Monday, October 28, 2013

[MV Review] Trouble Maker - "There Is No Tomorrow (Now)"

Hyuna and Hyunseung are back, and they're nothing but trouble.

After two long years, Trouble Maker finally came back with a new release, "There Is No Tomorrow (Now)." The song, about a passionate couple with an uncertain future, is enjoyable. It's not as catchy as the group's debut, "Trouble Maker," but it's a decent listen.

Let's be honest, though: The song really isn't important here. As with most post-Wonder Girls Hyuna releases, it's all about the visuals. Trouble Maker in particular exists as an excuse to show this:

This groping-in-the-car scene is integral to the meaning of the song.

With that in mind, let's talk about the video. In this department, "Now" exceeds expectations. After seeing the teasers, I was hoping for something skanky and fun. And how, it delivered. I mean, it's Hyuna in a dirty trailer, for goodness sakes.


Behind all the sex and skank, though, is (something that could almost pass for) a story. A story about love. The song depicts the volatile relationship of two troubled souls, played by Hyuna and Hyunseung (duh). It's got that whole doomed union thing going on. Hyuna and Hyunseung aren't meant to be.

Maybe she just isn't his type.

The video opens with Hyunseung in bed with his gun, his white girls, and his pile of money. He drinks. He smokes. He sleeps around. I'm sure he doesn't floss, either.

Enter Hyuna: She drinks. She dresses provocatively alone at the club. She defaces property.

Vandalize me, scandalize me

Being in such a sexy and exhilarating shitty relationship, the two, naturally, turn to destructive pastimes as means of escape. Hyunseung shoves his hoes off the bed; Hyuna cries in her pile of unopened Budweisers.

I don't want to say this music video was sponsored by Anheuser-Busch,
but I kind of think this music video was sponsored by 

The couple bounces between extremes. One minute, they're steaming up the windows in their love nest, the next, they're getting into an actual physical fight.

I couldn't make this into a gif, so just imagine how the shoving went.
You've all been shoved before, right?

As the story progresses and the couple falls more apart, so too does the video. We're treated to this odd scene of Hyunseung having visions of himself as Joker in the bathroom.

There's also this nonsensical scene with the duo dancing while two racecars drive around them.

Deep revelation about the couple's circle of abuse
or an excuse to show cool cars?

In the end, nothing's really resolved, but again, that doesn't matter. What we all should take away from the viewing experience is this:

Hyuna pulls off Trailer Trash Chic beautifully.

BOTTOM LINE: The song is aight. The video is delicious.


  1. Conclusion: the vid happened thanks to product placement (hello sponsors).
    Betcha I'm the only one who'd rather have the MV focus on the Joker scene.

    1. They should have asked Durex for sponsorship.

    2. I can't speak for everyone, but I fucking hate that scene. It's a bunch of awkward in my sexy video. Kills it for me.

    3. The shouting/angry faces during 'sex scenes' killed it for me... someone needs to explain to him that premature ejaculation is very normal in the west. No need to get aggressive at all, just blame laptop radiation.

    4. I'm not one of these people that thinks G-Dragon is some kind of god, but seriously can everyone stop jumping on that fucking Joker bandwagon? The Joker is cool and all, but wtf. There doesn't need to be a reference to him in every other video just because GD did it and it's "cool" now.

    5. lol I wasn't even thinking of GDrugging, chill, plebeian.

    6. TDK made the Joker popular (again), not some K-Pop guy.

    7. It's not the joker, but the Heath TDK joker that recent kpop's been emulating. I found it off place in the MV, but more so Hyuna's hair...

    8. It's not the joker, but the Heath TDK joker that recent kpop's been emulating. I found it off place in the MV, but more so Hyuna's hair...

  2. "Trailer Trash Chic"

    Because of the small typography, I thought this said 'Trailer Trash Ohio', which probably would have worked as well, as I've seen plenty of trailer trash around here dress like this.

    1. Lol, I've seen many good looks from the Trailer Trash Ohio line. Most involve sweatpants.

      p.s. I can bump up the type if you'd prefer

    2. The font size is fine, as I can see that it says 'chic' when I focus on it.

  3. that photo of joker hyunseug is like that scene from the machinist

  4. They said something about the video being inspired by "Bonnie and Clyde",so the two cars are actually the police, marking the end of their lives, just like in the movie. Or something artsy-as-fuck among those lines.
    Anyway,I looove the MV, it was pretty (f)risky for an idol sub-unit, but it's HyunAh,so it was expected.I did think it would be far more trashy though, it seems CUBE decided to put an actually interesting plot, along with the sexy scenes; and I'm glad they did.The plot was better than the one for their debut MV,at least.
    As for the song - it's catchy, it's interesting and sounds fresh.They both are looking damn fine,especially Hyunseung,and I rarely find anyone better looking than HyunAh.It was worth waiting, definitely. o.o

  5. My goodness, I may have been preparing to type one handed. But alas, I wasn't prepared for the Korean 'pop' version of "Sid and Nancy"... almost 40 years after Sid's death. (Ask your grandad about the Sex Pistols)
    No better time to pay tribute to the 70s british punk scene.
    Its even better to know that during that time, the core audience's parents were still just sperms in the trap.

    1. As the resident old fuck I'd just like to say that I enjoyed the video and actually found it quite romantic... the love of the characters is strong enough to overcome the shitty surroundings and chaotic lifestyle. That's also what the dancing while cars do burnouts is trying to symbolise - love in the midst of chaos.

      But then I found Sid & Nancy kind of romantic too so maybe I just have issues.

  6. This is like the fappable version of Rihanna's We Found Love. It also helps that the song is just plain boring instead of being an assault on the ears like WFL was.
    Even though Rihanna's was miles better in terms of acting and chemistry I found it extremely boring whereas Now actually kept me awake for more than 5 seconds. It's probably because music videos like WFL are always being created in western music to the point where it's the equivalent of watching a box music video whereas Now was the exact opposite and therefore quite refreshing to see.

    1. I feel the same thing as well. Basically, this song sucks, and the MV is just blehhh

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. HyunA was making me hard and I don't even have a penis. But every time Hyunseung was shown my pretend penis went flaccid.

    1. They should've gotten Kikwang, Yoseob or the non-fug member of BTOB instead.

    2. the two actual singers in btob are fug though and sungjae is like this http://media.tumblr.com/e33c9912c14bf84f6e6cfb57d7af1efd/tumblr_inline_muxyygeQrt1rqbw01.gif

      also how is yoseob an improvement in any way ew

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Male Nam Jihyun(?), Lim Hyunsik is the only member of BTOB who doesn't look like a truck ran over their face.

      Yoseob is alright, I mean at least he has this going for him http://pervingonkpop.tumblr.com/post/58217923119/so-yoseob-posted-this

      Gikwang is FINE, but he doesn't seem to think so himself. I would've hoped others would think the same thing, thus increasing the chances of me getting a blow-job from him, but he looks to be the only one.

    5. mmmmmmm hyunsik you got good taste bro he's so under-appreciated. or at least he was last time i checked btob seems to have gained some fans since then

      okay yoseob has a great body. but there's still something about him that really just makes me want to punch the fucking crap out of his face?????
      /filed under: ideal hatefuck

      gnnhhhhh kikwang

    6. I've found that their seems to be be only two possible opinions a person can have on Yoseob. There's either, "Yoseob is the most fucking beautiful creature to ever grace the face of the earth I masturbate to him at least 60 times a day how dare you say he has no talent I will find and murder your entire family he will be MINE!!!" and then there's, "Please get this ugly, boner killing troll out of my sight"

      Aside from the body, I usually go for guys and girls with baby-faces like Taeyeon or Jaejin, so that's probably why I find him attractive visage wise.


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