Friday, August 30, 2013


POP! POP! KEU-RAE-YONG POP! Crayon Pop popped EXO's win streak and EXOtics are going apeshit. This shit is why AKF exists, people.

As of the time I'm writing this post, the video is almost 50/50 in likes and dislikes. 281 likes to 211 dislikes. EXOtics are raging that their oppas didn't win a fucking music program when there are five of them a week. Jesus Christ. "Fuck what's going on in Syria, EXO didn't win Music Bank today! I hope the U.S. military sends a drone to Chrome Entertainment to blow up Crayon Pop! FUCK THESE WHORES! THEY ARE TROPHY SLUTS, ACCEPTING ANY TROPHY THAT THEY WILL INSERT INTO THEIR ORIFICES BECAUSE THEY ARE FUCKING SKANKS!


  1. Lol at the fangirl who said they didn't deserve it because they repeated 'bar' numerous times. ...that's like the point of kpop I mean really wolf is largely 그래 wolf 내가 wolf over and over again same with Growl... and every other kpop song. Besides awards are based on a group's popularity not their musical quality, otherwise neither group would be up for anything ever.

    1. As if exo's songs are any better.

    2. Basically.

      ((And not a single one decided to download the control beat I want some fangirls in on the rap battle))

    3. A couple days ago I saw #Growl9thWin trending on Twitter. Not a bad song, but really fangirls? 9 wins and y'all find a reason to complain.

    4. I know. I'd say growl has won enough. Then again I think they were up for a Triple Crown (idr what show that is is it obvious I pay no attention) which would've basically meant they couldn't win again on that show so... maybe we should've let them win lol

  2. 2 days after music bank: crayon pop's bodies were found floating in the han river......

  3. I'm so proud of them for being able to piss off an entire deranged fandom :')

  4. I really feel happy for them, they were a nobody before, to win a MB must mean something to them.

    Someone please fucking explain to me why they are hated so much? (I might have missed something), even people in akp keep saying that their song is shit, like wow, that song is probably a thousand times better than exo's song/ idol releases recently. These girls are also cute, the song has a light hearted disco, koyote ish feel, WHY on earth are they hated so much?

    1. They're connected with Ilbe, the Korean version of 4chan.

    2. I still don't get what is wrong with that (sorry lol)

    3. In a period of political correctness, "progressives" will hate anyone associated with something extremely right-wing, like Ilbe is.

    4. Most of the haters are just members of big fandoms who can't stand the fact that a simple song with a "gimmicky" concept and choreography from a small niche K-pop group has been beating all the "real artists" on the charts.

      The Ilbe thing is just bullshit, though. Calling someone a right-wing extremist because they browse Ilbe would be like calling someone a racist because they read Yahoo News.

      Just because there are a lot of crazies on the site doesn't mean everyone who uses it is one. Most of Ilbe isn't any different than any other internet message board.

    5. I've been on ilbe like twice (someone alert the cops or smth but I did find some pretty gifs or something) and as far as I can tell it's a normal forum, aside from that they use disrespectful language and swear a lot. I'm sure if you avoided the political cray it'd be not much different than 4chan. Which 4chan still isn't something many people want to associate with but it's not as if everyone on the site is actively promoting neo-facism (I think that's how one would explain their political view)

    6. Wait what, in what way are they connected to ilbe?

      I'm not really interested in Crayon Pop as it is (and I like some of their other songs far more than Bar Bar Bar), but haven't heard anything about ilbe and them so far?

      Could you please explain that?

    7. their CEO tweeted something about sharing a joke with a member and then realizing that the joke was shared only on ilbe, also they tweeted the word 'nomu' instead of '너무' (neomu) on purpose once and that deliberate misspelling is common on ilbe because i think that was the name of some past leader in korea

  5. Call me sappy but watching underdogs win after more than a year of setbacks and being forced to stage guerrilla performances on the street and their genuine gratitude was actually touching. And their reaction on winning was so genuine and visceral,

  6. can we all just make a pact to ignore exotics from now on i think the attention is what has them stirring up something new every day

  7. Meh, I don't care. If the people like the song, the song wins. Simple as that.

  8. http://antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com/2012/06/debut-you-should-actually-give-chance.html


    1. Still their best song to date, I believe.

    2. bingbingbingbingbingbingbingbing

    3. Your article led me to become a Crayon Pop fan.

    4. That article made me a fan, too. Though even I'm surprised BarBarBar got such recognition when they clearly had better singles.

    5. I wonder if they'll be able to afford a full album now.

  9. Kind of new to Kpop and so when I saw that AntiKpopFangirl I found that this is the most disturbing place for Kpop news

    Insulting others based on your own insecurities. You guys are losers. lol

    1. Believe me, after you get to know k-pop more, you'll become one of those crazy fangirls or one of us. Your choice.

    2. Why would I want to be like you guys?

      You invest so much time into insulting the way these idols look.
      Kpop may be superficial, but it's pathetic and obvious that those that write such hate have personal issues.

      Now guys, don't cry but, Hyoyeon 2012/13 is extremely attractive.
      It's crazy but, the majority think that way about her and other idols

    3. >Criticizes AKFG for racking on kpop
      >comments on article appreciating Crayon Pop's win


      Also, funny you should bring up insecurity, in context of not liking others, yet you commented twice on a site, you don't like to reply to comment, which has to be tracked manually, ie: "f5, f5, f5, f5". But no, AKFGs are the emotionally invested ones, right? "Personal issues", hmm?

    4. If you actually read the previous comments, we are actually supporting crayon pop here,n if you meant the article, akf's sarcasm is too advanced for some people.

      Regarding insulting their looks, I also find it quite offensive the first time, but then I realize I was being so much of a fag/delusional I am for getting mad over that, so I just laugh it off.

    5. @Jatt Monsoon the problem is that you are obviously taking this site far more seriously than any of us are.

    6. What the above people said was right. Besides just because some users insult an idol's looks doesn't mean we're a bunch of anitfans of that idol. When I first got here (via an article about Chocolat or something in 2011) they were calling Melanie ugly and at first I was really offended. How dare they insult my unnir she is perfect. You get over it and realize that the opinion of a couple of people shouldn't dictate your life nor should you fling pointless criticism at them for not having the same taste as you. I actually disagree with a lot of the posters re: female idols, I stan Jessica and find 2012-13 Hyoyeon pretty for example. So what if most of the authors call Jessica horse face and Hyoyeon (idek if she has a specific insult) ugly in general. Their opinion not mine.

      Besides like half the site is dudes, idk why they'd be jealous of a member of SNSD like you claim. If we spent large amounts of time hating on the looks (read: looks, not music) of Super Junior or EXO I'd say we have some problems. I've never seen any articles dedicated to that and the closest I've seen is some Shindong jokes. Though yeah, most of us are perverts.

    7. Of course everyone has different opinions.
      However the way they go about it is crazy.

      If you don't find an idol attractive then fine. But why do they go out of their way to insult them as much as possible?

      And I mention personal issues because some of the posts before have actually mentioned how they are feeling down, depressed, unhappy or whatever, and then insult others to make themselves feel better.
      It's sad.

    8. it's all good in the name of satire when insulting idols, loosen up
      the world has infinate amount of things to be upset about than hyoyeon getting called ugly, like sohee getting called ugly

    9. @Infamist; wrong board, kid.

    10. ...when do people go out of their way to insult their looks. I've never specifically seen any articles dedicated to just calling an idol ugly. Like sure there are some articles with that as a premise but it's not as if there's ever been an article that solely stated "Hyoyeon is ugly lol" if an idol's looks really come into question it's usually as an afterthought (eg during the Black Tinkerbell review zaku called Soa creepy looking) or as a base for humor (like when sullifag posted a photo of Hyoyeon on craigslist) I don't see what's wrong with stating what you do and don't find attractive, anyway.

      Also @hoopra tell me that is sarcasm because Hyo is much better looking next to Sohee

  10. EXO shouldn't have even won for growl anyways, it's a dumb song (like all their other ones) and the only reason they will win GDA is because of album sales since musicality has nothing to do with Kpop and the standard is basically having tons of album sales. I'm pretty sure if they erased EXO-M's sales from the equation infinite or somebody could win GDA. I'm really tired of SM groups dominating it but it seems like no other agency cares as much. Honestly GDA is worthless so yeah, nvm, let EXO win.

    I have no opinion of Crayon Pop but exotics are becoming the ELF of the next generation, not a title anyone should aspire to. I'm actually hoping that one day the GDA will change the criteria for the Disk award so that people with albums that are actually good can win.

    1. EXO's album sales are being inflated like hell because of International fans. By having a "Chinese" sub group they are basically having an upperhand over everyone.

  11. thats a cute opinion however growl has been doing well both physically AND digitally. wolf didn't deserve to win but growl sure did. i mean, growl has been parodied on infinity challenge for gods sake. also, why the fuck are you looking for musicality in kpop of all places? sure you'll find a gem here or there but you're better off looking elsewhere.

    1. nobody is challenging the fact that growl has been doing well, the point is that it's only doing well because of exo's crazy fangirls. crayon pop is better known even though they don't have fancy outfits and a one-take mv

    2. Tbh, Growl has been doing okay outside of the fandom, otherwise their digital wouldn't be so good. Crayon Pop is still probably better known but Growl needs some credit where due. But l o l to the part about musicality in kpop. This is an article about Crayon Pop, it's not as if we're mad davichi didn't win over them bc davichi is more talented or something.

    3. @blue "AND digitally" Doing well digitally has very little to do with exo's crazy fangirls which is why, y'know, I mentioned it...

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Crayon Pop is the only relevant K-Pop group right now.

  13. I'm just so happy that Crayon Pop won! Congrats! Hopefully they will continue be succesful and not ending up like T-ara.. ^^

  14. I actually watched this music bank and still being an exo fan, loved the fact that they one. (especially the fan boy chants in the background) the entire thing was adorable.


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