Friday, September 13, 2013

Creating Standards That Aren't Compulsory

Have you ever read an article and thought "Fucking finally?" while nodding in agreement just to be trolled when you read the last paragraph? Well, that happened to me about half an hour ago before I started writing a long article that could have just been summed up as "show your tits, plz". The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism came up with new standards for contracts last month. Great news, right? Many of us have had concerns about the absolutely shitty conditions Korean entertainers go through. The catch is that these new contracts are completely voluntary, which basically means no one will even create a single contract.

Does someone have to shoot an UCAAD before anything gets done?

Myung Wol is as deadly with a gun as Daesung is with a car.
In other news, YG Entertainment has revealed that they signed a contract with Bom back in 2009 stating that she's not allowed to get plastic surgery. However, it wasn't compulsory. We know how that turned out.


  1. Bom's face is actually unbearable to look at.

    1. It's like Groundhog's Day for my penis after I see Bom's face. Just wondering if it will come back out or not.

    2. Lmfao. I bet CL is shouting at Bom to inject herself with YG's so-called "swag*, instead of collagen/botox and probably silicone.

  2. bom reminds me of a younger tan mom.

  3. Okay, I'm fairly new here, and I'm REALLY slow. Can someone please explain to me the joke behind Upstanding Citizen of African American Descent?

    1. Nigger.

      it's a mockery of the word itself and the people who disallow others from it.

    2. We're being politically correct so people will take us more seriously. l0l

    3. Basically what Infamist said. I've received too many complaints from people that I use the word "nigger" too much, so UCAAD is me being so hyper politically correct that it's as if I'm still using the word "nigger" anyway.

      You don't see the gay commenters complaining about me using the word "faggot" because it's really a non issue here. Partially because faggot refers to much more than a homosexual, but because they know that it's kind of pointless to even try.

      I don't care about being politically correct. Who reads AKF because it's politically correct? No one. If someone wants a more politically correct version of AKF, visit the affiliates. However, AKF is more of a place of freedom. Some may say this site is full of bigotry, but that applies back at them, since they are just hating and criticizing everyone who doesn't fit their narrow criteria of being "an upstanding citizen".

      I hate political correctness because select groups only want preferential treatment for themselves. We've made fun of black Kpop fans a few times and French fans a few times. You've seen the shitstorm that has created. But it's okay for the hundreds of times we have made fun of Asian and white Kpop fans.

    4. Is someone mentioning me here?

      I always try to max out my tolerance level in akf, so that I don't get butthurt over petty things. I mean as long as you're not intentionally trying to offend the person related to the phrase you're using, I'm fine. Also, some gay people get offended when you describe something as 'gay', but I personally dgaf.

      Racist jokes are the funniest imo, too bad it's inappropriate most of the times.

    5. Nymston is gay, and I believe there are other gay readers/commenters here. In the chat, I would always make gay jokes and Nym didn't seem to mind, on the contrary, he would just hit on me instead.

  4. Who cares? Self-responsibility is a virtue.

  5. "In other news, YG Entertainment has revealed that they signed a contract with Bom back in 2009 stating that she's not allowed to get plastic surgery. However, it wasn't compulsory. We know how that turned out."



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