Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Suho Nomu Nomu Kyeopta

OMO Suho is the top jjangbak in kyeopta, amirite?!

Proof after the jump~!

So Suho-oppa is nomu nomu kyeopta and everyone can chincha see it, obviously, but this time even a REAL fashion blog admitted it!!

"Women can also carry too short hair cuts with a light wavy hairstyle. These haircuts are easy to handle and are also good for these summers. 
"It’s another popular wavy hairstyle for too short hairs and is carried by a trendy and stylish lady."
Suho oppa is so nomu stylish and nomu kyeopta that people just HAD to recognize his jjangbak looks. :D I'm chincha serious, omo, this is such a jjangbak complement and nomu good publicity for our oppas! Everyone pls like and repost to help EXO become the trend~

Khamsa nomu much!


  1. Thank you for quashing my doubt of Suckhoe ever getting his own article! Soju may be incredibly irrelevant (even to his own group), but he is my favorite member. It's astonishing; the mention of Exo in any western media attracts fans like moths to a streetlamp. I'll definitely be toying with their fanaticism to gain an advantage when I become a politician.

  2. I could care less about SM's psycho attractors, I'm just worried for that fashion blog and the women who read it and get that hideous haircut.

  3. That abusive nomu is not nomu kyeopta zaku oppar

  4. SIGH. Yet another irrelevant EXO article, sigh...hope they disband. HEH HEH HEH. Serious. Kai can go be some solo dance machine for all i care.

    1. Make that Kai, Lay, and Luhan pls.

    2. Kai, Lay, and Luhan should be the only ones absent the day the rest of them get cut down in a barrage of machine gun fire.

    3. no. all should be present.

  5. LOLOL I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry. Poor poor Suho.

  6. Is it just me or does his fat hamburger face look tight as hell when he smiles.

    1. He uses most of his money to get botox injections. He's filthy rich. My $uho-eonni. <3

  7. Another EXO related post? this ish was fun at first but now it's just redundant and boring cos it's slowly turning into an EXO blog.....

    1. ...wat.

      Seriously, this is a blog about dumbass, rabid fangirls. Of COURSE EXO would be on here more than once. Have you even seen "EXOtics" or "EXOrcisms" or "EXOcuse Me That's My Oppar's" or whatever the hell they're called?

    2. Just wait for all the wank when T-ara makes a comeback.

  8. Is there a soloist who is also named Suho or was it this guy before he debuted in EXO? I see some songs attributed to Suho but wasn't sure if it's the same person.

  9. Soloist Suho is a different one; I believe he's from Loen. That confused me too, for a bit.

  10. I find this to be hilarious, especially because I can't stand any Asian boybands.
    The only guy I like is Nakai from SMAP and only because of Utaban.

    1. Speaking of JPop boybands, I only like V6 and only because of the Inuyasha OP song "Change the world". Unfortunately it's the Kpop boybands that are Changing the asian music world into shit.

    2. you must be kidding, jhonnys boygroups are even worse

  11. worse thing, My sister has that kind of haircut. Sigh, poor suho. Meh.

  12. omg my stomach cramps from laughing! chincha chincha apayo! LOLOLOL


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