Friday, October 25, 2013

Armchair Kpop Star

I have been a k pop fan since the fourth grade (old wondergirls, 2pm, and Davichi was the the real shitt!!) My 8th grade year I took a haitus from the crazy kpop scene (One because there was an EXPLOSION of new groups that weren’t appealing to me and two because of friends) I only listened to songs of groups I loved (snsd, shinee, 2pm, cn blue etc) After a year of listening to EDM and just American music in general, I fell in love with EXO omg I’m talking about 8+ hours on the internet for exo… Literally my whole summer was EXO.. I have no life… ANYWAYS, I’m into kpop once again but looking at the artists of kpop today I cant help but think: I can so be a kpop star. Like I’m pretty sure A LOT of you guys think the same thing!!! For example as much as I love YoonA - she has no talent and Sehun the maknae fromExo - pretty good at dancing but cant sing. I even sent in a audition email to SM and heres why I DONTGIVEACRAP anymore: I couldnt help but do a little “research” on the life of being a trainee - SM trainee in general. I was shocked by all the bitchy and jealous bitches there are, harsh training hours, and the fact that you might not even debut was the worst part. I mean duh I know that there is vigoroustraining and competition. But I DONT KNOW MAN. And I’ve read some trainee experiences posted here and omg training for years and quitting sucks!! I dont want to waste my life for something that isnt even guaranteed. All that dieting and excersizing (idk how to spell exercise and I’m a 10th grader this year) just for EXO (Who is going to be at kcon) was a waste and I am regretting buying 200$ ticket to see a bunch of fake boys (I also read that EXO is VERY fake and not even close with eachother except for some members) And I know some of you think that I am so gulliable and quick to judge by reading articles online but I just cant help but believe these! At first I was like, whatever I still love them (sm artsists) but the more I think about it, I just wasted so much of my hope in the kpop industry… I’m still going to like exo and snsd etc but there will always be a tiny feeling of disgust inside me I cant control. I was a victim of the fantasies of the kpop life T.T
Yeah, terrible grammar aside from this post on Kpop Secrets , the amount of stupidity in this post is astounding. Yeah, yeah, "AKF, you're a dick, she's in 10th grade." She's also at the very least 15-16 years old, so that's not a plausible excuse.

Let's break down this clusterfuck.

 I was shocked by all the bitchy and jealous bitches there are, harsh training hours, and the fact that you might not even debut was the worst part. I mean duh I know that there is vigoroustraining and competition. But I DONT KNOW MAN. And I’ve read some trainee experiences posted here and omg training for years and quitting sucks!! I dont want to waste my life for something that isnt even guaranteed.
Here's a wake up call to you. No matter what field you go into, you'll need to put in the hours fine-tuning your craft because of the stiff competition. Not many things in life are simply handed to you. While this girl is simply referring to the Korean idol system and how 'unfair' it is that someone might not even debut, this is similar to people who complain that it's unfair that they took over $100,000 in student loans and can't find a job despite majoring in something like Women Studies or some other major that isn't in demand. The world is unforgiving, and no one is entitled to anything in life. (Side note: Yeah, I was joking about having to teach English in some remote African village next year. But odds are that I'll be in graduate school, leaving me very little time for AKF. There, taking corrective action >> being an entitled cunt and expecting a handout.)

(Who is going to be at kcon) was a waste and I am regretting buying 200$ ticket to see a bunch of fake boys (I also read that EXO is VERY fake and not even close with eachother except for some members) 
Welcome to reality. You're paying $200 to see them perform, not for them to be touchy-feely with each other. Am I supposed to be mad that Nine Muses don't have raunchy lesbian sex with each other all the time? THOSE FAKE WHORES. FUCK THEM. THEY'RE NOT RAUNCHY WHORES LIKE HOW I DEPICTED THEM IN MY HEAD, SO FUCK THEM. THEY ARE AS FAKE AS KIM KARDASHIAN'S ASS!

So yes, welcome to reality, fangirl. The idol training system Korea developed is harsh, but is similar to any field if you want to be successful rather than mediocre. idols get along because it's their job, not because they genuinely like each member.


  1. Whoever wrote this is seriously...dumb, to say the least. The amount of fuckery in this is too much. Yeah she's in grade 10 but I've never met a 10th grader THAT dumb.

    "All that dieting and excersizing (idk how to spell exercise and I’m a 10th grader this year)"

    "Here's a wake up call to you. No matter what field you go into, you'll need to put in the hours fine-tuning your craft because of the stiff competition."
    THANK YOU. Whoever made this stupid post needs to read this.

  2. Actually I am kind of mad about Nine Muses and the lack of lesbian sex. But that's not their fault, that's their company's fault for not making them have sex with each other. See, I know where the blame really lies.

  3. WHAT? You mean to tell me that Nine Muses don't have raunchy lesbian with each other.


    How dare you break that illusion for me AKF you asshole.

    Now do you want to hear something depressing. Don't think that a 10th grader saying shit this dumb is that out of the ordinary. A lot kids (particularly girls) 16 and younger will really buy into these touchy friendship that the idols portray because it fulfills their Disney fantasy that world is a good and happy place where everyone gets along. That's why it works so well as a marketing tool. I mean do you really think that SNSD would have done so well if they were't marked as young girls who have been friends for years (which is false). I'm not saying that the idols in these groups can't be good friends but it's pretty obvious that the depth of their relationship is exaggerated.

    1. Fuckity fuck. *raunchy lesbian sex

    2. [Slowly takes off sunglasses] My God... it's beautiful.

      AKF: Pouring one out for the straight 10th-grader homies under the illusion they stood a chance.

    3. If most of the comments end up being about nine muses having lesbian sex AKF can only blame himself since he's the one to brought it up.

    4. I'm crying tears of joy at the sight of the wonderful gif and you mean all this time the lesbian sex I imagine nine muses to have has been fake? Me and my penis are very sad then ;_;

    5. As a fan service to the wota, Japanese girl groups regularly put on raunchy lesbian acts e.g. kissing each other in the mouth. Korean girl groups in general have steered clear of such "degeneration" thus far. But as the competition intensifies and revenue becomes increasingly difficult to come by, Korean girl group may eventually go down the "lesbian" route to keep faptards the world over interested and entertained.

    6. Fuck that 10th grader, my dick is happy to see that wonderful gif.

  4. Let's not forget their lesbianic dance live performance of Dollz w/ Kyungri Go to 2:40 --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWJVlKbV8Qw

  5. In 10th grade so uh, pretty sure her age doesn't have much to do with whatever the hell was going on in that mess. Other than that I have no comment because I'm still parsing the stupidity.

  6. Whenever someone say they like EXO, I instantly assume that they are retarded

  7. It's all right for her to be delusional. Most teenagers tend to think that they are on top of the world and better than all the "old farts" out there......She will eventually grow out of her delusion (or so I hope)

  8. What makes you guys think that these girls don't have hot lesbian sex? They have their needs, and their record labels seem to be against them dating guys. I'm almost 100% certain that at least one member of T-ara has licked Jiyeon's pussy. And does anyone else sense an erotic vibe between After School's Nana and Lizzy?

    1. What like situational sexual behavior? I don't know if pseudo-homosexuality or lesbianism would happen within groups since they are essentially co-workers and things might get complicated. But you never know some of the girls may be fine being fuck buddies.

      However I will forever side eye Hyuna and Eunji for these photos though.
      and Sera

    2. My god they did have lesbian sex. Nine Muses jjangbak, now my favorite girl group after 6-ara and lord Cyclops.

  9. Who in their right mind would want to be a Korean idol? They work 23 hours a day and get paid about $3 USD a week. They live in a one bedroom match box with 5-8 other people they probably can't stand and to top it all off they have to deal with cray cray bitches like the little angel that wrote that shit.

    Not surprised she is an Exotic. Those she-beasts are a whole new brand of cray cray. Can't wait till they a. kill Chanyeol and b. Baekkie oppa finally snaps and goes Yoochun on their asses

    1. "b. Baekkie oppa finally snaps and goes Yoochun on their asses"
      Yes pls I would love to see this.

  10. so done with these teenage girls being heartbroken that their oppas & unnies aren't butt buddies4L.
    hello. you're 15. can you name 11 other people that you could live with, work with, & travel with 24/7 while simultaneously resisting the urge to strangle at least one of them? also your boss is gonna pit you against one another for CF deals/solos/dramas while constantly reminding you that you're easily replaceable. good luck v^____^v

    1. I don't think anyone can name 3 people they can be around 24/7 without wanting to strangle them; much less 11

    2. lmao mte! which is why i genuinely pity larger groups (besides the income distribution) because it means dealing with more personalities

  11. I wrote this article on Sunday and forgot I wrote about hot lesbian sex between the Nine Muses members, so I was confused when every comment in here was about lesbian sex until I re-read the post haha.

  12. This is why people don't take Kpop serious.
    This is about music not these guys being friends or lovers...
    These kids want to be someone in the industry and the other members are people who can make shine less so...
    Please, girls open your eyes

  13. Oh my. I'm a teenager and I have to say, this is a new level of stupidity.

  14. All I read was 'Nine Muses Lesbian sex'.

  15. I am in grade 10 and I am 14 years old... (My birthday is in December)....


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