Friday, September 6, 2013

Question of the Week 78

This week's question comes from an anonymous asker on my Ask.fm: 
Is there an idol group that you think actually gets along with each other?

Thank you for your suggestion!

EVERYONE be two-faced in the music music industry - especially in the Korean music scene since respect to your seniors is everything. Unless the idols want to bang or something, it is probably rare for them to be BFFs. I am being presumptuous here by assuming that company heads also advise their idols to not fraternize too much due to competition. But I just like watching tension between people, so this is just my silly dream that they all secretly hate each other and talk behind each others' backs (even within larger groups). Mwahaha. Dance my puppets.

If anyone has suggestions for future Question of the Weeks, please send them by: e-mail to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, tweet them to @akf_shinbi, ask them at http://ask.fm/akfshinbi, or leave them in the comment section below. Remember your rights on this site: anything you say or do here can and probably will be used against you. Thank you, FISHies!


  1. Lee Joon and Onew seem pretty tight even if they don't hang out much. I think their lack of interaction is more so because SM/Bighit aren't the biggest fans of their friendship. And Hanbyul from LEDapple (not the hot girl dating se7en) is somewhat close to Jonghyun and talks about him ALL OF THE TIME. It gets a bit annoying.. yeah you kakaotalk him go you haha that's cute stop now. Other than that... idk.

    1. Hanbyul is one of those idols with a face that I would smash into a pool of vegemite.

    2. joon is from jtune lol bighit is bangtan's company

  2. There's Minah from Girls Day and Woohee from Dal Shabet https://www.googledrive.com/host/0B__VM1GUrw-2N2NRS3dKNkx1M00/gay.gif

    1. I think the question refers to an idol group as a whole, getting along together, not to two different members of two different groups getting along. THAT'S easy, it's when you share living/eating/working/shitting space that it becomes harder.

  3. I heard a lot of rumours about SM kicking out a lot of members of SNSD who were bitches during their trainee days because they wanted all the members to get along and because SNSD is the only group which I've heard rumours about doing this they're the only ones with any evidence to say they're clean as a full group, even if said evidence is paper-thin. I actually think the whole "groups getting on like a big happy family" is actually somewhat believable because I've been able to develop strong relationships with people in a short ammount of time and there's nothing stopping idols from doing the same (well, maybe the relentless stress) I think idols who openly bully each other on camera when they know people are watching would be quite close because they would trust each other.
    Tbh I'm really willing to give everyone the benefit of the doubt on things like this.

    1. You know there's some mad conflict in SNSD because half the group lives in a different dorm to the other half.

      When groups say "we get along like family" what they really mean is "we fight like bitchy brothers and sisters fight, but just like a family we accept we're kinda stuck with each other, so we deal with it".

    2. SNSD still lives in dorms? I thought they all lived separately now.

    3. Maybe sometimes they do but with idol schedules being what they area I bet they still bunk together a shitload just out of pragmatism.

    4. They all have their own places, they just choose to dorm together on occasion so Taeyeon and Yuri can peep on their group members in the shower. Also it alleviates suspicion when Yuri and Yoona do the nasty because they just go to the dorm, instead of each other's house.

      SNSD always celebrate birthdays together and post the photos on Instagram. Sure it could all be an act, but why bother? Almost all Sones believe SNSD get along really well together and I haven't seen any evidence to the contrary. Maybe we'll find out the truth when their contracts expire, but they seem to be in a nice position. They're paid well, they're still super popular, they get a lot of free time and people love them. Those are decent working conditions.

    5. @CombatBaby the exact same concludion I came to. It's quite obvious that at least some members like Hyoyeon and Taeyeon have a shitload of freetime if they're constantly uploading pictures of themselves at Disneyland and Paris. It all seems very easy for SNSD, at least from an outsider perspective.

    6. There is NO WAY a group of NINE girls gets along perfectly. Thats nine different personalities and preferences. It's obvious that there are some cliques but it's harder to tell who everyone secretly hates. My money is on Yoona and I think for all her popularity with the fans, Taeyeon seems like she is difficult to get along with behind closed doors so my bets on her too. Tiffany seems equally high maintenance so I can see why she and Taeyeon would get along so well.

      But definitely Yoona. I'd hate someone who obviously got plastic surgery but has used media propaganda to convince everyone she is naturally the prettiest girl in Korea and has used that marketing to become the richest member despite severe lack of talent. If Yuri was more popular I'd bet on her too. But I get the feeling that the big 4 in SNSD don't really feel all that intimidated by her.

    7. There is NO WAY a group of NINE girls gets along perfectly. Thats nine different personalities and preferences. It's obvious that there are some cliques but it's harder to tell who everyone secretly hates. My money is on Yoona and I think for all her popularity with the fans, Taeyeon seems like she is difficult to get along with behind closed doors so my bets on her too. Tiffany seems equally high maintenance so I can see why she and Taeyeon would get along so well.

      But definitely Yoona. I'd hate someone who obviously got plastic surgery but has used media propaganda to convince everyone she is naturally the prettiest girl in Korea and has used that marketing to become the richest member despite severe lack of talent. If Yuri was more popular I'd bet on her too. But I get the feeling that the big 4 in SNSD don't really feel all that intimidated by her.

    8. My opinion, but I think most idol groups have it drilled into them that they're all in one boat so if one of them fuck up, it will affect the rest's careers. Its more tempting to get along and resolve fights when money and your own shit is involved.

    9. It's the other way around. As an idol you get grouped with people you have potentially never even met, and then you're expected to endure these other people for the long haul even if they turn out to be complete shitheads behind the scenes. Living and working together, and most likely spending 90% of your free time with some or all of your group until you become really famous and then you might be able to escape to your parents' house sometimes.

      Even if they force themselves to get along for the sake of work, the underlying feelings about the other person/people don't change and that has to come out sometime.

  4. I think most groups are at least OK with eachother.

    2NE1 might be one of the closest.

  5. I'm gonna say Davichi because there's only two of them so odds of fights are mathematically lower. If they don't count because they're technically not an idol group, then I guess we go to the groups with three members. They all fuckin' fight though, or they wouldn't be human.

    1. Minkyung is known to have done crap to Haeri. Like leaving Haeri's nude photos in the hotel...

    2. Wasn't established that it was deliberate though. Of course netizens crucified Minkyung for it anyway, because Minkyung is hot and netizens are jelly.

    3. i think they're both hot, but i don't think netizens or koreans in general find haeri all that attractive. sad times

  6. we can definitely say 6-ara get along.

    1. They're the kind of girls who bond by being bitches to other people lol.

  7. i think brown eyed girls really gets along, and WG

    1. but BEG wasn't put together by executives so they weren't just thrown in the same group and obliged to like each other. also they're a lot older than the average idol and they seem more mature so they probably don't get into the kind of petty shit that teenagers would

    2. I disagree safhira...Gain always seems left out......................and she's my fave for some reason.

    3. Wasn't Gain personally recuited by the other members for the group's final member? My BEG history id hazy

    4. Jea was the original member and she knew Miryo, and then Jea (maybe?) knew Narsha from school and so the recruited her. Ga-in was at some rando audition and didn't get it but a scout or someone from BEG's company got her to audition for them and she got in, partly due to the fact that she was in the same height category as the others lol.

  8. Probably Secret. They wouldn't have tried to save each other during that accident if they hated one another's guts.

    1. nah i think that's just stuff that you do because you're humans? no matter how much you 'hate' someone for always stealing your hairbrush and eye makeup remover if they were in an accident with you you would probably stick with them and try to get out of it alive, i mean teuk was one of the people trying to help kyuhyun during their accident and he still picks him as the member he's the most awkward with

  9. A-Pink is the only group where I've never seen any awkwardness or obvious tension between the members.

    Even Yookyung, the member who was kicked out by the company recently, desperately wanted to be put back in to the group. I don't think she would want that if she didn't get along with the girls themselves.

    1. All the media stuff we get fed about ANY group and how they feel about this or that is dicksucking PR horseshit though. It's not like you can tell by looking at them, when the cameras are on most groups are diligently in character.

      I don't care if they're the nicest people in the world, get ANY 4 or 5 or 6 women in a room together and force them to work, play, eat, sleep, tweet, pick toenails, spray beauty products, take calls from management, arrange hookups in Shinsadong Tiger's Bangbus, compete with each other for the same CF deals etc together, and there WILL be bitterness. Guarantee it.

    2. Sure - but with just about every other group I can think of, the bitterness/tension is obvious.

    3. That means their management has a big whip.

    4. I would argue the opposite.

      The biggest "whip" is held by Kim Kwang Soo and not only did it not help keep up appearances, it probably caused the group to implode.

  10. i've always thought that something about the way mblaq and sistar interact with each (with their own members, i mean) other is a lot like how i interact with my friends (especially when members know all this stupid shit about the other members' past and stuff- it makes it seem like they talk) - i know it's mostly on 'reality' tv etc but their interactions seem more natural- there are times when two or more members have an obvious discord/awkward space between them but that happens in any group of friends and the fact that it's obvious makes the happy-happy-getting-along shit more believable to me

    super biased but i also think infinite get along well- they don't go out of their way to call each other family and insult and beat each other on tv and they were super poor and struggling 'be mine' stole the show so i think having each other made them a better unit - there are members who probably wouldn't have a meal alone together or don't appear to talk much but i don't think it's out of spite or ~~ill-feelings

  11. I know that SHINee are somewhat close. They're together all the time of course, so they get sick of each other as is natural, but when they're apart they seem to miss each other a bit.

    f(x) also seem pretty close to one another, and SISTAR seem like they've reached a comfortableness around one another. Some people think Hyorin and Bora don't get along, but if Hyorin was seriously mean to Bora I don't think Bora would be all over her the way she is...

    I would also put in a vote for Secret being pleased with each other. Sunhwa can be a bit brash but otherwise they seem like nice girls so I don't really see too many group problems. Not to mention in their debut days they all literally shared one bed together in like, a basement. That was pretty much their dorm. I would think you'd have to be close after that.

  12. I'd wager most members of most groups at the very least get along. They might not be super best friends or anything, but they would have to get along for this to work. If they all couldn't stand each other they'd inevitably implode.

    I also wouldn't overly read into things like several members of SNSD no longer living in the dorms. It's entirely possible for you to be close to people and at the same time not want to live with them or share a room.

  13. Okay. I completely misinterpreted this question. I understood it as "do you think there are any idol groups that legitimately get along with other idol groups", not as "do you think the idols within a group get along with each other". That's why my response (in my own post. Grahh so embarrassed) seems strange now in comparison to everyone else's responses. Uh. Sorry...

  14. It's fairly obvious that TASTY have the strongest relationship out of all idol groups. They both feel the same pain after all.

  15. N-3. which is basically the relevant members. i'd shave it down to even Eunjung and Hyomin.

    they should make out.

  16. Shinhwa. I mean, the guys have spent at least 15 years together, which is like about half their lives, lol.

    1. i read somewhere that when they were interviewed,some of them admitted that they got into frequent fistfights with each other???

    2. Yep, they did. They still do now, tbh. You can see it very well when one member got pissed off by another member on TV, they don't even bother hiding it.

      But men talk with their fists most of the time. It's normal that they fought and got close. If you bother watching them long enough, you'll see their bond very clearly. And the fact that they talked about it on TV (more than twice, actually) means they don't hold any grudge against each other.

      Shinhwa doesn't say 'we're a family' or anything similar. You just see it in them from their little actions.

    3. this is why God didn't make me a guy in my mother's womb. heh


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