Monday, September 2, 2013

[MV Review] Kara - Damaged Lady

Tired of another G-Dragon kpop shitfest? Kara's here to help.

 Ahhh, some much needed refreshment
Misguided experimentation dominated kpop in the first half of 2013. It seemed like most of the big groups came back with songs that focused more on being different for the sake of being different than producing good music. There were messy mashup songs like SNSD's "I Got A Boy" and 4Minute's "What's Your Name?" Then there were crimes against music like GD's "MichiGO" and Exo's "Oolf." It was a shitstorm, basically.

This summer, though, the best songs have shifted to more traditional pop, taking a familiar formula and doing good things with it. Such was the case with this summer's (and possibly this year's) best kpop song, A Pink's "NoNoNo," and such was the case with another of the season's stronger offerings, Kara's "Damaged Lady."

With "Damaged Lady," Kara doesn't tread much new ground. They don't bring much unexpected to the table. They just entertain for 3 minutes and 20 seconds.

With minimal hand on puss action

The song pairs a jpop sound with '90s r&b. Soyeon Friend said the verses reminded him of Destiny's Child, and I can see why; "Damaged Lady" has a bit of a throwback vibe musically and visually.

The see-through blouse? The cropped tops? The cross accessories? The choker? '90s Fany Pack would certainly approve.
The video's pretty good, too. Again, nothing revolutionary. It has the standard in-a-box groups shots and closeups, coupled with a fun revenge scene.

 Looking for revenge on a budget? Try this surefire method:
Follow your ex to a fancy restaurant and give him a good table footing.

Don't want to damage your shoes? Just grab a muffin and rub it in his face.
He's paying for it, so this revenge will be extra sweet.

It's also refreshing to see some class returned to kpop in the form of flattering, well-fitting outfits.

A girl group video without body stockings or cameltoe shorts? What is this fuckery?

BOTTOM LINE: Kara comes through with a standard pop song that's solid enough to warrant repeat listenings.


  1. I like the MV.. the girls look so gorgeous, hot and sexy. Part where they're taking their revenge is funny, LOL @ Jiyoung's leg on the table..... it's been awhile since KARA had some kind of storyline for their korean release so it was highly appreciated. I like the outfits they're wearing through the whole MV, and Gyul looks good even with the bowl cut.. she's our flower boy after all and I especially got used to "Gyul oppa" after Nail Shop Paris. The only thing about the ending is the water thing, overused but overall I liked it. Obviously not a half-assed and cheap MV. ;)

    Kara has grown into a much stronger group since the release of Pandora but Damaged Lady further highlights the growth in their vocal work and choreography. Damaged Lady is mature and sensual that showcases the strength and sensuality in their vocal work. Kara aren't the strongest vocalist in the industry but they deliver a confident and commanding vocal performance on Damaged Lady. It's nice to hear Kara handle a much more difficult and commanding record because they are much stronger vocalist and are capable of handling it. They were able to match the pacing in their voices with the changing and dynamic instrumentation. The instrumentation within Damaged Lady becomes a highlight for the record because they handle a much more aggressive rock sound that is accompanied by a popier chorus. Contrasting louder and quieter aspects in the instrumental makes for an interesting and surprising listen that has quite a few surprises within its three minute span. Also enjoyed the light glitch elements within the background. Kara hasn't disappointed since the release of Pandora and Damaged Lady is just as good.

    1. agreed. they have very distinct harmony tho they're def not the most technical vocalists.


  3. i thought gyuri looked a little like queen elinor from brave, but in a good way

  4. It's not bad at all. I like it how most of KARA's Korean comebacks have some sort of musical nod to heavy metal in them.

  5. This MV is all over the place and nothing really fits, imho. It's jerky and I don't like it.
    And what the fuck were they thinking with that heavy makeup on Seungyeon !? Girl is gorgeous without that much shit on her face...

    1. the mv seems to be kind of confused between the regal/queen concept and the strong androgynous one and i wish they'd stuck to one.

      specifically i wish they'd stuck to the queens one because i thought those scenes of the mv were gorgeous

  6. Anyone else think Hara looked like a ten year old boy with the bob cut?

    1. That's because bob cuts are really damn ugly and everybody automatically looks worse with one.

    2. theyre trying to kill your boners mid fap with those, well unless youre a pedophile too.

    3. 10 year old boy that would put me in jail

  7. I have to say as a whole the album is pretty good, the first of KARA's albums that I decided to buy instead of just pirate (Besides Step as a single but Step is fucking amazing so yeah)

    As for Damaged Lady, I quite like it, my tastes are more towards J-pop/rock (plzdontkillme) and you can definitely feel the influences in this song. The intro with the whispering by Hara and the guitar riffs in particular are great. Prob my 2nd fav single after Step.

    As for the MV, prob my fav of all KARA's MVS (besides maybe Lupin?), the girls look ABSOLUTELY stunning in all their outfits (shirt+tie+pants > Regal > Black Dance costumes > their dresses at the start lol) Only thing I didn't like was the sprinklers scene at the end. While I love myself wet KARA as much as anyone else, it just kinda killed the 'plot' of the MV. One second they were taking revenge on their exs, nek minnit they are dancing happily while being drenched?

    Visually, Hara is my bias so naturally 3 thumbs up for her, she always looks fantastic, Gyuri's regal costume looks REALLY good, she gives off strong 'queen of hearts' vibe to me. The biggest stand out for me though must be Jiyoung in the shirt+pants, holy fuck has she bloomed well over the years, dat sex appeal is off the charts. It's hard to imagine she's the same age as me .__. I'm actually starting to worry a bit for Hara's role, she was the face/visual for KARA while Jiyoung was the maknae but now JY's attractiveness is skyrocketing as she matures into a damm fine woman and a lot of people are taking notice of that.

  8. I enjoyed the album as a whole :)


    1. I read ..GS and T-ara N4 director who directed this MV SCENE haha that's why there's some nasty similarities

  10. I stan for Sweetune. Their compositions for KARA and Nine Muses are always so on-point. Not only are the songs great but they have crafted a distinctive sound for each group.
    On a side note WTF is up with the Rock Lee cosplay.

    1. traditional korean gender-bender bowl cuts. notorious in kdramas.

  11. I stan for Sweetune producing for KARA. If there is one thing about KARA it's that they are consistent. They continually release "KARA" songs in the way that Rihanna releases "Rihanna" songs. No one can really say KARA is copying anything because in terms of girl groups, for their "era," they've honestly been the "first" almost every time.

    People always get on KARA for being "lack-luster" or "not as impressive" as they hoped for, but that's because they are expecting the same old, over-done and over choreographed K-pop MV/song and KARA has never gotten into that. They don't do non-KARA-like things. Even this "masculine" concept is just a throwback to a previous concept from the "Break-it" era. KARA doesn't try to be what they are not, they don't try to sell talents they don't have and they don't over-reach with their concepts; none of their concepts are too different from each other. It's essentially changes in hair color. The concept mainly always comes back to KARA being pretty girls dancing and singing about something or another. Decent choreography, decent song...it's the KARA brand the fans are there for anyway.

    What I like about KARA is that they cater to their fanbase and no-one else really. KARA doesn't try anything "different" because that's not what KARA is about and Kamilia don't really want them to change. If you're a fan of SNSD and KARA, most times you'll find that you like them for different reasons because they have different skills. SNSD are entertainers and KARA are the traditional idols.

    KARA is the kind of group where, everyone can pull of the "KARA" concept but KARA themselves would definitely struggle trying to pull of another groups concept. They are the group who Korea has definitely put into a box, it only works cause KARA themselves, musically, prefer that box anyway.

  12. boring song
    Gyuri would make a drop-dead gorgeous man lbr

  13. I don't know why, but I have this really bad feeling that this is going to be a massive flop. I don't hate the song or anything (Much better than "Crap D'etat") and I think KARA are absolutely great but I just have a bad feeling that KARA might be coming to an end (Or at least an end in Korea. I hear they're megastars in Japan.

    1. they don't spend much time promoting in korea, but i suppose Japan has more room for them where the market isn't saturated with korean talent/beauty. not to mention Japan's currency is much stronger than Koreas so maybe less work and more money? meh i'm not an economist.... maybe it's a smarter move for them, but there's gonna be a hole in my music rotation that Kara new releases usually fill in every few months =\

    2. Japan's currency isn't that strong. They've devalued it over 20% this year alone.

    3. ahh yeah that's right. it's more likely the korean won is undervalued.

    4. I'm sure if DSP had their way they'd deport KARA to Japan.

  14. dig the video but ACK. those gender bender bowl cuts make all the girls look like yoo jae seok. should have just used the pre-release photoshoot "male concept" shots where they all had their hair up.

  15. Is it just me or are Jiyoung and Gyuri looking more similar?

  16. What's the problem wi GDs video anyway? Mind you this is a choice between I am a playboy GD and Visual Kei GD.


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