What are they thinking putting Lee Hi to act? Also her singing is boring enough without instrumental, and they removed it.

  14. when lee hi walked in on that pillow fight and smiled in the doorway was i the only one who thought she was going to massacre those bitches

    1. AKF is indeed the place that cures depression...and ya me too

    2. lol yes, it wasn't that look of "oh that faggot lee hi finally came!"
      more like "OMG NOT HER"

  15. There is hope for the comments section to be just like the good ol' Anon days as they call it.

    1. As long as people don't copy/paste the funny/witty comments in every article, that'd be welcome.

  16. I don't think the remix or the commercial is that bad actually. I really like it.


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