Saturday, September 7, 2013

Saturday Shitfest #14


  1. Similar visual design to my Gangkiz book. I expected to see "she is hardy plants" flash up.

    Mourn for me. Tony "hypnotoad" Abbott got elected. Part of the previous government's plan was super-fast Internet but Tony is against it to save money. For those of you having streaming issues with my streams, they ain't gonna be fixed anytime soon, just saying.

    1. Stuck with those 2003 internet speeds lolol.

    2. Assuming I can still afford my Internet connection at all. There's already talk of him cutting wages. My country must be thick as shit to vote for this dumbass. I guess we got the government we deserve.

    3. But you guys have such a nice minimum wage ;__;

    4. Our minimum wage might be twice as much but that's only because just about everything else is twice as expensive. You should see how much we pay for guitars here.

    5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci2bFFGM8T8

      Privatized companies could reissue wireless wifi receptors in joint, with either government or customers as part of property agreements. No extra spending, just pat the head of a nearby greedy businessman. What's more first-world? Welfare checks and government jobs, or fast internet?

    6. I"M SO FUCKEN SAD INSIDE NOW! :(. I wanted Rudd to win. NO NBN = NO PORN. NO GAY MARRIAGE. FUUUUUUUUUCKED. Please pray for my health and safety :)

    7. Yeah there's probably way better ways of fixing the infrastructure than either of our derpy political parties know about (neither are what one would call tech savvy) but miserly Abbott in power assures that only the cheapest, nastiest options will even be considered... and then sold to those who can afford it. The previous government was going to try and give everyone high speed Internet, for FREE. And that video was great, and not an exaggeration. People, don't ever ask me to upload you anything, it really is that painful.

    8. https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1231257_464841870290149_1698903294_n.jpg

    9. I really dont know how bad this abbot guy would affect me, but it's sad that we have the worst options available. Also no gay marriage, sad.

    10. Yeah that kinda sucks. Gay people should have the same opportunities to ruin their lives with complete bullshit that straight people currently enjoy.

    11. lol why would you call it bullshit? Perhaps you're referring to the divorce rate?

    12. Gay marrige is a fad

      Canada is a shining example of this.

    13. All marriage is just bollocks really. Fuck that shit, I'll never do it. I'm so happy my current girlfriend doesn't give a flying fuck about marriage and kids. If you really love each other why do you need a fucking legal contract. I deal with enough legal contracts in other crap that I do for business, like I want to bring dicksucking legal bullshit into my personal life to fuck it up, no way.

      Having said that, if other people want to do that shit, good on them. None of my business really. Like I give a fuck if they're straight or gay, or what bit of paper they signed. What's it got to do with me, nothing. Maybe it is a fad, I don't give a fuck, that's their problem not mine. Let people do what they want.

    14. Let's get married Infamist. Also, how long is a presidential term in Australia, excuse my ignorance, and my laziness to do a google search.

    15. 3 years. Can be sooner if the sitting party calls an early election (rare).

    16. Oh my god. I used to live in Australia (2007-2012, those were good days) and I nearly choked on my prawn when I saw the statuses about Tony Abbott winning the election. Well, for one, I hate his face, and he's pretty much against everything that might benefit the majority of the population (high-speed internet, low taxes, you get the idea). My dad's planning to apply for a PR again soon, but I don't even know if he can try anymore because Abbott might freaking change the laws about this and we'll have to sneak in on Wonder Woman's stealth jet or something.

      It's going to be a disappointing day on Monday for the Australian Embassy.

    17. Isn't the NBN over budget? I pay zilch attention to Australian politics but one of my friends was ranting about how expensive it was to build. Coincidentally he later complained about how bad his internet was so I have no idea at all. And gawd Australia get on gay marriage we've had it for nearly a decade here in Canada. I don't care much for marriage anyway but if you really want to idc whatever your gender is. That would've been a definite upside to Rudd getting in.

    18. NBN probably was expensive as fuck, but that's what important infrastructure projects are like. No-one thinks twice about upgrading roads and power lines and that costs a bomb too. The NBN would pay for itself quicksmart with what it gives to business, and it would actually make living in remote areas more viable and would stop some of the shift to the major cities and revitalise the bush a bit, something they really need becayse Australia is remote as fuck. The people who are against it here are generally no Intnernet experts and have no clue what's going on really, and are just reacting to the scare stories in the media - every time there's a fuck up with it, like some worker takes a smoke break that goes 2 mins overtime or drops a spanner in some cables, the Murdoch-owned press here (He has something like a 70% print and media monopoly) will inflate the issue hugely and run with it. Murdoch press here is massively biased toward Tony and makes no attempt to hide it.

    19. The NBN would at first be expensive, however the liberals plan will need a lot of up keep in the future so as a whole it would end up costing us more anyway.

    20. The libs' alternative to the NBN is a joke. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lp5lTcCMmw4

  2. Oh is Zaku gonna stream this week? I know it says he streams every week on the sidebar but you can't trust them sidebar things these days.

    1. I have no idea. Half of the time he says he'll stream he doesn't stream. He guilted me into streaming last week and he didn't even watch it.

    2. We're streaming!! And I didn't watch most of it because of an unfortunate conflict of interest. :/

    3. Okay I lied, my internet sucks too much.

    4. we should change that sidebar so it says "Zaku only streams at 5PM PST when he rolls a critical hit on a D20" - I guess I'll have to stream sometime soon to make up for all these sad AKFG fans who have been cruelly baited by over-promising sidebars... tsk tsk...

  3. I actually find 'Bar3' the best song out of crayon pop, 'Saturday Night' being second and 'Bing Bing' being last atm. I really like the dubstep break in 'Saturday Night' MV, but it's not ing the song :/

    Navi came back with a new song, and dat mic fail.
    It's so sad that she has so much potential but her songs are mostly shitty, her best song:
    she is so underrated

    1. The wubstep shit actually makes the MV version of Saturday night absolutely unbearable.
      I am happy it's not in the album version, otherwise I'd have to edit it out.

  4. BTOB's Thriller is pretty decent, and I would definitely like it if it weren't for Ilhoon and his annoying voice and face. He ruined it... as freaking always.

    Say, what do you guys think of the song?

    1. Also, please tell me that I'm not the only one who sang the chorus of MJ's Thriller when I saw the name of their title song.

    2. Reminded me too much of a lowbudget ripoff of Shadow, sorry. I expected better, seeing as WOW was great and so was second confession.

    3. I've never actually checked out BTOB but I know Ilhoon because of his gwiyomi whatever

  5. Apparently Dani (Chris Brown's best bud) just pre-recorded a stage for next week's Music Core with 5 Dolls:


    1. Cue more cyberbullying of underage girls.

    2. I didn't even know she had IG. She takes pretty selfies but her Korean still seems pathetic tbh

  6. So GD dropped his Crooked MV and I'm not sure if the song is that great or I got tired of the freaky stuff he put up recently that I find this release so entertaining. I really liked the song and, even though the video featured some terrifying scenes with GD on the couch and some weird clothing, it was a lot better and laid-back than his past MVs (Michigo, One of a Kind or the awkward af Coup d'Etat).

    Also, just listened to NU'EST's recent album, Sleep Talking and I find it a really strong release. Didn't care much about these guys like.. ever and I found their Face song lame af but this album is really nice.


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