Sunday, September 29, 2013

Crazy Ass Inspirits

If you hadn't heard by now, Infinite's L is supposedly dating an uljjang named Kim Doyeon. With a shitload of L fansites closing/going on hiatus, that was the first sign that these bitches were crazy. Not content with just closing down fansites, fangirls starting sending nasty messages (that's just what I'm assuming, since you know, we're dealing with teenage girls here) to Kim Doyeon. However, this Kim Doyeon just happens to share the same the uljjang. This woman is just trying to live her life teaching your oppars and unnirs Japanese so that they can receive more money. She's not even licking the tip of L's penis, so calm your tits.

Man, this is almost as painful to watch as Dallas blowing an eleven-fucking-point lead to San Diego. Jesus Titty Fucking Christ.


  1. keep in mind l's girlfriend is 2x crazy. that girls chin is a freaking dagger.

  2. Replies
    1. I think four couples were announced on the same day.

    2. Love, my friend, is in the air.

    3. When will Yura/Suzy or Minah/Yura be announced?

    4. These relationships only exist in our wet dreams.

  3. This sorta reminds me of when Nichkhun tagged the wrong "Jia" in his Twitter post, and 2PM fans launched a full assault on her. Fortunately, she wasn't one to take their shit.

  4. God. imagine if it's one of the exo oppars dating...there'd be a petition to remove the girl from the face of the planet.

    1. I don't think they'd be that civilized to even bother with a petition.

  5. if she had to write it in english does that mean its the international fans doing it? lol

  6. Replies
    1. I'm giving up on those fuckers until Jerry Jones dies.

  7. Haha Stephen Jones may be just as bad

  8. Wait, weren't Inspirits considered to be the "calmer" fandom? Guess delusional fangirls are literally everywhere. I just feel bad for the girl who got those messages. . .

    1. There's a calm fandom out there?

    2. I'm pretty sure there isn't any calm fandom out there but from what I've heard (mainly coming from Inspirits themselves) Inspirits were considered a rather calm and friendly fandom which is now proven to be complete bullshit.

    3. inspirits used to be a nice, quiet fandom but ever since oppars got famous the fandom has been spiralling out of control

    4. I thought the calmer were A+ (Mblaq), obviously there's always crazy girls but in general.
      and I have never listen anything about ZE:A fans

  9. I think both his agency and L have already denied dating this "chocolate" freak (well, surviving on nothing but chocolate for 6 years? this chick is either a mutant or a massive troll). Why do his rabid fangirls still elect to shut down the fansites (even temporarily)? are they in effect saying that their precious oppar is in fact a habitual liar?

    1. supposedly fansite owners already knew about L's relationship & are just angry over the way he "managed" it. specifically, how he tweeted vague messages fans assumed were directed at them, but were actually hidden messages for his girlfriend?
      nothing dumb fangirls hate more than realizing how dumb they actually are.
      L oppa done fucked up~

    2. lol, thanks for the clarification. L's fangirls are just hopelessly obsessive and possessive. When will they wake up to the rude truth that oppar doesn't give a ratass about some overweighted, acned and babbling teen girls........I bet that oppar much prefer to fap to some random porn actresses, rather than fucking their slimy, odoured pussy.......

  10. Judging from that picture, this poor girl looks 18447929349494883 times better than that uljjang (is it how you spell that shit?). That uljjang looks like another version of Park Bom.

    1. I find her creepy as fuck but if I were to write a comment about it, I'd get at least three comments saying I don't look any better. Heard she did the same stunt with GD and Jaejoong.

    2. GD and Jaejoong. She has good taste in men.

  11. I'm surprise u guys didn't write about EXOtics pissing off one of the EXO member(cant't remember the dude name tho) by crashing his brother wedding

    1. hashtags about crazy EXOtics ruinning their oppar lives

    2. It was Baekhyun. I swear, someone is going to die if these saesang fans don't stop.

    3. I used to think that AKF just exaggerating these crazy fangirls and seasang fans for comedic purposes, guess I was wrong

    4. did they seriously gatecrash a wedding because baek was probably singing there


    5. Not just any wedding, it was Baek's brother.

  12. One more reason to not have any "social media" account with my name on it anywhere.

  13. the more i hear inspirits complaining about the twitter thing, the more i think they're just using it as an excuse to be mad at l because he was the only member who claimed never to have been in a relationship before (although it was always clear that he was lying). tbh if my crazy chocobsessed girlfriend who wants to go public (the chocolate thing sounds a lot like myung tbh, didn't he eat just udon for ages and ages?) was mad at me and wasn't responding to me texts etc and my stans were jealous of some actress i selca'd with i'd tweet that garbage bc killing two birds with one stone y'know? it just makes me like myungsoo a little more that he did that cause it probably means he isn't as much of an idiot as he projects

    1. "my stans were jealous of some actress i selca'd with"
      his girlfriend was the ones who was mad about that, not the stans

  14. The awkward moment when L is my ultimate bias and I don't give a damn if he dates this chick or not.I never got these bishez that complain about the rumors.I mean,I can't even comprehend on what world do fans like their idols because they're single.I don't remember an idol getting ulgier,less talented, or stopping his career because he/she is in a relationship.I feel like SM's crazy stans infected the Inspirit fandom ever since SM and Woolim became one, it was SO much calmer before.I hear half of the korean Inspirits are planning on turning their backs on Infinite or whatever,and it makes me so damn mad,cause HELLO,OPPA ISN'T GOING TO MARRY YOUR UGLY ASS.Ugh.It's not even true anyway,and even if it was,what the fawk,is he supposed to be single for the rest of his life so they can stalk his gorgeous little ass all over Korea? That's sick.I get he's one of the most popular faces in Korea and all,but I highly doubt he has a "not be able to have a life" clause in his contract.Or maybe he does.Who knows.

    1. i was with you until you said SM stans infected the inspirit fandom ever since the merger. please. that is not what happened and if you really thought about it you'd know.

    2. the problem started long before sm-woollim

    3. *shrug* It just seemed that way.Inspirits were never THIS crazy (and I have been an inspirit for almost three years already),but then again,I haven't really looked into the korean part of the fandom that much. (not that it's only the korean fandom getting crazy,but mostly) Maybe I am wrong.
      My point is,the scandal must seriously be a huge issue if Woolim released a statement,since they hardly really lift a finger to fix their idol's messes,especially for this kind of shit.They kind of always leave the idol himself/herself clean it up.I'm just angry people like these call themselves fans when all they care about is if oppa is single or not.It's like a huge "Fuck you" sign to Infinite's music and careers.

  15. Unfortunately, the rather calmer Inspirit fanbases in korea knew more than what the media and casual and Sherlock K-Inspirits know about the shit in L's dating controversy. It wasn't really just because their oppa was in a relationship. They've known that for quite some time now (among other shit Infinite has had for a while) and they all agreed (major fanbases are all cooperative and collaborating--hence the surprising friendship among the fanbases) not to divulge about Infinite's private lives to protect their reputation. Fair enough, tbqh. And believe me or not, these major Infinite fanbase admins in Korea are shockingly smarter than the average borderline sasaeng-ish fanbase admins of EXO and other SM idol groups.

    Yes, they are disappointed how Woollim and Myungsoo handled this shit because they knew something else that made them really disappointed. What I can tell you (based on what has been reaching my radar) is that they are sending the agency and Myungsoo himself a message so he would learn his "lesson" based on that information they mutually are knowledgeable of. What information they have, we are yet to know.

    I know, this sounds like fanfiction.

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