Saturday, August 10, 2013

Saturday Shitfest #10

Kara is my favorite idol group, but there is a good reason as to why I had no idea this song/MV came out. I hate their Japanese discography more than a uber right-wing nationalistic Korean hates admitting that he faps to Japanese porn.

Oh yeah, since some people have complained that we didn't let enough people know about Zaku's livestream last week, Kpopalypse oppar is livestreaming tonight at 5 PM PST/whatever the fucking time it is where you live, as previously mentioned in his article from just a few days ago.


  1. tbh i hate pretty much every japanese discography by idol groups except for cnblue


    1. I think SNSD's Japanese discography is better than their Korean discography, considering that SNSD has released nothing but shit in Korea since 2010. For the most part, I wholeheartedly agree with hating all idol groups' Japanese discography.

    2. First thing I thought of when I read this comment was "Paparazzi." <333

    3. I reckon "Paparazzi" and 2NE1's "Scream" were the only two genuinely good made-for-Japan songs of last year.

    4. 2NE1's best song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wErVuyluyfM

    5. Girls Generations Japanese discography has been consistently better than their Korean the last couple of years, and Scream is fantastic.

      I haven't found anybody who agrees, but I think Playgirlz by After School is probably their best album/EP yet, if you ignore the Japanese versions of old songs.

    6. Kpopalypse oppa HI <3 hehe

      I really really LOVE all KARA's Korean specially Japanese Release

      I think KARA is one of the best JAPANESE Release...
      well personal Taste..


  2. Why is j-pop by k-pop groups always twee nonsense for the raincoat crowd.

    Also thanks for the plug! Hopefully people aren't sick of hearing about it but I guess it's tricky to strike the balance between "you never told me it was on wtf" and "why are you telling me that this is on wtf".

    1. It's the same idol garbage Japan has been churning out since the 90s. I guess it really appeals to the 40 year old Japanese guys over there who grew up with this kind of music.

    2. Middle-aging loners have empty hearts and deep pockets. Pretty easy to see why.

      It's basically like contemporary quantitative easing policy; If I ain't broke, why stop printing money?

    3. Speaking of QE, it needs to stop lol. Okay, four years of printing trillions of dollars hasn't helped this anemic "recovery".

    4. An interesting take by Ian Martin (who is actually my favorite music journalist) on this: http://clearandrefreshing.wordpress.com/2011/12/27/great-pop-music-denied-to-japan-in-2011-karas-step/

      Anyway, there's much much more going on in jpop than idol groups. With the (awesome)indie scene taking over the internet recently (let's say the last two years), major labels are trying to infiltrate the alternative scene, going as far as performing in some punk concerts, to get the affection of every possible niche, and while I criticize this behaviour I must admit results are quite interesting: http://avex.jp/biskaidan/index.html

    5. On the same subject, this is why whenever I see KPOP Fangirls bitch about how slutty some of the artists, I like to refute them by saying at least they are actually sexy and won't make me feel like a sex offender unlike JPOP which makes me cringe trying to get past an idol video.

      And sadly implications are extremely unpleasant when KPOP has to provide Japan with fapfuel MVs that their precious idols won't do.

    6. @ziodonato I'm not saying there isn't good Japanese music, but the idol scene there is absolute garbage. I just can't force myself to even try to like J-idols.

    7. I agree, the Idol Scene is like one part Sharia mixed in with the music. Not even KPOP is as bad since at least we can muse on about "Who is dating whom", in Japan, they are one step away from being like the middle east when it comes to the girls.

      Swear to god everytime there is news about Japan it is turning into Dubai...

  3. another boa song!


    not liking it very much, but it's ok

    1. The lyrics are kind of dumb, but I like it. While it's not a promotional song, I like it when BoA does something different.

    2. Everything BoA touches turns to gold. Bow down to Kween BoA!!!

  4. Not Kpop, but I've been absolutely addicted to Jolin Tsai's The Sun Will Never Set for the past few days. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xnn8hh_mv-jolin-tsai-%E8%94%A1%E4%BE%9D%E6%9E%97-sun-will-never-set-%E6%97%A5%E4%B8%8D%E8%90%BD-hd-720p_music

  5. Off topic, new 2ne1 ("Do You Love Me") is better than "Falling in Love," if for nothing else than the music video is hella more interesting. I'm a sucker for POV party vids in the vein of Gaga's "Just Dance." Fuck, I love that song and vid.

    1. Do You Love Me shits all over Falling in Love. I have no idea why Papa YG released Falling in Love; it's totally pedestrian and sounds like Teddy made it in 20 minutes. Do You Love Me is a total IATB rip-off, but considering how far in the toilet 2NE1's career is, they have no room to be "experimenting".

    2. Do you love me was total garbage and the MV concept was ripped off Cassius http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NazVKnD-_sQ&feature=youtu.be

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. No one ever accused YG of being creative. Also, that dude is not the first person to do a music video like that; anybody with a cell phone (preferable an iPhone) can do a music video like that XD

  6. What do you guys think of Junhyung as a producer?
    I'm a little disappointed, tbh.

    1. howon

      oh sorry i mean howon


    2. His 'productions' were great on monstar but I have no idea if he actually produced the songs in the show orz

      The album was kinda meh. Shadow and You're Bad are the only two tracks that stood out. It also kinda bugs me that he got two rap breaks in Shadow, since it could've went w/o and it kinda seems like a selfplug. Idk.

    3. He shouldn't have included English lines that hardly made sense, though. I actually kinda like Shadow after I saw it a few times on Inkigayo.

      @blue: I was searching for something to GIF because it's a hobby, so I decided to search for some eye candy videos of Hoya. I watched his solo showpiece and DID NOT EXPECT THE MOTHERFUCKER TO RIP THAT WIFEBEATER OFF.

    4. "I'm not a vampire, not a night ghost" well that basically screwed over any hope of b2st promoting in america (as if their general concept as a group didn't already) but srsly if he was responsible for that Troublemaker cover/remix for real in monstar I'm 5ever his fan.

      Oh god no shirtless Hoya *inner delulu fangirl comes out screaming inconherent things about oppar while rabidly searching youtube*

    5. i wish i could lose my memory of watching that video every day so that i could watch it for the first time over and over hoya's body wasn't (and still isn't tbh; everyone seems to be focusing on abs but the rest of his body is kinda soft and babyish??? more so with dino baby though) the greatest but he is so present when he's on stage that's the most important thing

      tip: move frames individually so that the object is always in the center (there's a part towards the end where you lose his torso and also this helps the gif look slightly more seamless imo)

    6. You pro giffers I can't even get photoshop to start up on me (and using gimp for gifs is painful)

    7. @blue: My Internet was fucked up when I uploaded the GIF and I couldn't crop it properly because there was a blank rectangle instead of abs, so I was like, "Fuck it."

    8. I'll fix it soon enough, DW. And yay! A fellow friend who can make GIFs.
      @greasybyuntae: Omg, I feel your pain with GIMP. I once tried to edit a GIF of Lee Joon and one of the frames was smaller than the others and the quality sucked because GIMP defused it.

    9. i only use gimp for that glorious ink tool. i have yet to find a brush on ps that is quite like it. also, gimp may sometimes be slightly easier to use if you're making a gif as in actually drawing shit and making it move but cs6>>>>>>>>>>every other way to make a gif cause it's easy and you can make em hq af

    10. I use CS5 and have neglected GIMP since. The good thing about GIMP is that when you open a saved GIF, it actually shows the frames, whereas Photoshop leaves it as it is.

    11. cs6 overcomes that it has this beautiful timeline and it's a lot easier to import videos into it cause it has the dynamiclink media server that shit is like b-e-a-utiful u should upgrade chingu

    12. Meh gots no money em only 13 chingu ya and Idk how to do it illegally either so meh. Also, I don't know how to use the timeline so it's always the frames type of animation.

      Say, this is probably the second most delusional thing I've ever made but so worth it: http://24.media.tumblr.com/9ac29353e8a2a862c724c183c09477a2/tumblr_mrda94YqYv1qjy6uto1_500.png

    13. doing it illegally is super ease dw unnir is 18

      do you know how to work torrents?

    14. Nope. I only know how to get stuff from 4shared and Mediafire and all that.

    15. http://www.utorrent.com/downloads/win

      download this.

      then go the thepiratebay.se and click "GET THIS TORRENT" on whichever photoshop cs6 link you want (suggestion: http://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/7225112/ADOBE_PHOTOSHOP_CS6_EXTENDED_EDITION_[thethingy]_)

      usually how it works is that they give you a specific .dll file and you go to c:\program files\adobe\adobe photoshop cs6 and c:\program files (x86)\adobe\adobe photoshop cs6 and you just replace the .dll file with the same name that's already there and voila

    16. The last two times I tried pirating photoshop (PS6 And PS4, respectively) I failed miserably. Still the trial version was nice!

    17. Oh my goodness. Unnir, thank you so much. :'D

      Please accept my thank you gif that I especially made for you: http://i.imgur.com/uy2xJ6H.gif

    18. who is that i like him

    19. *cries at gifs and tries to pirate it again*

  7. Jonghyun is fucking Kyungri. Here is a proof:

    I wonder how much of shocker this is. I am hoping it is, but he seems to have a refutation of being a man whore already?

    1. if there was an award for most openly horny idol jjong would come in first second and third

    2. Honey, anything is better than fucking Taemin. That dude can dance his ass off, but I do not see why Shawols thinks he's sex on the beach; the dude's smile is pretty awkward looking (like it takes a lot more effort than it should have) and his facial features don't really work well together.

    3. Yeah he's not in the attractive faction of SHINee (which consists of Key, Onew and Jjong when he's having a good day) or anything. Then again he can pass for a girl when he wears the right clothes so I can imagine Jonghyun probably told himself that the whole time.

    4. Oh my god. When I first got into KPOP, I was a Shawol and I tried so hard to like Taemin and be like everyone else (I was 11 and unaware of their batshit craziness that I came to know too soon) but I could never do it because... he's not attractive.

      @greasybyuntae: Yep, the good-looking ones are pretty much only Key, Onew, and Jonghyun.

    5. Me too for the Taemin thing. He seems like a really nice person and his dancing is great, and he's okay at some angles/poses/whatever but he's just not a person I consider attractive. It didn't help that he was like 12 when he debuted. Not into pedophilia idc if he's now a 93 liner and stuff.

      Also I don't get where (mostly k)shawols get off saying Onew isn't attractive, but then in the same breath claim Minho is walking sex. No. Just no.

    6. MORE PEOPLES WHO THINK TAEMINNIE IS KINDA UGGLES :'D do you hear my tears friends
      tbh i liked him when he was younger he was really adorable but now he put on weight and he's had all this work done and it just looks horrible like frankenstein manchild

    7. Yay lets be bffs

      That's basically perfectly describing him. Idk why did he do that to his nose I cannot. I think he's been looking a bit better lately, he fixed his hair and stopped abusing guyliner orz

    8. @greasybyuntae

      I never got why people think Onew is bad looking either. I'd hop on that a lot faster than I would the other members of SHINee (plus, that voice XD).

      *ahem* I was beginning to think I was alone with not thinking Taemin was attractive. Like, I don't hate him, I just don't think puberty was nice to him.

    9. And Minho looks like a frog, tbh. He is far from being walking sex.

    10. I honestly think it has more to do with dat body than dat face XD Also, he looks a hell of a lot better with short hair

    11. everyone seems to think that minho is better with short hair but i've always thought that the more his face is covered up the better

    12. Yay I'm not alone on Taemin or Minho looking like some kinda frog! I don't think Minho's body is that great though? I mean the teasers for Sherlock were quite obviously photoshopped (all of those teasers made me uncomfortable) and I don't think I've seen him shirtless since. He's far from being a second Taeyang or something. I prefer short hair too, long hair tends to bring out his frog side more.

    13. But oh since this is how the thread started http://netizenbuzz.blogspot.ca/2013/08/jonghyun-denies-dating-rumors-with.html

  8. You guys should watch this Little Cute J-Kamilia Fanchant for KARA thank you summer love so CUTE <3


  9. Anyway guys

    this Thank you summer love has..

    Mv version
    Solo version
    Dance Version

    and there is Special MV for KARA's 4th album this august 28..

    have you listen to this one?

    my MOst favorite of KARA's 2013 release

  10. http://i.imgur.com/2zbD27I.jpg


  11. I like Kara's Japanese releases. They're the only group who both nails the Jpop sound and still keeps the Kpop aesthetic. It's nice to see what sounds like real Jpop have a good looking video which doesn't involve terrible dance routines and horribly styled outfits.

    As much as I love SNSD and their Japanese releases, they always still look and sound like a Kpop group. Not a bad thing, but I wonder if they would get more popular there if they were able to get the sound down.


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