Saturday, August 17, 2013

Saturday Shitfest #11


Yura not enough for you?


  1. old shit, but super catchy and more interesting than recent shit kpop releases imo


    idk what genre it is, trotish-pop?

  2. So yeah, Sori's MV. Just mute it, the song sucks.

  3. Fuck.


    I'm gonna be eating anthrax with a ladle, if they kick off.

    1. This probably means they're going to debut in Japan, which just sucks monkey fuck.

    2. They have been performing in Japan almost since their debut. Hell they have a sixth-Japanese members solely for Japanese performances.

  4. for all the three people on this blog who listen to boy groups, mblaq's repackaged song is so garbage that i don't even remember the name. what a comedown from smoky girl tbh >:[

    my favourite girls day member has always been sojin, but everyone i've met so far seems to like yura and sometimes minah
    what happened to minah's crazy vocals though she doesn't use them anymore at all

    1. also, @comekpop

      how do you detinterlace videos? vegas pro deinterlacer is pretty shit and i can't seem to load .mp4 files onto avisynth for some reason regardless of what command i use, and when i convert the .mp4 file to a .avi file i lose out on quality like mad

    2. I guess I'm one of those three people. I generally like boy groups more than girl groups, but what's with the trend of going moshi moshi desu after each nice concept? Some of the cute songs are alright but I couldn't make it to the end of No Love.

    3. Ah, I've totally come across footage with interlaced lines(or at least what I think is interlaced lines) but it never struck me that I could deinterlace it. This is interlaced, http://i.minus.com/iGEdxUuepmX1t.gif right?

      For something as prevalent as mp4 to not work kind of surprises me, though I've never used avisynth and maybe it has to strictly be avi files, which I guess given its name makes sense.

      I work on OSX and use Premiere Pro when I work with video files, it takes .mp4, .mov, and I believe .avi just fine. Things like .mkv and .flv need to be converted as far as I know.

      There are two converters I mainly use and I don't feel like I ever lose much quality if any when I do convert stuff through them, maybe my eyes are bad. When I am converting, it's usually .flv to .mp4 or .mov. They're called SmartConverter and Miro Video Converter and they're free on the mac app store, hopefully there are windows equivalents out there.

      I found this for deinterlacing videos in Premiere Pro, it looks pretty simple but I don't know the quality of the deinterlacing, I'd hope it's more than good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZuQRYVvqGc

      I apologize for not being able to help, I haven't really done any deinterlacing before.

    4. @blue to deinterlace, install mencoder, then use command line like this

      mencoder -vf pp=ac/l5 -oac copy -ovc mp4:vrate=6400 -o outputfilename.avi -i inputfilename.avi

      you can replace l5 with fl if the video quality is crap or it's a movie shot on film stock.

    5. khamsa gozaimasu sempai-deuli u guys rule

      @comekpop: yep i think those are interlace lines. they bother me quite a lot but what i hate more is when you go frame by frame and the part that's moving is blurry and disgusting: i made this as a test with no deinterlacing:

      yep i really don't understand why .mp4 won't work for me; there's a command called DirectShowSource and a couple of others that are really supposed to work but just don't.

      ahh. one quick more or less unrelated question about OSX though; i'm starting college and am 99% going to be majoring in illustration or animation; do you think that the cost of macs is worth it? i mean i would have to get a 17" pro at the very least and it's about double the cost of an equivalent windows (my high school art room had macs so i'm pretty comfortable with them but i guess i haven't used them enough to see that much of a difference) i'm super new (like 2 weeks tops) to all this video editing stuff but macs seem to come with a lot of free software that's useful (although on a windows you could always pirate). hmm

      @noir: i have never even heard of this program (super duper n00b here) but does it work with .mp4 files? i have sony vegas pro 12 so if i use the yadif plugin, is that alright? i know next to nothing about computer language

      @citrusparty: NO LOVE IS TERRIBLE. see the thing is mblaq is a really great group but tHEY ARE NOT MUSICIANS GOD DAMMIT you can't give them songs that would only be amazing if they were all great vocalists; at least good luv was catchy this is idek what

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. whoops i forgot to attach that test picture~~


    8. I'm not really one of those like "fuck that OS I hate it" kind of people. Before I started college which was in 2010, I had always been using Windows.The summer before I started college I did get a mac because I would be doing some design work and programming and I also needed a faster machine regardless. I have a 15" macbook pro.

      I don't think Windows is trash by any means, but after using OSX for these few years, I definitely prefer it. For me personally, my work flow is so much faster with expose and mission control and spaces. I customize OSX as much as I can to fit my needs, I make use of hot corners to fling my mouse to a side of the screen so I can quickly view my desktop or show all my open windows. I use programs like Alfred to speed up my ability to find files and launch programs even though spotlight works just fine as any OS search would. I've added the windows feature of dragging a window to a side of the screen so it fills half the screen. The mac app store makes it really convenient to find great software that's free and improves your productivity.

      I also have WIndows installed with bootcamp, so if I ever need to use windows I'm covered. You can also open Windows through a vmware once you have it installed via bootcamp so you can be working in OSX and then pull up a window running Windows.

      With all that said though, Macs are definitely expensive, if I could just build a super powered machine and install OSX simply on it, I would do that. I'm a fan of the OS, I don't really understand why people hate it.

      I also don't think they make 17" macbooks anymore. I think 15" with retina displays are the largest now. Buying a windows laptop with higher specs would probably be cheaper, but if you really like the OS, go for it. My college also has macs but I definitely prefer the experience on my macbook because I'm able to personalize and customize it for my needs. Using someone else's mac is always different for me since I use different shortcuts and all that jazz.

      If I were to get a macbook pro today, knowing I would want to have it for a few years, I would future proof it as much as I could if I could afford it with higher specs like a processor. Adobe programs are system hogs so having more RAM and a fast processor as you progress through the years is always welcome. I also hook my macbook up to an external monitor.

      I can't really say you should 100% get a mac because they are so much more pricy, but if Windows and Macs were on equal footing in terms of price, I would say give a Mac a shot.

      Incase I'm late to your messages, you can always ask me on twitter at twitter.com/comekpop.

      Also, nice rotoscope-esque gif.

    9. uhh wow this is really helpful, i wasn't expecting such a detailed answer haha

      thank you!

  5. I actually find Zinger kinda cute and pretty now. In fact, I even made a gif set of one of her best performances.

    That was brave of me to say.

    1. A lot of people started liking Zinger after she transformed herself last year haha.

    2. I think ZInger has always had a pretty sexy body

    3. i liked zinger when she was fat she was always funny and cute

      sunhwa is still jjangbakest though

    4. Jieun as well


      cute = sexy

    5. Jieun is hands down my favorite female idol of all time.

      And also this: http://i.imgur.com/rJtNpgW.jpg

    6. does nobody else find jieun kind of boring. secret has three really interesting members and one sweet cute little girl who would always get cut from the broadcast if it wasn't for her singing ability

    7. While I do find her absolutely adorable, I've never seen GIFs of anything interesting that she has said or done. If she's not good in variety shows or being interesting overall, then TS should have at least thrown in some photoshoots and OSTs for her. Girl is quite inactive lately.

    8. Jieun was the hot one in "Shy Boy".

  6. Yura's suspenders remind me of a certain scene in a movie just because of the polka dots.


  7. Ew, Yura´s one fat bitch. She doesn´t have a thigh gap!

    1. That was a joke, you don't actually have to get out.
      Yura is gorgeous tho.

  8. I'm amused by amount of hate towards Barx3.
    Do these "kpop fans" fail to realize that songs like this are what made Wonder Girls and GG popular in the first place. I wasnt around for Tell Me nor Gee but one can easily draw parallels between them and Barx3. Catchy songs + Fun/easy/addictive dances that turned nugu groups into juggernauts.

    On another note has anyone listened to Shishido Kavka's new song? The song's flawless(it has a cowbell ffs) + she's a drummer. Sold!

    1. I've not paid too much close attention but i didn't know there was much ire against it?

      anyone who knows anything about K-pop knows the point you make. a good song doesn't mean a successful one. SNSD were distinctly second fiddle to WG in 2008 - would Dancing Queen have really have caught the public's attention like Gee did? T-ara got people's attention with the infectious Bo Peep, would that have happened if CCM listened to fans and promoted Like The First Time instead?

    2. they aren't really against barbarbar it is irrefutably catchy and addictive, but they are giving a lot of shit to cp for being ~ilbe~ and someone from busker busker uploaded a picture with them and got a lot of shit for being ~ilbe~ as well. tbh i don't know why netizens even ask for an explanation from the artist when they're just going to go ahead and believe what they want anyway

      also who gives a fuck about crayon pop's political views they're fuckin pop stars it reminds me of that dave chapelle joke about asking random asshole celebrities about important world events

    3. Well there's a lot of "They can't sing"; "The song is stupid because they repeat the same word over and over again"; "This is a song for children";"They are not talented."(10x more hilarious since a lot of it is coming from BJs) You know run-of-the-mill kpop hypocritical behavior. Still in the long run this is good news for Crayon Pop you know you've made it when you have haters.

  9. The Yura gifs fiddle has been putting out lately are... intense.

    But my personal hightlight of the week is Crayon Pop. I barely knew them before, but since Kpopalypse (oh gosh, stop making double spaces already, it's not the 1950s anymore) wrote about them, I decided to actually give them a chance.
    I totally and completely fell in love with them. Among the titty-twisting ass-thrusting K-Pop groups, they are such a welcome change.

    I don't understand and quite honestly absolutely don't care about the scandal or whatever that happened with them.

    1. Also, I loved "Lips" and think it's sad what happened to Sori.
      Just presenting yourself as a fuckable sex object is kinda poor.

    2. No it isn't.

      I was going to stop doing double spaces but I'm keeping it up now just for you.

    3. Of course it is kinda sad.
      Girl is a singer (and dancer), not a stripper, but she has to sell her music via acting like a playboy bunny in the videos.

    4. I'm still not seeing the problem here.

  10. If you don't fap to this, you are a homo:

    Minah is either well prepared or is this phoshop?

    1. Is the second question serious ?

    2. It's serious. I have never seen any female kpop idol with any contraceptive. And I didn't expect to. Besides, the package seems a bit too big. Or is she that small?

    3. It's a sub-par photoshop attempt...

    4. wOW that is horrible photoshopping

  11. Can't be at the stream today because I'm doing my girlfriend's homework LOLZ funtimes

    1. Faggot Zaku didn't even stream, so three of us have been chatting in the chatbox the whole time haha.

    2. Oh well at least I didn't miss it.

    3. Yeah true. I'll have to try and be at the next one, depends what else is going on in my life tho. Sometimes ppl want attention and stuff heh.

  12. I've seen some fangirls getting mad at the older threads, why won't they post in the newer threads I wonder.

    1. They need more encouragement. I'll have to make an EXO post.

    2. Do it, I want to see that shit storm

    3. Done. Consider it a thank-you for your gif work on my T-ae and Haein blogs.

    4. exo gifs are easy to make their fans are hidef sluts

  13. everything seungri does makes me more and more sure that he's the kind of guy who molests girls on trains


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